D THE SACRED CLASSICS DEFENDED and ILLUSTRATED: OR, An ESSAY Humbly offer'd towards proving the Purity, Propriety, and true Eloquence Of the WRITERS of the NEW TESTAMENT. In TWO PARTS. In the FIRST of which Those DIVINE WRITERS are vindicated against the Charge In the SECOND is shewn, That all the Excellencies of STYLE, and fublime Beauties of WITH An Account of their STYLE and CHARACTER, and a Repre- To which are fubjoin'd proper INDEXES. LONDON: Printed by J. Bettenham, For C. RIVINGTON, at the Bible and Crown in St. Paul's M,DCC, XXV. THE PREFACE. I N respect to the subject it self which I treat of, I cannot pretend to present my reader reader with with a discourse en tirely new: but if the copiousness and choice of my materials, with the manner and method of my managing and difpofing of them be confider'd, it may appear that there is something new in this Essay. I have read the best and most authentic Greek writers, with a view of comparing them with the divine writers of the new Testament; by which I have been enabled to prove the purity and elegance of numerous paffages, which for several ages have by eminent scholars been condemned for folecisms. Many learned and good men, whose sentiments may not entirely agree with mine in the First Part, will, I believe, allow me to be right in the Second; and in general acknowledge the fublime eloquence and noble beauties of the inspir'd writers; only charge me, which I humbly acknowledge, with a very imperfect representation of them. I have done my poor endeavours; and have perhaps, by opening the way, done fervice to the publick, by giving the hint to fome greater and more able genius, who is qualify'd to do more justice to this glorious subject. With modest scholars and Christians the honesty of my intention and the diligence of my labours will plead for favour favourable abatements. If any such worthy person shall think it proper to correct any of my mistakes in public, it will not be by way of haughtiness and infult, but charitable advertisement and instruction; and tho' I may have opposers I shall have no enemies; nor shall I express any resentment, but return my grateful acknowledgments. Thro' my whole Essay, I hope none can charge me with ill manners, or want of fidelity in my quotations and representation of things. Those doctrines of heavenly charity and eternal truth condemn all spight, envy, and ill manners, and the effects of fuch vile qualities, scurrilous language and railing, and disdain; and are infinitely above all equivocation and forry sleights of worldly cunning; and what fome soften with the term of pious, but, in plain terms, are impious frauds. On |