femme ti dre Lanuit Juu Shes A.P Fry Afuit int SHAKSPEARE'S SE VEN A GES: OR THE PROGRESS OF HUMAN LIFE. We cannot lay down this interesting volume without recommending it to our readers' attention. Its hearty support in the cause of VIRTUE, and the admirable lessons it conveys to the mind, render it highly useful to the young student, while the variety of its contents, and the superiority of its Extracts, will repay the attention of those at A MORE ADVANCED AGE who may think their dignity compromised by reading a work chiefly calculated for the improvment of the rising generation.--European Magazine, Oct. 1818. The Rev John Evans, of Islington, has produced one of the most pleasing volumes that has issued from the press for a long time, in a Series of Essays on the Seven Ages of SHAKSPEARE. He has drawn largely from our best poetical and prose writers on the same subject, and so combined their opinions with his own, as to produce a work entitled to an extensive and long-lived popularity.--Monthly Magazine, March, 1819. SEVEN AGES: OR THE PROGRESS OF HUMAN LIFE; ILLUSTRATED BY A Series of Ertracts in Prose and Poetry, INTRODUCED BY A BRIEF MEMOIR OF SHAKSPEARE AND HIS WRITINGS. BY JOHN EVANS, LL. D. Embellished with Eight Copperpiate Engravings. LONDON :-C. S. ARNOLD; N. HAILES; SIMPKIN AND MARSHALL NEW-YORK :-CHARLES P, FESSENDEN, 157 BROADWAY. MDCCCXXXI. |