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Flag drill by pupils from schools of second supervisory district, Chautauqua county, as part of annual field day program


. General


University of the State of New York Bulletin

Entered as second-class matter August 2, 1913, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 19, 1918

No. 767


Published fortnightly


October 1, 1922



Syllabus for Rural and Ungraded Schools.

Book 2 Syllabus for Elementary Schools.

Book 3 Syllabus for Secondary Schools.
Book 4 Complete Syllabus.


This, the second edition of the "General Plan and Syllabus for Physical Training in the Elementary and Secondary Schools of the State of New York," is the product of the painstaking collaboration of various individuals while serving at one time or another as members of the bureau of physical training of the Military Training Commission of the State of New York.

Valuable suggestions and contributions have been taken from the syllabuses on physical education issued by the states of California, Indiana, Michigan, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Virginia.

In addition important suggestions and advice have been received from various members of the State Department of Education and from school superintendents, principals, teachers of physical training and other teachers in the school systems of the State of New York. It is not possible to mention all those who have had parts in the compilation of this syllabus, but special credit should be given to Dr Thomas A. Storey, inspector of physical training for the State Military Training Commission, Dr George J. Fisher, deputy chief scout executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and F. A. Woll, acting director, department of hygiene, College of the City of New York.

Acknowledgment is also made for the use of certain material to the following persons and organizations:

Permission from the Macmillan Company, publishers, to use sections from "Games for the Playground, Home, School and Gymnasium" by Jessie H. Bancroft.

Permission from G. Schirmer, Inc., to use five folk dances from Miss Elizabeth Burchenal's Folk Dance Collection.

Permission from A. S. Barnes and Company to use seven selections from the "Folk Dance Book" by C. Ward Crampton, and six selections from the "Song Play Book" by C. Ward Crampton and Mary A. Wollaston.


To The Honorable The Board of Regents:

June 25, 1920

The Military Training Commission, in accordance with paragraph 695, article 26-a of the Education Law, has transmitted to me for presentation to the Board of Regents, recommendations for a revision of the General Plan and Syllabus for Physical Training adopted by the Regents upon the report and recommendation of the Militray Training Commission, to be substituted for the present syllabaus The changes proposed in the revision are as follows:

I Physical training D, recreation, games and play, and physical training E are merged. Both are covered in physical training D in the revision proposed. This arrangement equalizes the time requirement so that the school with no gymnasium equipment carries a minimum requirement of two hours a week of games and play as a part of the regular schedule, while the school with gymnasium facilities carries a minimum of one hour a week of games and play and one hour of gymnastic drills and marching, both hours being a part of the regular schedule.

Under the original plan the unequipped school carried one hour a week of division D, while the equipped school carried in addition an hour of division E. Thus, the equipped school was compelled to cover an hour more than the unequipped school.

2 A syllabus for rural schools has been added.

3 Descriptions of indoor games, outdoor games and singing games have been added.

4 There have been added a number of play stories and mimetic exercises.

5 The relief drills have been revised and reduced in number.

6 The text on posture has been omitted.

7 The bibliography on games and play has been reduced.

8 The descriptions of badge tests and mass athletics have been revised.

9 The text has been rearranged so that the several major divisions of the syllabus may be printed in separate form.

I recommend that these revisions be approved and that authorization be given for the immediate printing of the revised syllabus. JOHN H. FINLEY

Regents Action, June 25, 1920

On motion of Regent Bondy, it was

Voted, That the Board of Regents approves the proposed revision of the Physical Training Syllabus, and refers the syllabus to the President of the University for further revision if found necessary and for immediate printing.


The following general plan for physical training for the elementary and secondary schools of the State was prepared by the Military Training Commission and reported by the commission to the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. It was adopted by the Regents September 12, 1916. The plan as revised by joint action of the Military Training Commission and the Board of Regents and adopted in a revised form by the Regents, October 19, 1916, and as revised and adopted again 1920, contemplates:

First: That physical training as provided by these laws1 be construed as covering: (1) individual health examination and personal health instruction (medical inspection); (2) instruction concerning the care of the body and concerning the important facts of hygiene (recitations in hygiene); and (3) physical exercise as a health habit, including gymnastics, elementary marching, and organized, supervised play, recreation and athletics.

Second: (1) That the class teacher assist in the individual health examination and personal health instruction of pupils through (a) rapid inspection of all pupils at the beginning of each day's ses

1 Chapters 566 and 567 of the Laws of 1916, amended 1918

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