11. ff. 149 a-152 b. ANSELMUS DE CASU DIABOLI.' Begins, after the chapters, Illud apostoli quid habes.... Ends uti potestate loquendi. 12. ff. 1526-160 a. MONOLOGION ANSELMI ARCHIEPISCOPI.' Begins Si quis unam naturam.... Ends ineffabiliter unus et trinus. Besides the prologue 'Quidam fratres,' and the chapters, there is prefixed the epistle to Lanfranc, numbered cii. of Book IV. in the Benedictine edition. 13. ff. 160 a-163 b. LIBER ANSELMI DE CONCEPTU VIR GINALI ET ORIGINALI PECCATO." After a list of the chapters the book begins Cum in omnibus religiose.... Ends Si vera probari poterit. 14. f. 163 b. LIBER ANSELMI DE ANTICHRISTO.. Begins De antichristo scire volentibus predicemus quare sic vocatur. Ends In dispositione vero domini manet qui ea hora qua antea seculum judicandum esse predixit. vel prefixit. The treatise occupies only a column and a half. It appears never to have been printed. 15. ff. 1636-164 a. 'LIBER ANSELMI DE CORPORE ET SANGUINE CHRISTI.' Begins Nota quod tota humana natura in anima et in corpore erat corrupta. Ends ita est ipse qui per spiritum sanctum hunc panem in suam carnem et virum faciat transfundi in sanguinem. This is the same as Epistle cvI., p. 453, of Ed. Benedict. 16. f. 164. LIBER ANSELMI DE BONA OCCUPACIONE.' Begins Ad insinuandam interioris hominis custodiam.... Ends Qui cum patre et filio et spiritu sancto vivit et regnat deus. amen. 17. ff. 164 6-165 a. LIBER ANSELMI INTRAVIT JESUS.' Begins Intravit Jesus in quiddam castellum. Quid ad gloriosissimam vir ginem.... Ends qui vivit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum. amen. This is Homily IX. of the Benedictine edition, preceded by the prologue which appears in the 'Castigationes,' p. 640. deus igitur est pater rerum creatarum, et maria mater recreatarum, deus est [pater constitutionis]. It contains the whole of 'Meditatio II.' p. 207, and part of 'Oratio LI.' p. 280. 19. ff. 166 a-168 b. TRACTATUS ANSELMI DE CONCEPTIONE BEATE VIRGINIS,' Begins Principium quo salus mundo processit ... Ends ob salutem generis humani de sue carnis substantia verum hominem genuisse. Amen. 20. ff. 1686-1726. LIBER EJUSDEM ANSELMI DE EXCELLENTIA BEATE VIRGINIS.' Begins Supereminentem omni quod post hominem deum creatum est. Ends per infinita secula. Amen. Amen. Amen. 21. f. 172. LIBER ANSELMI DE AZIMO.' Begins Anselmus servus ecclesie Cantuariensis... Ends absque dubio repudiandum judicatur. 22. ff. 172 6—173 a. 'LIBER ANSELMI DE SACRIFICIO GRECORUM.' Begins Domino et amico Waleranno.... Ends misi vobis quandam epistolam. This is the Responsio ad Waleranni querelas,' given at p. 139 of the Benedictine edition. 23. ff. 163 a-177 b. LIBER ANSELMI DE CONCORDIA PREDESTINACIONIS ET GRATIE CUM LIBERO ARBITRIO.' Begins De tribus illis questionibus.... Ends gratis volui petentibus impendere. At the bottom of the last page is drawn a thick black line between 4 and 5 inches in length, and underneath it are the words 'Hec linea sexdecies in seipsam ducta quantitatem dominici corporis ostendit.' 24. ff. 178 a-180 a. DISPUTACIO ANSELMI INTER CHRISTIANUM ET GENTILEM.' Begins Majestas divina cur ad dolores mortalis nature.... Ends in signum veri sacrificii hoc interim facientes. Explicit. Amen. Amen. 25. ff. 180 a-182 b. ANSELMI DIALOGUS DE VERITATE.' After the preface 'Tres tractatus pertinentes....' and an index of chapters the work begins Quoniam Deum esse veritatem... Ends tunc ejus dicitur veritas vel rectitudo. 26. ff. 1826-187 6. LIBER [ANSELMI] DE PROCESSIONE SPIRITUS SANCTI.' Begins Negatur a Grecis quod spiritus sanctus a filio procedat. Domino et patri universe ecclesie in terra peregrinantis, summo pontifici Urbano... Ends in eodem libello aperte inveniet. This is the treatise commonly called 'De fide Trinitatis et Incarnatione Verbi.' 28. ff. 1906-2016. DE S. ANSELMI SIMILITUDINIBUS. Begins Voluntas tripliciter intelligitur.... Imperfect, ending solem quippe aut mare cum depicta videmus non sicut [est in ipsa]. Printed among the works of Eadmer. It breaks off in the middle of chap. 167. 29. ff. 202 a-2116. A copious alphabetical index to Augustine DE CIVITATE DEI.' 30. ff. 2116-213 a. 'LIBER BEATI AUGUSTINI [ANSELMI] DE MEDITATIONIBUS.' Begins Domine Deus meus.... Ends per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. It contains the whole of Orationes X. XI. and XIV. as given in the Ed. Benedict. of Anselm's Works. On the fly-leaf of the MS. is the following note: 'Changed with Mr Proudlow for Albertus Magnus' Mark and John, and Trelcatius' Common places.' Wilmus Berier. On the first leaf of the MS. 'Robert Woodward.' A folio of 19 leaves; the first five, the 11th, 12th, and 19th, being of parchment, the rest of paper. Some pages ragged and torn, and the writing of the first and last pages very illegible. THE YEAR-BOOK OF THE 38th OF EDWARD III. This copy is not so complete as the printed edition, and concludes with the case which there stands last but one. At the end is written, 'Explicit annus XXXVIII. Edwardi tercii quod Johannes Haywarde.' On the last page, and in a different hand, is a scarcely legible memorandum of the receipt of a sum of £8 'in a plase callid Schypme hall,' by some former owner of the book, and apparently made in the reign of Edward IV. 23 Dd. 1. 23. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. D A folio, on paper, containing 92 leaves: written about the end of the xvIIth century. THE APOCALYPS OR REUELATION OF ST JOHN, in Greek and English, clausularily drawne, so as it may be easily read out of Greeke into English, or out of English into Greeke, by such as take delight in the text. Also a short commentary or explanation of the most difficult places and visions therein contained. Togeather with Greeke Marginal Notes, shewing the greatest part of the phrases and expressions which the Holy Ghost useth therein, are taken out of the Greeke translation called the Septuagint, which serves as good direction to know what is to be meant thereby. As also the Iconologie or Figures of all the said visions, drawne and designed according to the visions therein expressed, and are very usefull for the easy remembring of them, and better imprinting the idea of them in the mind and memory of the studious. Claused by William Spenser, gent.' Begins (by waye of preface touching revelations in Scripture') Revelations of mysteries are not for infidels but for believers, &c. Ends 'And no more were now to be expected.' The Greek and English text, which occupies the page opposite to each page of commentary, has been formed by cutting out the several clauses from printed editions, and pasting them side by side in parallel columns. The drawings, which consist of rough unfinished sketches, are 54 in number. For another work by the same author and in the same handwriting see Dd. viii. 4. There was a William Spencer, Fellow of Trin. Coll. Camb., editor of Origen, contra Celsum, 4to, 1658, who may perhaps have been the compiler of this MS. A folio, on paper, 41 leaves, well preserved. THE ARMS OF ENGLISH NOBLES emblazoned, commencing from the Norman Conquest, and ending with the reign of James I. On the fly-leaf at the end is an account of the Stewarts, Earls of Lennox, and the Lady Arabella Stewart. Appears to have been the private register of some herald of the time of King James I. |