17 Begins (fol. 7, a): Reverentissimo patri et domino suo Willelmo dei gratia senonensi archiepiscopo. Ends (fol. 249, b): In loco magis honorabiliori scilicet in cathacumbis. 2. PETRI COMESTORIS ALLEGORIARUM LIBRI IX. Begins (fol. 249, b): In præcedentibus premissa descriptione originis et distinctionis artium et quorundam aliorum, ortum cursum et occasum omnium regnorum ab initio usque ad nos disposuimus. In sequentibus autem disposuimus profundas allegoriarum et tropologiarum obscuritates. Ends (fol. 285,"a): per omnia sæcula sæculorum. Amen. The first eleven pages of this MS. are occupied by an elaborate genealogical table, extending from Adam to Christ. Between the two treatises is inserted the author's epitaph in four lines: 'Petrus eram quem petra tegit, dictusque comestor Nunc comedor, &c.' Of these two treatises the first has been several times printed (see Brunet's Manuel du Libraire); and copies of the second exist in MS. in the Bodleian and other libraries. Dd. I. 17. A large folio volume, containing 424 leaves of parchment, of which the pages are numbered from 1 to 848. Leaves are wanting at the beginning and the end, and also in other places which are more particularly noticed below. The handwriting of articles 1—17, and 22, 23 is uniform, and appears to belong to the close of the XIVth century: every page contains two columns of 72 lines each; that of articles 18-21 is of the same period, but may be described as of a running character: every page is in two columns of about 60 lines each. 1. As the manuscript is imperfect at the beginning it wants the title: GALFRIDI MONEMUTENSIS HISTORIA BRITONUM. Begins (p. 1) with the last few lines of Book VII. (see Rerum Britannicarum Scriptores, ed. Heidelberg. 1587): sole litigabit. Ascendet virgo [dorsum] sagittarii et flores virgineos obfuscabit. Currus lune turbabit zodiacum....... Ends (p. 21, a) like the editions: hoc modo in sermonem latinum transferre curavi. valete. ¶ Explicit hystoria de gestis britonum. 2. H. minister servorum dei H. illustri regi anglorum salutes et orationes,-is the rubric before the Epistle, usually entitled: HENRICI HUNTINDUNENSIS EPISTOLA AD HENRICUM REGEM DE Begins (p. 21, a): SERIE REGUM POTENTISSIMORUM. Cum mecum propter ea quæ responsione tua accepi tractarem: cum nuper de progenitoribus tuis tecum conferrem. Ends (p. 24, b): Soror vero eorum alexandro regi Scotie maritata est. Nec plus ad presens dicavi de tua generatione sive progenie sanctissima. ¶ Valete. This Epistle does not appear to have been printed: see the note before Liber VIII. in Savile's Edition of Henrici Huntindunensis Historia (inter Scriptores post Bedam, ed. 1596), and the remarks in Cave's Historia Literaria, 11 225 (Basileæ, 1745). 3. 'DE GESTIS KAROLI REGIS GALLORUM-is the rubric to the following Tracts, the principal of which is named in its colophon: (a) LIBER TURPINI DE GESTIS KAROLI.' Begins (p. 24): Gloriosissimus Christi apostolus iacobus aliis apostolis et dominicis discipulis diversa cosmi climata adeuntibus ut fertur primus in galecia predicavit, that is, with chapter 11. of the Edition (Veterum Scriptorum Germanicorum &c. Tomus unus: ed. Reuberus, 1584, reprinted, 1619, pp. 67-88). The divisions of the MS. are indicated only by rubrics. At pp. 34, 35 of the MS., between chapters XXXI. and xxxII. of the Edition, are inserted short sections describing how 'septem liberales artes inter cætera miro modo in ea [basilica] depictæ sunt: the rubrics to which are, 'de grammatica, de musica, de dialectica, de rethorica, de geometria, de arte metrica, de astrologia;' and a statement is made of the reason why 'nigromancia depicta non fuit:' the same are found in the Harleian MS. 6358, 2. f. 79. written soon after A.D. 1200; after these follows chapter xxxII. the last of the Edition. But in the MS. another chapter (which is also in the Harleian MS. 108) is subjoined, beginning, 'Sed valde dignum est ut inter cetera ad domini nostri ihū xpi decus revocetur ad memoriam miraculum quod pro beato Rolando... ending, 'A domino factum est istud et est mirabile in oculis nostris.' Qui legis hoc carmen turpino posce juvamen ¶ Explicit liber turpini de gestis Karoli. (b) Then follows DE MIRACULIS BEATI IACOBI. The legend (as in Harleian MS. 108, f. 25) begins (p. 36, a): Quid patrie galecie post mortem Karoli accidit memorie est tradendum. And ends with the section: ¶ De solempnitatibus beati jacobi, and the words, ...et vin. Kal. Augusti ab iiria ad compostellam ducitur et sepulture traditur. (c) After this follows, DE STATURA KAROli. This section is found at p. 5 (before the Incipit, &c.) of the later Harleian MS. 108, and forms a portion of chapter xx. of the Edition. Begins (p. 36, b): Erat autem Karolus capillosus, capillis brunus, facie rubens... Ends (p. 37, a): ...multas ecclesias ditavit scribere nequeo: magis enim deficeret manusque et calamus quam historia. ¶ Explicit hystoria de gestis Karoli. 4. CRONICA FRATRIS MARTINI POLONI.' This is the title supplied in part by the rubric. Begins (p. 37): Quoniam scire tempora summorum pontificum romanorum ac imperatorum necnon et aliorum patrum ipsorum contemporaneorum quam plurimum inter alios theologos ac jurisperitos expedit, Ego frater Martinus...ex diversis cronicis...presens opusculum...ab ipso primo pontifice Jesu Christo...usque ad Johannem xxI. papam deduxi... These are the first words of the 'Præfatio' in the Edition published 'Opera Suffridi Petri, Antverpiæ, 1574,' to which the text of the MS. is very similar. In the rubric the word papa has been erased. On p. 71 is the paragraph (printed at pp. 316-319 of the above edition, sub anno 855) giving an account of the Papissa (Joan, A.D. 860); concerning which see Cave, Historia Literaria, u. p. 323. From p. 45 to p. 87 the history of 'Pontifices' is written on the righthand pages, that of 'Imperatores' on the left-hand; but on p. 86 the history of the latter is interrupted, after the words (p. 401 of the Edition), 'Simile quiddam invenies in Constantino sexto,' by the notice, 'Quoniam post mortem huius frederici propter discordiam et dissensionem electorum post multos annos ab imperatore vacabat imperium idcirco in pagina ubi imperatores scribi debent scribuntur pontifices quosque imperatores denuo ceperunt imperare:' the rest of the page is blank, the gap perhaps C corresponding to pp. 401-3 of the edition; for at p. 89, a, of the MS. and with the words 'Romanum imperium sive post mortem...' the account of 'Imperatores' is resumed, and terminates on p. 90, b, agreeing with that on pp. 403-419 of the Edition. The account of 'Pontifices' (to p. 88, b of MS.) agrees with that in the edition to p. 419. On p. 88, b-89, a, are lives of Nicholaus III. Martinus [I]V. Honorius [1]V., different from those in the Edition and subsequent portion of the MS.; in that of the last-named pope is quoted the couplet : Ponitur in petri monstrum mirabile sede Mancus utraque manu claudus utraque pede. From p. 93 b, to the end of the MS. the account of 'Pontifices' agrees with that in pp. 420-432 of the Edition. Ends (p. 93, a), (giving a.d. 1284 as the date of the election of Honorius IV.): ...eos animose confouendo præstitit stipendia et animavit suscepta negocia sollicite prosequenda. ¶ Explicit cronica fratris Martini de ordine fratrum predicatorum et domini papæ penitentiarii. ¶ Hic pennam fixi: penitet me si male scripsi. The rubrics are the only marks of division: on some pages the letters seem to have been retouched with darker ink. In the margins, besides the dates, &c., are two or three notes in a later hand, with marks indicative of collation. 5. CHRONICON BREVE RERUM ANGLICARUM. Without any rubric it abruptly begins at the top of p. 93, b: Primus habuit Kanciam : Alius Westsexe : Tercius merceneriche: Quartus northumbriam: Quintus Estengliam.... Then follows a more distinct enumeration of the kingdoms of the pentarchy into which 'Anglia divisa est post adventum Anglorum.' Bricbrigh the king of the West Saxons is the first of the series of kings, which concludes with a notice of Richard II. As the length of the reign of this king is not stated, while that of each of his predecessors is; and further, as, after narrating the rebellion (of Wat Tyler, 1381), the author merely mentions the king's marriage (1381) to Anne of Austria, the niece of that king of Bohemia whose father was slain by the Black Prince, according to the statement of the concluding words (p. 96, a), 'quia ille rex de boemia tenuit cum rege francie contra regem Anglie tanquam stipendarius regis francie,—' there seems reason to conjecture that this Chronicle was compiled soon after A.D. 1381. 6. A space appears to have been left by the scribe for the GESTA TROJANORUM SECUNDUM GUIDONEM DE COLUMNA MESSA NENSEM. Begins (p. 96, a) with the first words of the 'Prologus:' Licet cotidie vetera recentibus observant nonnulla tamen jamdudum vetera precesserunt que sic sui... The first words of Liber 1. are In regno Thessalie de predicte silicet prouinciis romane cuius incole mirmidones dicti sunt quos nos hodie vulgari denominatione solomarum appellamus regnabat tunc temporis rex quidam justus et nobilis Peleus nomine cum... After the Epitaphia Achillis' at the conclusion of Lib. XXXII., is ¶ Expliciunt gesta Troianorum. et nota bene auctorem. Et ego Guido de Columpna predictum dicten grecum [i. e. Dictyn Cretensem] in omnibus opus suum ad lectorem solatium... This note, after an account of the author's difficulties, and a mention 'magnorum auctorum Virgilii Ovidii et Homeri,' concludes (p. 182): ...ffactum est autem presens opus anno dominice Incarnacionis m°.cc°. octuagesimo septimo eiusdem primo Indictionis ffebr. Amen. The contents of this MS. appear to be the same as of the two early Editions (in 4to) in the British Museum (801. k. 2, and 677. f. 2), but it wants what they contain, the tabula at the end, with the preceding, 'Item troia magna edificata est tempore Aioth qui tunc judicavit populum Israel.....' 6 7. PROPHECIA JOHANNIS DE LIGUNBIO solempnissimi doctoris decretorum Universitatis Bononiæ.' Begins (p. 182, b): Regnum spiritus sancti distinguuntur in iacob filii Isaac qui duas uxores ex uno patre natas viz. lyam et aliam rachielem, qui iacob ex lya prima sua uxore quatuor filios genuit...... Ends (p. 183, b): ...de quibus omnibus si clarius cupitis videre videatis opus futurorum secundum sacram scripturam qm composui et incipit sit nomen domini benedictum et ibi clarius videbitis. Explicit hec prophecia notabilis. Neither of the present tract, nor of the work referred to, is any mention made by Cave in the notice of Jo. de Lignano, in Historia Literaria, 11. Appendix, p. 71. 8. After the list of LXXXXX. Capitula in opus subditum,' is the title: 'HISTORIA HIEROSOLUMITANA SECUNDUM MAGISTRUM JACOBUM DE VITRI.' This MS. wants the Prologus, printed at p. 1047-8, of Gesta Dei per Francos...Orientalis Historia, ed. folio, Hanoviæ, 1611. |