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that an American vessel was leaving just at the time, to which I was permitted to attach my boat as far as our course was the same. From the hospitable and homely men who formed this ship's company, I received the greatest possike attention and kindness. They took me into their vessel, and treated me with the best it af forded, and on parting wished me to say, whatever they had on board which I thought would make me more comfortable, and I should have it. One of them gave me a volume of the Christian Observer. After sailing with them a day and a half, they put me into my boat about four in the afternoon, and we parted with mutual regret, and not without many fears on their part, I am persuaded, for the fate of my poor bark. There was certainly good reason for apprehension, for we were forty miles from land-raining-the wind had blown strong from the N.w. all the day, and the heavens gathered blackness as the night came on-there was nearly as heavy a sea, I think, as we had in any part of our voyage from England-so heavy indeed that it was with the utmost difficulty, after taking in most of the sail, they could bring my boat alongside their vessel. As every thing depended upon the stability of my own mind in these circum stances, I can ascribe it to nothing short of an interposition of a kind Providence, that my courage still held out-but it did, even on being informed, immediately we had left the vessel, that we had no fire in the boat, nor the means of procuring a light for the night. I had not been in the boat many minutes, when I became exceedingly sick, and vomited much, for the first time at sea. I however took my seat at the helm, and steered the whole night; in the morning we saw land, and found that our course had been perfectly correct. The following day pleasant sailing-winds light-but the next night was very alarming. Think of us in an open boat, 18 feet long, close in to a reefy, and consequently a most dangerous shore, carried rapidly along by fearful N.w. squalls, accompanied with heavy rain our compass broken with the tossing at the beginning of the night, nor any light to see it had it been in order, so dark indeed that we could not see five yards before us, and you will not wonder that all courage failed. You may form, perhaps, a faint idea of such a situation, but to enter fully into the feelings we possessed when the storm was hushed and the morning broke, discovering to us the footsteps of Him in the deep, who had guided us safely through the horrors of the night, almost in a direct course towards our desired haven, is as impossible as for ine to describe them. Through mercy I arri

ved in peace at Marlborough, on the fourth day from Padang, not a little gratified to find all friends, particularly my dear wife and babe, in good health.

The new arrangements we found it necessary to make on my return, you will have heard of, both from Mr. Evans and Mr. Ward, long before you receive this; it is therefore unnecessary for me now to enter upon a detail of the cause. In about a week after this event, Mr. Ward left Marlborough for Calcutta, putting me in charge of the press. A few days after his departure, Mr. Evans went to Padang, where, as you have most likely heard, he has formed another station,

Since our friends left us, my dear Mary and myself have been fully employed. The first object that claimed our attention was the Native School established here before our arrival from England. This School, for want of proper superintendence, was fast going to decay; we had it therefore removed to our veranda, (which measures about 36 feet by 24,) where we could have it under our own eye, and indeed introduce it to the immediate attention of the whole settlement, who in calling to see us, are obliged to pass through the school to enter the house. I am happy to add, it has since very much revived.

Having set this school in order we began to direct our attention to the surrounding villages, and soon discovered the way was open before us.

The head village in the neighbourhood, situated on the borders of a beautiful lake, and distant from Marlborough about five miles, is called Dusum-bazar, or the great village. This was the first we visited for the purpose of proposing a school. We were received in the kindest manner by the head imum, or priest, who offered us the Balli, or Town-hall, a very spacious room, for a school-room, and gave us the most encouraging promises, which he has since more than fulfilled. He shewed us a Testament that had been given him by a gentleman at Marlborough, which had evidently been very much used. When we questioned him of its contents, he said he liked all he understood of it. I have a full conviction (and it is a most encourag ing one, whilst engaged in the establishment of schools,) that, when the capacity of reading is given to the Malays, the printed gospel will not want persons to peruse it: nor do I think the preached gospel will want hearers. It is surprising how few, even of the priests themselves, know any thing more than the alphabet.

The necessary tables, sand forms, &c. being prepared on the 22d of January, the Dusum-bazar School was opened. Se

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veral gentlemen from Marlborough, and the neighbouring plantations, countenanced our proceedings with their presence. At half past seven in the morning all the males of the Dusum were assembled in the Balli, and we proceeded to business. Mr. Hewitson, the superintendent of the Marlborough School, arranged the boys into classes, and put down their names in an appropriate book; after which I suggested to the gentlemen present a plan for the future conduct of the school, which met their unanimous approbation. We first thought of selecting the most able of the Imums, and making him the superintendent; but as they proposed that the three persons of that order in the Dusum should take the superintendence of the school in turns, we agreed. I believe I may say, all enjoyed the business of the day, and were pleased with the prospect presented of one day ameliorating the spiritual condition of these quiet and hospitable villagers. It would have been strange indeed if my own feelings had not been at a high tone: I will not at tempt to describe then-I can only say, I was happy. We have since formed three more schools upon the same plan, and find it succeed beyond our expectations. One of these is distant from Marlborough three miles, another four, and one six miles, at the opening of each of which we have not only been honoured with the presence of several gentlemen of the place, but many of the ladies also. It has been a great privation to my dear Mary, that the English Schools have prevented our ever both leaving home at the same time.

It is impossible to speak too highly of the kind attentions of all about us. From the highest to the lowest of the European population here, we have received constant and warm support in all our plans. They all shew us the greatest friendliness. I endeavour to visit each of the schools twice in the month, and some of them much oftener; on which occasions I am often driven out by Mr. W, Dr. or some other gentleman, in his buggy. Captain the Commandant here, told me only a few days ago, that whenever I wanted a horse for the country, his were at my service. I often think how different are our circumstances from those of Dr. Carey on his arrival in India!


These visits to the country schools are generally very interesting, and will be still more so ere long, when I trust to be able to tell among these villagers the wouders of a Saviour's love. They always receive us with great cordiality, and are very ready to enter into conversation, at which they are great masters. An elo

quent speaker is much respected amongst them, and the more sophistry he introduces into his discourse, the more it is admired. The Dupatty, or head man of a village, is chosen from the best speakers. We can now understand most that is said in common conversation, but are not yet adequate to the communication of religious truth. When we can mix more with the natives, their language will be easily enough obtained. Every child learns it, and why should not we? But the difficulty on a religious subject arises from the paucity of their ideas upon it.

We have never seen any thing like indelicacy in either the males or females. They are very polite-no Malay would think of seating himself in the presence of his superior till the latter had previously sat down. The state of society, religion excepted, quite accords with what we imagine the Patriarchal to have been. The history of Isaac and Rebecca, the whole story of Joseph and his brethren, are recalled vividly to mind by the actual Society here exhibited. Their dress much resembles that of the highlander. The Malay cloth is just the highlander's kiit, and put on in the same way. As the highlander would despise the plaid of a neighbouring clan, so a Malay of Marlborough could not be prevailed on to wear the stripe which is common at the northern parts of this island. The Malay too, taking a long walk, always wears his plaid over bis shoulder, the same as the other. But to return to schools.

In Marlborough and its immediate neighbourhood there are six large bazars, or a kind of market streets, numerously inhabited, from which the Europeans are supplied with fruits, &c. and the people of the interior with clothes, &c. In the middle of each of these, by the Governor's order, the people are now erecting a spacious school-room, which is to be finished and opened before the 1st of next month, when Sir Stamford proposes visiting them all in person. We are now more than a little busy in making the necessary preparations. As the children in our veranda are drawn from these several bazars, the establishment of the new schools will necessarily supersede the old one-the


hum" of which we shall be sorry to lose. Mrs. Burton will try to supply its place by a girls' school, but I fear will not succeed, as the people are averse to the instruction of their girls. The reason they give is a little ludicrous: they say, "If we teach our girls to write, they will do nothing but write letters to their lovers."

We are honoured with frequent visits from the native Chiefs and Imums. Two days ago seven of them were at our house at once, consulting about the new schools

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in the bazars. The head of the Nias people of this place, a venerable old man, reminded me much of the revered Fuller. I was so struck with the resemblance that I brought out Dr. Ryland's Life," to compare the portrait there given, and on shewing it to the chiefs they were much amused-the old man particularly so, to see something which he was sure very much resembled himself. One of the Imums of Dusum-bazar has just brought my dear Mary a present of four doves.

We are now beginning to expect Mr. Ward by the first vessel from Calcutta, and shall be very glad of his arrival; for with all the schools, and the press fully occupied, we begin to find our time sufficiently engaged. Nothing, however, is so conducive to health in this country as exercise, as long as the sun is avoided; and, through mercy, we are both quite as adequate to that as when we left England. We shall be particularly pleased if Mr. Ward succeeds in procuring us assistance in the English Schools, that we may be able more fully to devote ourselves to the natives. We are much in want too of the Malayan types.

There are

We are now of opinion with Mr. Prince, that the people of this island ought to have the preference of the Battas. fewer obstacles in the way of their conversion, and not the same ground of apprehension, in trusting ourselves wholly to them. Both, however, are highly interesting stations. I informed you before of the application which the Nias people had made to Sir Stamford, to know of what religion he would wish them to be; and when two hundred and thirty thousand persons say, "Come over and help us,” shall they not be heard? What sort of Missionaries should we be, did we not long to live and die, pointing them to "the Lamb of God?"


or three others of a similar description.

THE accounts received from our friend Mr. Coultart present many gratifying proofs that the gospel is known and felt in its sanctifying power and influence Surrounded as we are at Marlborough among the degraded population with kind friends, whose opinion of us to whom it is his principal employ we fear is much better than we deserve, to declare it. Some striking inand honoured with the co-operation of stances of this kind will be found persons of the first distinction and respect-in the Report. We subjoin two ability, you may suppose that my dear Mary and self have fixed upon this as our permanent residence, and that we now look to the country round Bencoolen as the ultimate field of our future exertions. But this is not the case. Whilst we trust we are not ungrateful for the innumerable favours which our heavenly Father has scattered around our path in this strange land, nor ignorant of the importance of Bencoolen as a Missionary station, we yet have our preference for the northern parts of the island, where we can be almost entirely excluded from European society, and immediately connected with the heathen. We had this preference when we agreed to remain here for a time, and we hope to be heard when we earnestly request you to supply our place, and to permit us to proceed, according to our first plan.

In telling Mr. Prince of the alteration in our arrangements, I expressed a hope that I should still see him in twelve or eigh. teen months, and wished him to proceed with the house as far as possible, before our arrival. I have heard from him several times since, and from one or two of his letters, which I inclose, you will find what he has done and expended, as well as his sentiments respecting the small island of Nias, which he has visited since I saw him.

Under date of 16th April, Mr. C writes:-"If God should spare me until next Lord's-day, I expect to baptize 80 persons. Of these we have good reason to hope well, though some after the strictest examination deceive us. I think I do not exaggerate when I say, these have been selected from twice that number, who have, even with tears and prayers, intreated us to receive them. I often feel it painful indeed to refuse them immediate but we wish to obtain the conadmission;

sent of their owners, and to have as exten-
sive a knowledge of their characters as
possible, before we receive them. Some of
them weep when they are told to stop a
little longer, and say,
• Massa, suppose
dead take me, how me die, when me

know dis my duty, an me no do it!' I
can only say, I wish to know that it is
their duty, and then I shall not object."

Again, June 18.-" A poor female negro called upon me a few days ago from a distance of fifty or sixty miles. Here she is, dressed in a clean little jacket, as they are called in Scotland, and such as servant girls wear there, without stockings or shoes, though in the last stage of pregnancy. She has come to hear some word about

Jesus,' she says for she has seen no servant of God for eight long years.' She looked at the chapel that was building, she looked at me, and then wept till she had no more power to weep. When she recovered, she told me that she and her husband and small family were sold eight years ago to the person who owns her now, and her residence fixed on the same estate, where nothing but badness is to be seen-dere me hear no good wordme see no good work.-O massa, me poor soul quite perish, him quite sick for de word." When she went first to the estate, } her owner asked her if she prayed? Yes, was her reply. O that is bad,' he said, you will spoil all my negroes. Your religion is a nasty thing-you must not

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spread it here!'

'O massa,' she replied, religion no a bad ting-if your negro love God in him heart, him find someting else to do than tief (steal) your fowl, and your sugar; religion a good ting when ger hab plenty of it.'"

In August, brother Coultart mentions, that an unusual mortality had occurred among his flock-no less than nine of his members having been removed by death in seven or eight days: -an interesting account of one of whom will be given in our next Herald.

List of Contributions received by the Treasurer of the Baptist Missionary Society, from October 14, to November 14, 1821, not including Individual Subscriptions.


Arnsby, Baptist Church, by Mr. Carter..

Birmingham, New Hall-street, Sunday-School Children..

A Bequest by the late Miss Hannah Cave, aged 17.
Cannon-street, Collection

Bond-street, Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Lowe

Coventry, Baptist Church, by Mr. T. Oswin..

s. d.



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28 11 11



NorthStaffordshire, Auxiliary Baptist Missionary Society, by Rev. I. Birt 45
Auxiliary Society for Oxfordshire and its Vicinity, by Mr. Thomas

Parsons, Treasurer



63 3 61

7 11 6

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12 10


2 0


Chipping Norton Cirencester

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Newbury, Collection and Subscriptions, by the Rev. Thomas Welsh

Plymouth Dock, Church at the Square, by Mr. Batten
Nottingham, Collection and Subscriptions, by Mr. Lomax-

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Suffolk, Collections and Subscriptions, by the Rev. Messrs. Dyer and



Burton-street, a few Friends in, by the Rev. John Edwards



Missionary Subscriptions at 9, Wardrobe-place, by Mr. Mundy..
Rawdon, Subscriptions, &c. by Rev. J.Mann••
Huntingdonshire Society in Aid of Missions, by R. Foster, Esq. Jun.
Auxiliary Society for Part of the Western District, by Rev. R. Horsey
Norwich, Auxiliary Society at Rev. J. Kinghorn's...

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Donation 10

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S. d.

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St. Clement's Auxiliary Society, for a Native Preacher, by
Rev. George Gibbs


Church-street, Blackfriars, Auxiliary Society, (July 31)..
Robert Barclay, Esq. Bury Hill, by the Rev. J. Whitehouse, Donation
John Wilks, Esq. Finsbury-square.


Edinburgh, Baptist Church in the Pleasance, by Mr. W. Braidwood 40
Hamilton Bible and Missionary Association, by Mr. James Mather 5
Paisley, Youth's Society for Religious Purposes, by Mr. A. Moody.. 10
North Staffordshire Auxiliary Society, by Mr. Kennedy




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Hackney, Society for Native Schools, Third Annual Payment, by

Mr. Hobson....

James Gorst, Esq. Somers Town



Donation 30

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Norwich, St. Clements, Auxiliary Society, by Rev. George Gibbs... 15

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Birmingham, Auxiliary to the Calcutta Institution for Female Schools,
by Mrs. Blakemore, Treasurer.
Contribution from three Motherless little Girls, by the Rev. J. Upton

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Whenever our Friends find it more convenient to pay their Contributions at the Banking House of Sir John Perring & Co. than at the Missionary Rooms, they will be pleased to mention by whom and on what account Payment is made. The Sum of £40 was paid there on Account of the Society on the 6th of November, but as no Name was given with it, the Secretary finds himself, of course, unable to acknowledge it till he receives the requisite Information.

N.B. The Committee thankfully acknowledge the Receipt of several Parcels of Magazines, &c. for the Missionaries.

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