Page images


8345 Freart's Ancient Architecture, by Evelyn, 38-Ditto, 38 6d 8346 Fenning's Complete Syftem of Geography, or Description of the World, with many cuts aud maps, 2 vol. in rough calf, il is 8347 Another Copy, 2 vol. calf, lettered, neat, il 58 1764 8348 Another Copy, 2 vof. b. b. with the Additions, by Hervey, including Cooke's Voyages, &c. Jewed, 11 128

1773-88 1788

8349 Another Set, laft edition, 2 vol. boards, 11 163.
8350 Green's Principles of the Philofophy on the Expanfive and
Contractive Forces, the Principles of Mechanical Philofophy,
of Chemistry, Opticks, Algebra, &c. &c. 6s
Gamb. 1727



8352 Gibbs's Book of Architecture, containing Defigns of Buildings,
and Ornaments, LARGE PAPER, little ftained, il es
8353 Gibbs's Defcription of the Radcliffe Library at Oxford, with
the Plans, &c. on 23 Plates, and Heads of Radcliff by Knel-
ler, and of Gibbs, by Hogarth, fewed, fcarce, 5s
8354 Harris's Lexicon Technicum, or Univerfal English Dictionary of
Arts and Sciences, explaining not only the Terms of Art, but
the Arts themselves, plates, 2 vol. stained, 78 6d
8355 Hooke's Pofthumous Works, containing Kis Cutlerian Lectures,
Difcourfes, &c. with plates, in calf, Jcarce, 10s 6d ..
8356 Hinde's Dictionary of Ats and Sciences, with cuts, 2 vol. half
bound, neat, 15s 6d-Another Copy, 2 vol. in 1, in rough calf,145
8357 Hill's Conftruction of Timber, from its Early Growth, explain-


ed by the Microscope, and proved from Experiments, in a great Variety of Kinds, with 43 Copper-plates (fame that are fold at 11 1s) new, in boards, vellum back, for ics 6d 1774 8358 HOWARD'S ROYAL ENCYCLOPOEDIA, or Modern Univerfal Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, including all the Modern Difcoveries and latest Improvements on the various Subjects, with a great number of plates, 3 vol. (fame as fells in numbers at 31 158) new in boards, for 21 128


8359 Ditto, 3 vol. new, very neatly bound in calf, and lettered, 3113s 8360 Hooke's Wonderful Difcoveries by the Microscope, with plates,

fcarce, 175

8362 Jeake's Arithmetick Surveighed and Reviewed, Scarce, 38 6d
8363 Kirby's Perfpective Complete, containing his Perfpective of
Architecture, his Defcription and Ufe of the Architectonic
Sector, and his Improvement of Brooke Taylor's Perspective,
3 vol. new, half bound, Ruffia backs and corners, lettered, 31 1767
8364 Kerfey's Elements of Algebra, 35 6d-Ditto, part 1, 2s 6d 1741
8365 Kirby's Perspective (the plates only) unbound, 4s
8366 Le Grande's Body of Philofophy, by Blome, cuts, 8s 6d 1694
8367 Levelling Balance and Counter Balance, h. b. 4s 6d
8368 Langley's Practical Geometry, 55
8369 Middleton's Architectural and Picturefque Views of Cottages,
Farm Houfes, and Country Villas, with Defcriptive Letter-
prefs, (fame as fells in boards at 11) new in boards, for 14s 6d
8370 Ditto, with the plates coloured (fame as fells in boards at 11 118
6d) new in boards, for il is

1774 1736




8372 Ditto, new, neatly half bound, Morocco back, 11 78
8373 Martin's Principles of Geography and Navigation, 6
8374 Middleton's Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, with
many plates, 2 vol. in 1, neat, il 3s



8375 Middleton's Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Houfe of Correction in Cold Bath Fields, bound in calf, 11 18s'

8376 Malton's Perfpective, with plates, neat in calf, il 11s 6d 1778 8377 Newcastle's (Duchefs of) Natural Philofophy, scarce, is 9d1668 8378 New Geographical Dictionary, containing a fall Account of the Cities, Towns, Univerfities, Climates, Soil, Antiquities, Curiofities, Mines, Minerals, &c. &c. in the whole World, with a number of plates and maps, 2 vol. in 1, half bound, uncut, 17s 1759


8379 Poftlethwayte's Univerfal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce, 2 vol. with many maps, &c. in rough calf, 11 85 6d 8380 Another Copy, 2 vol. b. b. uncut, il 1,5-Dit. in calf, 11 17s 6d 8382 Another Copy, 2 vol. vol. 1 wants 6 fleets, il 1757 8383 Premiums and Bounties given by the Society of Arts, 28 1778 8384 Philofophical Conferences of the French Virtuofi, zs 6d 1665 8385 Pain's Carpenter's and Joiner's Repofitory, new, 16s 1792 8386 Rowland's Menfuration of Superficies and Solids, by Tables of

Feet, Inches and Parts, 4s-ditto, 4s 6d

8-87 Roberts's Merchant's Map of Commerce, 28-ditto, 2s 3d 1700 $388 Snell's Penmanship on Copperplate, wants Title, 2s 6d 8389 Simienowick's Artillery, by Shelvocke, plates, neat, 78 6d 1729 8390 Soane's Plans, Elevations, &c. of Buildings, boards, 21 25 8392 Sirigatti's Perfpective, by Ware, fewed, 4s 6d 8393 Sturmy's Mariner's Magazine, on Artificial Fire-works, Gun

nery, Navigation, &c. plates, 4s 6d


1684 1661 1787 1783

8394 Salisbury's Mathematics, &c. 2 vol. in 1, plates, 4s 6d 839; Turner's Syftem of Modern Geography, Jewed, 28 8396 Turner's Syftem of Modern Aftronomy, fetved, 2s 3d 8397 Templeman's Survey of the Globe, 4s 6d-ditto, 5s 8398 Watfon's Complete Geographical Dictionary, with many cuts,

and maps, half bound, 128

8399 Wood's Origin of Building, boards, 6s 6d



8400 Warc's Complete Body of Architecture, in calf, 115s 1756 8402 Wing's Surveying, 35, 1700-Rathbone's Surveyor, is 6d 1616

Arts, Sciences, Trade, Philofophy, Geography, &c.



8403 Art of Drawing and Limaning, with plates, fearce, 58 1674 DAMS on the Microscope, no plates, boards, 14s ADAMS 148, 8405 Anderfon's Origin of Commerce, from the Earliest Accounts,


4 vol. new in boards, 41 4s



8406 Another Set, 4 vol. neatly bound in calf, 51 8407 American Philofophical Tranfactions, 3 vol. with plates, new,

in boards, 21 is


8408 Builder's Magazine, with plates, b. b. neat, il 18s 6d 1774 8409 Bacon's (Lord) Works and Lite, 5 vol. a very fine Set, bound

in Ruffia leather, Scarce, 81 88




8410 Bacon's Works, abridged by Shaw, 3 vol. neat, z1 48 842 Bardwell's Practice of Painting, boards, fcarce, 6s 6d 8413 Boyer's Great Theatre of Honour and Nobility, or Science of Heraldry, &c. French and Eng. with plates, 75 6


8414 Baldwin's British Customs, or Rates of Merchandize, Tables of Duties, Drawbacks, &c. neat, 45-ditto, 38 6d 1770 8415 Boyle's Ufeful and Experimental Philofophy, its True Value, , that it is Conducive to the Improving Man's Understanding, and the Increasing his Power, Usefulness of Natural Philofophy to the Phyfiological Part of hifick, &c. &c. good copy, Is 6d-ditto, in 2 vol. 2s-ditto, zs 3d 1682

[ocr errors]


8416 Boyle's Experiments on Cold, 18 3d-His Hiftory of Air, is 8417 Boyle's Tracts, with plates, z vol. 4s 8418 Blount's Art of Making Devices, &c. with plates, 25 1646 8419 Baker's Gate of Equations Unlocked, is 1684 8420 Boyle's Works, beit edition, with his Life by Birch, 6 vol. good fet, fcarce, 51 8422 Boyle's Works, abridged by Shaw, 3 vol. Scarce, 11 35 1725 8423 Burrow's (Reuben) Reftitution of the Geometrical Treatife of


Apollonius Pergaus on Inclinations, alfo the Theory on Gunnery, or the Doctrine of Projectiles in a Non-Refifting Medium (fame as fells stitched at 3s 6d) new. ftitched, scarce, is 6å 8424 Bailey's Advancement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, very neat, calf, lettered, the plates half bound in a portfolio sepa

rate, 2 vol, Il IIS 6d


8425 Blundeville his Exercifes in Arithmetic, Cofmographie, Use of the Globes, Navigation, &c. fearce, is od

8426 Boyle's Phyfiological Eflays, 1s-Boyle's Tracts, is 6d 1682 8427 Birch's Hiftory of the Royal Society of London, in which the

moft confiderable of thofe Papers communicated to the Society which have hitherto not been publified, are inferted in their proper order, as a Supplement to the Philofophical Tranfactions, 4 vol. half bound uncut, Il 148



1767 -1767


8428 Coftard's Hiftory of Aftronomy, with its Application to Geography, Hiltory and Chronology, new in boards, 45 8429 Another Copy, neat in calf, 6s qd-ditto, b. b. 5s 8430 Cavallo on the Nature, &c. of Air, boards, 18s 8432 Cleland's Wine Tables, 1s 6d-Cowley's Perfpective, is 6d 8433 Clarke on Mechanical Powers, Elaftic Bodies, &c. &c. zs 6ḍ 8434 Colfon's Mariner's New Calendar, Is-Ditto, 18 6d 8435 Digby on the Nature of Bodies and Souls, IS



8436 Dunn's Theory of the Longitude at Sea, 3s 6d 8437 Du Frefnoy's Art of Painting, by Dryden, fine copy, 75 6d 1695 8438 Daniel's Recital of Intelligence relating to the Fraudulent Ex


portation of Debenture Goods, boards, 8s 6d


8439 De Moivre's Doctrine of Chances, 78 6d-Ditto, 9s 6d 1738 8440 Delacroix on Floating Bodies, gd-Entertainment for Merchants, is

1700 8442 Evelyn's Fumifugium, or the Inconvenience of the Air, and Smoke of London diffipated, together with fome Remedies humbly propofed, new in boards, for zs 3d

1772 8443 ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, or Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, on a New Plan, by which the different Sciences and Arts are in diftin&t Treatifes or Systems, with many plates. This is the beft Work of the Kind in the English Language, the new edition, 17 vol. in 34 parts (being all that are yet publifhed) new in boards, 1789-96 N. B. The above Work will be completed in eighteen volumes, and the fucceeding parts will be delivered as foon as published,


8444 Emerfon's Principle of Mechanics, laft corrected edition, with 43 plates, new in boards, for 14s5 8445 Ellicot's feveral Effays towards difcovering the Electricity, communicated to the Royal Society, to which is prefixed, Part of a Letter from the Abbe Nollet to Martin Folkes, concerning Electicity, fewed, fearce, 6d 1748 8446 Elements of Geometry, 1s-Effay on Foreign Trade, 15 3d1744 8447 Edinburgh Royal Society Tranfactions, 3 vol. boards, 31 5s 8448 Ditto, vol. 2, new in boards, for 1 rs (fame as felis at 1155). 8449 Elements of Navigation, by J. H. Cartier, in Manufcript, very

[ocr errors]

fairly written, 148, 1788-Expeditious Inftructor, Is 1796 8450 Ferguson's Lectures in Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Optics, with the Ufe of the Globes, &c. plates, 98 6d


8452 Fournier's Theory and Practice of Perfpective, plates, 6s 1764 8453 Falconer's Marine Dictionary, beft edition, with plates, new in boards, for 198 6d


8454 Ditto, new, neally bound in calf, lettered, rolled, &c. 11 3s 6d 1789 8455 Fergufon's Aftronomy, with plates, 9s-Ditto, boards 8s 1773 8456 Foster's Dialling, 1s 6d, 1694-Flower's Logarithms, is 6d 8457 Franklin's (Dr. Benjamin) Experiments and Obfervations on Electricity, with plates, 78 6d


8458 GUTHRIE'S UNIVERSAL GEOGRAPHY IMPROVED, or a Geographical, Hiftorical, and Commercial Grammar; and Prefent State of all the feveral Kingdoms of the World, enriched with the most recent Difcoveries of the latest Navigators and Travellers, with maps (fame as fells in boards at il 16s) new in boards, vellum back, for 14s

8459 Ditto, new, neatly bound and lettered, 16s od



8460 Ditto, new, neatly bound in calf, lettered, rolled, 18s 6d 8462 Greenhill's Art of Embalming, plates, fearce, 9s



8463 Gordon's Geographical Grammar, with maps, boards, 8464 Hutton's Menfuration, in boards, 78

10s 6d


8465 Hutton's Diarian Repofitory, boards, 128



8466 Hill's Urania, or View of the Heavens, boards, 4s-Ditto, half bound, 58 8467 Hill's (ir John) Review of the Works of the Royal Society of London, containing Animac verfions on fuch of the Papers as deferve particular Obfervations, on Arts, Antiquities, Medicine, Miracles, Zoophytes, Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, neat, 8s 6d-ditto, in boards, 6s 6d 8468 Highmore's Practice of Perspective, b. b. neat, 11s-Dit. bds, 8s 8469 Hellins's Mathematical Eflays, containing new Improvements


and Discoveries in the Mathematics, viz. New Theorems for the Computation of Logarithms, a New Method of conftructing a Table of Artificial Numbers. Eflay 3d, on Reduction of Equations that have two equal Roots, Investigation of the common Method, with Remarks. 4th Effay, on ditto, and new Theorems for calculating the value of thofe Roots. 5th Effay, on the Correction of Fluents found by Defcending Series Effay 6th, on the Transformation of certain Series to others of fwifter Convergency. Effay 7th, on the Force of Ofcilating Bodies on their Centers of Sufpenfion. (N. B. The Monthly Reviewers, after much praise beftowed on the above Effays, add, "Thofe Effays are all of themfelves ufeful, and we do not doubt their being well received by all who are Judges o

their Merits.) Monthly Review, vol. 79, page 144, 145, 1469 beft edition, fewed, for 3s (fame as is fold at 73 6d).

8470 Ditto, new in boards, 3s 3d

1789 1789

8472 Haffelden's Seaman's Daily Affiftant, 9d-ditto, 18-dit. 1s 3d 8473 Hatton's Arithmetic, Is-Norway Trade, gd


1780 8474 Hopton's Geodetical Staffe, 2s-Merchant's Magazine, 9d 1619 8475 Holwell's Art of Arithmetical Dyalling, 15 6d 8476 Hauk bee's Phyfico-Mechanical Experiments, plates, is 3d 8477 Hoadley's Electical Experiments, 6d-Hodgfon's Mathemat icks, 2 vol. 25 od

8478 Hayes's Method for Valuing Annuities upon Lives, 1s-Ditto, is ód



1742-85 1:43-85 1742-85

8479 Hawksmoor's Account of London Bridge, plates, 25 8480 Jones's Phyfiological Difquifitions, with plates, boards, 16s 6d 8482 Jones's First Principles of Natural Philofophy, boards, 98 1762 8483 Kirkby's Arithmetic Logarithmical, Algebraical, &c. as 6d 8484 Long's Aftronomy, complete, 2 vol. (fame as fell in boards at 21 28) new, fewed, for il 4s 6d 848 Ditto, 2 vol. new in boards, il 8486 Ditto, 2 vol. new, neatly bound and lettered, 11 1,18 8437 Ditto, 2 vol. new in calf, elegantly gilt, rolled, &c. al 14s 6d, 8488 Latham's Falconry, or the Faulcon's Lure and Cure, fearce, 55 1633: 8489 Lorimer's Effay on Magnetffm, with an Account of the Declination and Inclination of the Magnetic Needle, plates, new,. Jewed, 4s 6d 1795

5s 6d


8450 Love's Land Surveying, 18 6d-Kippax's Arithmetick, s 8492 Leybourne's Univerfal Inftrument, is 3d-London's Book

Keeping, is 3d




8493 Muller's Conic Sections, good copy, fcarce, 6s 8494 Molyneaux's Dioptrics, with plates, /carce, 35 6d 8495 Mahon on Electricity, in boards, 7s od-ditto, in rough calf, gs 8496 Mariner's New Calendar, d-ditto, Is-ditto, new, is 3d 1780 8497 Martyn's Geographical Magazine, fine cuts and maps, 2 v. 11 5s 8498 Morfe's American Geography, maps, elegant, 18s 8499 McArthur's Theory and Practice of Fencing, with plates (fame

as fells in boards at 155) new in boards, for 5s 6d



8500 Miller on the Caufe of Motion, plates, boards, 6s 6d


8502 Memoirs of Science and the Arts, 2 vol. buards, il rs


8503 Malcolm's Arithmetick, 18 3d-Malcolm's Book-keeping, Is 8504 Mountaine's Practical Sea-Gunner's Companion, 25 8505 Moll's Geography of Afia, with maps, 38



8506 Martin on the Microfcope, zs -His Principle of Perspective, s 8507 Mifcellanea Curiofa Mathematica, or Correspondence of Eminent

Mathematicians, by Holliday, vol. 1, plates, neat, 6s


8;c8 Mortimer's Elements of Commerce, neat, 14S


8509 Nisbett on Armories, with plates, fcarce 5s


8510 Newhoufe's Navigation, is 6d-Morgan's Dialling, 15 8512 Norwood's Doctrine of Triangles, 1s-ditto, is 3d 8513 Newton's Doctrine of the Sphere, fcarce, 2s 6d

1652 1667 1657

8514 Norman's Safeguard of Saylers, or Great Rutter, ts 6d 1632 8515 Nichols's Lapidary, or Hift. of Pretious Stones, fearce, 38 8516 Nicholfon's Practical Navigation and Seamanship, bds, 9s 1792 8517 Oriental Navigator, or New Directions for Sailing to and from the Eaft Indies. Alfo for the Ufe of the Country Ships trad

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