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C. Editions of Selections: Translations, etc.

Koch: A Critical Edition of Some of Chaucer's Minor Poems. J. Koch, Berlin, 1883. Pp. 26. Contents: the ABC, Words to Adam, Former Age, Fortune, Truth, Gentilesse, Stedfastnesse, Bukton, Scogan, Purse.

Reviewed unfavorably by ten Brink, Littblatt 1883, pp. 420427, to which Koch replied ibid. 1884 pp. 42-43. Reviewed by von Düring, Anglia 8 : Anz. 1 ff.

Bilderbeck: Selections from the Minor Poems of Chaucer. With introduction, notes, and glossary. Ed. J. B. Bilderbeck. London 1895. Pp. 31, 146. In Bell's English Classics.

Contents: Seys and Alcyone (from the Book of the Duchesse), the Parlement of Foules, Anelida, Fortune, Former Age, Truth, Gentilesse, Stedfastnesse, Purse. Text based on the Ch. Soc. prints. Introd, on pronunciation, language, and versification.

Koch, J.: Ausgewählte Kleinere Dichtungen Chaucers. Im versmaasse des Originals in das Deutsche uebertragen und mit Erörterungen versehen. Leipzig, 1880, pp. 66.

Includes: Pity, Words to Adam, Parlement of Foules, Truth, Gentilesse, Stedfastnesse, Fortune, Bukton, Scogan, Purse.

Reviewed Anglia 4: Anz. 47-49 (Schröer); Archiv 66:230, 68: 426; Engl. Stud. 4:339 (Lindner); Academy 1880 II: 289 (Furnivall). In the Anglia review are reprinted bits from the Parlement of Foules.

Out of print, and difficult to obtain.

For modernizations and translations of the separate poems see under each heading in D below.


Furnivall, F. J.: Trial Forewords to my Parallel-Text Edition of Chaucer's Minor Poems, Part I. Chaucer Society, 1871, 2d Series No. 6. Discusses Pity, Book of the Duchesse, Parlement of Foules, Mars.

Würzner, A. Ueber Chaucers Lyrische Gedichte. Steyr, 1879, pp. 19.

Discusses ABC, Pity, Former Age, Mars, Venus, Words to Adam, Truth, Mother of God, Scogan, Bukton, Prosperity, Gentilesse, Stedfastnesse, Fortune, Purse.

Reviewed Littbl. 1880, pp. 383-5 (Koch); Engl. Stud. 4:461 (Lindner); Anglia 4: Anz. 44-47 (Schröer).

Capone, G. I poemi minori di Chaucer. Saggio critico. Modica,

1900, pp. 24.

Discusses the Court of Love, the Complaint of the Black Knight, Flower and Leaf, Testament of Love, Cuckoo and Nightingale.

The antiquated point of view of this work is plain from its treatment of these spurious works as Chaucer's. Capone says that the most recent and the most philologically trustworthy edition of Chaucer is that of London 1859 with Tyrwhitt's introduction.

D. The Separate Works

In Alphabetical Order.


MSS: Ff v, 30 of the Univ. Libr. Cambr., G 21 of St. John's Coll. Cambr., Hunterian Museum Glasgow Q 2, 25, Laud 740, Univ. Libr. Cambr. Gg iv, 27, Fairfax 16; printed Ch. Soc. PT p. 123 ff. Harley 2251, Bedford, two fragments from Pepys 2006, and a fragment from Harley 7578 are printed Ch. Soc. SPT p. 27. Sion College and Bodley 638 are printed Ch. Soc. OT p. 65 ff. The Ff v, 30 text is also printed in One-Text Print, p. 83, with the French on opposite pages, and in the EETS ed. of Lydgate as below.

Another copy, in a MS at King Henry VIII School, Coventry, mentioned by Bernard, Catalogus 1457.12, has now disappeared with the MS volume. The library of this school has suffered shocking neglect and injury; but the recently appointed master is doing his utmost to preserve what remains of the collection. In the first four MSS above mentioned, and in the Sion College MS, the poem is inserted into a prose Englishing of De Guileville's Pélérinage de la Vie Humaine; see Furnivall's note, PT p. 123. In the verse-translation of De Guileville's work by Lydgate, a space is left for the hymn, but it is not transcribed; see Trial Forew. pp. 13-15, Skeat I: 59-60, and the EETS print of Lydgate's transl. p. 528, where the text is inserted from the Ff MS.

Textual Notes, see Koch, Anglia 3 : 182-3 and 4: Anz. 100, also Engl. Stud. 15:401, 27:38-39. Heath in Globe Chaucer xxxiv agrees with Koch, and gives diagram. Koch's paper in Anglia 4 is criticised by ten Brink in Littblatt 4: 420-27.

Prints and Editions: By Speght in 1602; in the subsequent eds. of the Works; in the eds. of the Minor Poems by Pickering and by Skeat. Critical ed. by Koch, see ante under C. Speght's text is reprinted Ch. Soc. SPT p. 27.

Modernizations and Translations: Mod. by Purves in 1870, see Section III E here.

Title and Authenticity: Headed in MSS Ff, Bedford, and Sion. College "Incipit carmen secundum ordinem Litterarum alphabeti"; the two Pepys copies have "Pryer (Prier) A nostre Dame.. per Chaucer." Shirley's copy, which is marked Chaucer in the margin in his hand (see reproduction in Ch. Soc. Autotypes), has as running title "the Devoute dytee of oure Ladye" in various wordings. For Lydgate's evidence see

Skeat I: 59-60. Speght in the 1602 Chaucer headed the poem "Chaucers ABC, called La Priere de Nostre Dame: made, as some say, at the Request of Blanch, Duchesse of Lancaster, as a praier for her priuat vse, being a woman in her religion very deuout." (This Skeat I: 59 terms "probably a mere guess.") In the Urry Chaucer of 1721 headed "Chaucer's A. B. C. called La Priere de nostre Dame", with Speght's heading below; later editions as in Urry, without Speght's title. Marked by the Chaucer Society “An ABC, or Alphabetic Hymn to the Virgin"; Skeat, An ABC.

Source: The French of De Guileville, printed in One-Text Print as above noted, and reprinted thence by Skeat, I : 261 ff., below the Chaucerian text.

Date: Furnivall, Trial Forew. p. 19 dates the poem 1367?; Skeat I:59 says that a probable date is 1366. Koch, Anglia 3:182-3, is not entirely agreed that the poem is of Chaucer's first period; in Chronology p. 7 he would date it close before, or even after the Book of the Duchesse, written 1369.

Notes: See Sandras, p. 106; Furnivall, Trial Forew. pp. 13-15; ten Brink, Hist. Eng. Lit. II : 60-61; Skeat I: xxx, 58-61, 452-7; Root, Poetry of Chaucer pp. 57-58. For other ABC poems see Polit. Rel. and Love Poems 1866, p. 244, and Jubinal's Nouveau Recueil, II : 245-90.

Adam Scrivener, see Words to Adam.

Aetas Prima, see Former Age.


MSS: Harley 7333, Fairfax 16, Tanner 346, Harley 372, Digby 181, printed Ch. Soc. PT pp. 145 ff.; Adds. 16165, Bodley 638, Longleat 258, and three MSS of the Complaint only, Trin. Coll. Cambr. R 3, 20, Univ. Libr. Cambr. Ff i, 6, Pepys 2006, printed Ch. Soc. SPT pp. 37 ff.; the Complaint from Phillipps 8299, printed Ch. Soc. MOT pp. 17 ff. The Harley 7333 text is printed Ch. Soc. One-Text pp. 109 ff.

Genealogy of the texts, see Koch, Anglia 3:184; enlarged tree ibid. 4: Anz. 102; tree also in Globe Chaucer p. xxxviii. Textual notes, see Koch, Engl. Stud. 15: 408-9 and 27:43-47.

The Complaint of Anelida, vv. 211 to close, is by MSS Fairfax and Bodley placed as if the first part of the poem; four copies, one a Shirley, are of the Complaint only; and Adds. 16165, another Shirley MS, transcribes the Complaint at foll. 241b-243b, the rest of the poem at the end of the volume, foll. 256b-258b. The independence of the Complaint, originally, thus becomes a possible question.

The copy of the Complaint in MSS Fairfax and Harley 372 shows a body of variants which impress the student as perhaps due to Chaucer himself.

Prints and Editions: By Caxton, see Bradshaw in Trial Forew. p. 118, and Blades p. 212, cp. 201. Caxton is repr. Ch. Soc. PT pp. 145 ff., and a photographic facsimile was issued by Macmillan and Bowes, Cambridge, 1906. Printed by Thynne in the 1532 Chaucer, and in subsequent eds. of the Works, and of the Minor Poems by Pickering, Skeat, Bilderbeck.

Modernizations and Translations: Mod. by Cowden Clarke in his
Riches of Chaucer, 1835; by Elizabeth Barrett (Browning) in
the Horne volume of 1841; see Section III E here.

Title: Headed by the copyist of Shirley in Harley 7333 "Lo my lordis and ladyes Here folowyng may ye see the maner of the lovyng bytwene Arcite of Thebes and Anelida the faire Quene of Hermony which with his feyned chere doublenesse and flateryng disceiued her wtouten cause / she beyng than oon of pe trewest gentilwomen that bere lyf compleyneth her I beseche you"; above the Complaint is written "The Compleynte of Anelida pe Quene of Hermonye vpon arcyte borne of pe blode Riall of Thebes for his Doublenesse." Headed by Shirley himself in R 3, 20, "pe Compleynte of Anelida", and below, "Takepe heed sirs I prey yowe of pis compleynt of Anelyda Qweene of Cartage Roote of trouthe and stedfastnesse pat pytously compleynepe / vpon pe varyance of Daun Arcyte lord borne of þe blood Royal of Thebes englisshed by Geffrey Chaucier / In pe best wyse and moost Rethoricyous pe moost vnkoupe / metre coloures and Rymes pt euer was sayde to fore pis Day / redepe and prevepe pe soope." Shirley's other heading, in Adds. 16165, is "Balade of Anelyda Qwene of Cartage / made by Geffrey Chaucyer/"; the Complaint, in the same MSS, is headed "Here endipe pe Dreme and pe compleynt of pe desyrous seruant in loue / and filowing begynnepe pe compleint of Anelyda pe feyre Qweene of Cartage vpon pe Chiualrous Arcyte of pe royal blode of Thebes descend." [The "dreme and compleynt" refer to the Temple of Glass, which

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