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* Edwardethefyift

vii. Fo.lxxxxütt.

Chow wyllyam waleys lete reyle § lan DE of Scotlande as cheyfiozde. And ly? Hugh of Crellyngham/t of the bataylt of fonkyzke where Wylyam waleys led/ and hyd hym.

Han kynge Edwarde had made an ende of the warre taken the dheyftayns of Scotlande. Then came lyz Johan Baylol with other put hym into the kynges mercy/whiche fent them to London/there made them (wes reto be true to hym/p is to lay lys Johan of Compn/ erle of Straphoin/ erle of Carryk/allo four byllhops for all § clev gye a fo the kynge delpuerd theym fre in to they land. And it was not longe after warde but that they rose agaynft hym by cause they knewe welp kynge Cowards folk was taken in Gascoyne/as before is layo. But fy? John Baylol kynge of scot lande fledde to his owne lande & there hel de hym for fere of Edwarde.wherfore the scottes chose to they? kynge myllyam wa leys/a rybaude and a harlot comen bpof nought/he dyd moche harme to the En glylymen. Kynge Edward thought how he myght Delpuer his men in Gascoyn in haft went in to flaundzes for to warre on the kynge of Frauce/where he was re cepued honourably/grauntyngehym all his landes at his well. Foz fere wherofg kynge of Frauce prayed hpm of two yere of trewest he wolde delpuer al his men in Galcoyne/ whichekynge Edwarde granted hym. Cand in the fame tyme Scottes fent by the byflhop of laynt Ans Dzewes in to France to the kynge a to fyters to the Erle of Garenne/to lyz Henry Charles his bzoder/Ÿ ly Charles Cholde Percy/and to willyam Latomer to lyz come with his power they of Scotlan Hugh of Crellynham his trefozer ÿ they be wold come with they power/t fo they betlandet fo forth in to Scotland for to holde take power/goo in tol Northums holde go in to Englonde dystroyeit vn to Kent. And the Scottes trusted moche kepes coûtrees/and whan wyllyam was vpon the Frenchmen. But of that thyng leys herde of theyz comynge he began to they had no maner of graunt. yet neuer lee/ the Englishmen hym folowed and theles the Scottes began to robbekyll Doue hym tyl became to tryuelyn/ in Northumberlande and dyd moche do there he helde hym in the caftell. Cand wallthenien euery Day them efcryed and mage andhurte. ccccccs menaced and dydde all the dyspyte that they myaht / foo that the Englylchemen



tydynges came to kynge Edwarde y Uyuyam waleis had ozdeyned fuche a power Andy all Scotlande to hym lee Englylhmen to dystroye the lande was attendaút/redy fozta he wasloze anoyed and lent anone by let


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