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10, 11

Dd. I. 10, 11.

These two volumes, of good parchment in folio, comprise two distinct works, both of which are imperfect, but apparently in the same condition as when presented to the University by Archbishop Parker.

1. In this division every page contains two columns of 36 lines each from p. 1 to p. 393, the handwriting is large and clear and apparently of the xivth century: from p. 393 to p. 1384 it is of a similar character.

EPISTOLE PONTIFICUM ET CANONES,-is the title prefixed by Parker's scribe.

This Collection commences with the rubric (p. 1) Incipiunt nomina. xi. regionum continencium infra se provincias cxIII......' This catalogue extends nearly to the end of p. 4: in other MSS. it is generally preceded by lists of bishops, see Isidoriana, cap. xc1. § 51. (Isidori Opera, Romæ, 1797.)

The contents of pp. 4-1299, a. appear to be the same as those of the very ancient MS. Vat. 630, fully described in Appendix ad Leonis Magni Opera (Venetiis, 1757), from p. ccxxvII. ¶xvIII. 'Præfatio Isidori' to p. CCXXXII. 'subire appetit servitutem.' Further it may be noted that in MS. Vat. the 'catalogus Romanorum Pontificum' ends with Nicholas I; and in a table of Contents in our MS. the last item (p. 364) is 'Decreta papæ (præsulis) Nicholai.'

The contents of pp. 1299, b.-1384 relate to the Church of England and chiefly to the See of Canterbury: besides being for the most part scattered, like the contents of the pages preceding, through the volumes of Mansi Concilia (Florentiæ, 1759), some are to be found in Wilkins' Concilia, and Eadmeri Historia Novorum (ed. J. Selden, 1623); others are noticed in Theineri Disquisitiones Criticæ (Romæ, 1836), cited in Regesta Pontificum Romanorum (ed. P. Jaffé, 1851).

The collection ends abruptly (p. 1384) with 'salutem et apostolicam [benedictionem]' in the Epistle of Honorius, 'De Confirmatione et Legatione Guillelmi Archiepiscopi Cantuarie.' It may be noted that, in the 'Breviarium' (pp. 15-20), the last item gives the title of the preceding epistle (pp. 1382-4), '[D]ecretum honorii papa ut monachi perpetua stabilitate consistant in ecclesia sancti saluatoris Cantuarie. Et alia quam plura cantuariensis ecclesiæ iura, ac privilegia concernencia quæ in hoc opere habentur tabula expresse docet.' The Decretum is dated 1. Kal. Feb. MCXXV. and begins, 'Equitatis et justicie ratio.' There is also (pp. 359364) a more complete table of the contents of pp. 368-1323.

Every alternate page is marked by red chalk: but either through design or carelessness, the text on p. 518 closing Vol. I,-(the leaf marked 519 being blank)-is continued on the first page of Vol. II. marked 601, and the pages numbered 619 and 701 are on two consecutive leaves, and so are those num


bered 719 and 801, 819 and 901, 919 and 1001. This erroneous enumeration was adopted in the table of contents written by Abp. Parker's scribe on the inside of the first cover. It seems as if a leaf had been cut out after p. 8, the last words thereon being, 'congregatis omnibus eiusdem provincia episcopis, judicium terminetur: et reliqua Sancti conci:' but 'Sanctæ etiam,' which is the proper continuation (see Mansi Concilia, 1. 8) has been erased: also the syllables lii have been supplied, after an erasure, on p. 9, before 'principium iuxta apostolicæ sedis auctoritatem,' words which occur in Aurelii ad Damasum Epistola (see Blondelli Pseudo-Isidorus, 544). Between p. 1304 and p. 1305 a leaf appears to be missing: for with p. 1304 concludes the Epistle of Honorius in Wilkins' Concilia, 1. 35—6, and the first words on p. 1305 are 'fuerit appellatum, id est ut actor semper rei forum sequatur: the series of ordinances in which they occur ends on p. 1314.

The initial letters are wanting throughout: for those as well as for many rubrics blank spaces have been left. At p. 393 the handwriting is abruptly changed, and the subsequent rubrics are supplied. It seems worthy of note that, except in the table of contents by Parker's scribe, wherever the word papa had been written, or any of its cases, an erasure (in obedience to the Circular Letter of Hen. VIII, June 26, 1535: see Burnet, III. Collect. 32) has been made, and in No. (10) pontifex or episcopus or præsul substituted, with the addition of Romanus in some places. The MS. in all other respects is in a good state of preservation.

2. The handwriting which is small and contracted belongs to the end of the xvth century: every page contains two columns of about 60 lines each.


Begins (p. 1385):

Explanationem librorum Boecii de consolatione philosophica aggressimus vocante quorumdam fratrum satisfactione qui me ex professione ordinis predicatorum....

On p. 1500, after the colophon (Explicit commentum, &c.), commences the Tabula which comes to an end with the volume abruptly, at p. 1504.

There are some blank spaces which seem to indicate that the transcriber had a mutilated MS. before him. The present MS. is referred to as No. 236 by Wharton, in p. 13 of Appendix to Cave's Historia Literaria, under the title 'Nicolaus Trivethus,' A.D. 1310. In the British Museum, Cod. Burn. No. 131 is another copy of this Commentary, which has never been printed; see a Catalogue of MSS. on sale by John Cochran, London, 1829. No. 324.

Dd. 1. 12.

A folio, on parchment, containing 225 leaves. It belongs to the xivth, or the beginning of the x vth century, and was given to

the Library by Rotheram, Bishop of Lincoln. The illuminated capitals which adorned the commencement of the various books have been cut out throughout the volume. The principal text is written in double columns of various length, but generally numbering from 50 to 70 lines, in the middle of the page, the margin being filled with a commentary in a smaller hand and darker ink, though apparently by the same scribe. A waste leaf at the beginning contains a fragment of Justinian's Codex, circa Lib. v. cap. 37, 38. 1. JUSTINIANI INSTITUTIONUM LIBRI IV. CUM APPARATU ACCURSII. The rubric (fo. 1, a) is:

In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Christi, Imperator Cesar, Flavius Justinianus, Almanicus, Goticus, Francus, Germanicus, Anticus, Alanicus, Wandalicus, Affricanus, pius, felix, inclitus victor ac triumphator, semper Augustus, cupide juventuti, Institutionum liber [primus incipit]. It ends (fo. 55, b):

Sed de publicis judiciis hec exposuimus, ut vobis possibile sit summo digito et quasi per indicem ea tetigisse, alioquin diligencior eorum scientia vobis ex latioribus digestorum seu pandectorum libris, Deo propicio, adventura est. Explicit Liber Institutionum.



The rubric (fo. 55, b) is:



Codicis Domini Justiniani Imperatoris repetite prelectionis Liber x. incipit, De jure fisci.

Ends (fo. 103, a). The concluding lines have been cut out for the sake of an illuminated letter.

3. JUSTINIANI NOVELLARUM LIBRI IX. CUM APPARATU ACCURSII. The Rubric has been cut out: the commentary begins (fo. 103, a):

In nomine Domini. Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attribuit. The last sentence (fo. 200, b) has been cut out. The words which form the termination of the 9th Book in the edition of Contius, Paris, 1559, seem to have been followed in our MS. by two or three paragraphs, the greater part of which is lost.


The rubric (fo. 201, a) is:

Incipiunt Constitutiones Feudorum et primo de his qui feudum dare possunt.

The Edition of Contius, Paris, 1559, and of Gothofredus, Geneva, 1656, entitle this work Consuetudines Feudorum, and they divide it into two


books. The 3rd book in our MS, commences with the 23rd Title of the 2nd book of the Paris edition.

Ends (fo. 225, b) :

Indignationem Dei omnipotentis et beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum se noverit incursurum. Hic finiunt Feuda.

Dd. I. 13.

A folio, on parchment, containing 272 leaves. It belongs to the xivth century, and is written in double columns of between 80 and 90 lines. On the last page is written in a hand and ink different from that of the MS.: 'Explicit [speculum juris] cum repertorio magistri [Gulielmi Durandi] scriptum xxvII° die Septembris anno Domini M°.ccc.XLV. The words in brackets have been carefully scratched out and are with difficulty traced. On the back of the last leaf is a note by some former owner, dated 'In festo sanctorum Viti et Modesti anno Domini м°.cccc°.xxx°;' but his name, which appears to have ended in neys, has been erased, as well as some other words, and the purport of the note is not manifest.


After a table of contents, the first chapter, De Actore, begins (fo. 1, a):` Quoniam parum esset nosse jura fore prodita nisi personæ quarum causa sunt prodita note essent.

The initial letter of the third book has been cut out.

Ends (fo. 230, b):

Favorem profecto non quærens humanum sed solum braviam sempiternum ad quod nos perducat qui sine fine vivit et regnat. Amen. The Explicit added by a later hand has been erased.

2. GULIELMI DURANDI REPERTORIUM (SEU BREVIARIUM) AUREUM. It is imperfect and commences abruptly (fo. 231, a) with the words:

Ad comparendum cum actis et munimentis an dabitur vel denegabitur.-These words occur in the title De dilatationibus, in the 2nd Book of the Paris edition, 1519, at fo. 52.

Ends (fo. 272, a) :

Ipse enim huic rei decens ponens unicuique laudabileque medium finem feliciter consumavit ut de con. di. i. nullus episcopus.

Gulielmus Durandus, or Durantus, surnamed Speculator, from the title of his great work, Speculum Juris, became bishop of Mimatum, or Mende in Languedoc in 1287. The two works contained in this MS., as well as the other writings of the author, have been frequently printed.

[blocks in formation]

A large folio, on vellum; 401 leaves; double columns, with 58 lines in a column. The initial letters are curiously elongated so as to form borders to the pages, and many of them are illuminated. There are 13 miniature pictures, with dresses of the XIVth century.


The books occur in the usual order, except that the Acts of the Apostles is placed after the Pauline Epistles.

Part of an alphabetical glossary of proper names, &c. occupies the last two leaves of the MS.

On the last fly-leaf is a half-erased note, in which the names of 'Hugo de Venna,' and 'Petrus Comestor,' are legible.

[blocks in formation]

A large folio, on parchment, of 196 leaves; written in double columns, with about 42 lines in a column. A MS. of the XIVth century. One half of the last leaf has been cut away, and several other leaves are wanting, both at the beginning and throughout the book. It has illuminations and musical notes.




nives [?] domino. benedicite fulgura et imbres domino.

qui tecum vivit et regnat, &c.

This MS. has belonged to the church of St Margaret's, Lothbury, as appears by the following note on p. 173: 'Orate pro animabus domini Hugonis Wyche militis et Willi Holt merceri, &c. Sanctæ Margaretæ de Lothbury.'

On the fly-leaf at the end is an extract from the will (A.D. 1373) of Robert Gayton, citizen of London, bequeathing perpetual annuities to the rector and clerk of St Margaret's, Lothbury, and certain tenements (contingently) to the convent of Clerkenwell.

[blocks in formation]

A folio, on parchment, of 285 leaves; in double columns, with 45 lines in a column. Of the x11th or x11th century.



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