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fulness of joy. But I am far from saying that SER M. the few imperfect hints I have now given exhauft, or even approach to, the fum of those pleasures for evermore which are at God's right hand. Ten thoufand pleafures are there, which now we have neither faculties to comprehend, nor powers to enjoy. Behind that myfterious cloud, which covers the habitation of eternity, the view of mortals cannot penetrate. Content with our humble and diftant fituation, we must as yet remain. Faith can only look to thofe glories from afar. In patient filence, it must wait, trust, and adore.

Suppofing the ideas which I have fet before you, in this difcourfe, to be no more than the fpeculations of a contemplative mind, fuch as were wont of old to be indulged by the philofophers of the Platonic fchool, ftill they would deferve attention, on account of their tendency to purify and elevate the mind. But when they are confidered in connexion with a revelation, which, upon grounds the most unqueftionable, we believe to be divine, they are entitled to command, not atten

SERM. tion only, but reverence and faith.-They
VII. prefent to us fuch high expectations as

are fufficient to determine every reason-
able man to the choice of virtue; to fup-
port him under all its prefent difcourage-
ments, and to comfort him in the hour of
death. Juftly may they excite in our
hearts that ardent aspiration of the Psalm-
ift: My foul thirfteth for God, for the
living God; Oh! when shall I come and ap-
pear before him!-But, with this with in
our hearts, never, I befeech you, let us
forget what was fet forth in the first part of
this difcourfe; that, in order to arrive at
the prefence of God, the path of life must
previously be fhewn to us by him, and
that in this path we must persevere to
the end. Thefe two things cannot be dif-
joined, a virtuous life and a happy eter-
nity. Who fhall afcend unto the bill of the
Lord? and who shall ftand in his holy
place? He only who hath clean hands and
a pure heart. Between a corrupted heart
and the God of light and love, there
never can be
be any connexion. But of
this we may reft affured, that the path of
piety and virtue, purfued with a firm and

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conftant fpirit, will, in the end, through SER M. the merits of our bleffed Redeemer, bring us to that prefence, where is fulness of joy and where are pleafures for ever



On CURIOSITY concerning the AFFAIRS

of others.


JOHN, xxi. 21, 22.

Peter, feeing him, faith to Jefus, Lord, and what shall this man do? Jefus faith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.

SERM. THESE words occurred in a conference which which our Lord held with Simon Peter, after his refurrection from the dead. Confcious of the difgrace which he had incurred by his late denial of his Mafter, Peter muft at this time have appeared before him with fhame. Our Lord, after a tacit rebuke, implied in the question which he repeatedly puts to him, Simon,


fon of Jonas, loveft thou me? reftores him,

with great benignity, to his office as an apoftle, by giving the commandment to feed bis fheep; and intimates also that it fhould be his lot to fuffer death in the cause of his Mafter. The apostle John, distinguished here by the denomination of the difciple whom Jefus loved, being prefent at this converfation, Peter, who was always eager and forward, looking to John, puts this question to our Saviour, Lord, and what fall this man do? "What fhall "be his employment? what his rank and "station in thy kingdom? what his future "fate in life?"-By what principle Peter was moved to put this unfeasonable and improper queftion to his Mafter; whether it arose from mere curiofity, or from fome emotion of rivalship and jealousy, does not appear; but it is plain that our Lord was diffatisfied with the inquiry which he made; and presently he checks Peter's curiofity, by a fevere reply; What is that to thee? "What is it to thee what this man fball do; what fhall be his rank; or "what the circumftance of his life or his "death? Attend thou to thine own duty. "Mind

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