Trees & Shrubs of the Sudan |
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2.5 cm long 20 m high 30 cm long apex Bahr El Ghazal Bark dark Bark grey Bark smooth Blue Nile bracts Branchlets broadly calyx clusters coriaceous cymes Darfur dark brown drupes ellipsoid Equatoria Imatong Mts fissured Flowers April Flowers Dec Flowers Feb Flowers Jan Flowers March flowers white forests in high fragrant Fruit globose fruits April fruits Aug fruits Feb fruits Jan fruits June fruits March fruits Oct gallery forests Ghazal and Equatoria glabrous green hairy high rainfall savanna Inflorescence axillary Inflorescence terminal Kassala Kordofan lanceolate leaf leaflets Leaves elliptic Leaves opposite lenticels linear lobes montane montane zone oblanceolate oblong oblong-elliptic obovate ovary ovate-elliptic ovoid pairs pale panicles pedicels peduncles petals petioles pinnae pods pubescent racemes Red Sea Hills savanna in Bahr savanna in Equatoria seeds sepals sessile shrubs Shrubs or small Shrubs or trees small trees stamens stipules Sudan tall grass savanna tomentose woody Yambio yellow