The Cambridge University Press. THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, &c. THE CAMBRIDGE PARAGRAPH BIBLE of the Authorized English Version, with the Text Revised by a Collation of its Early and other Principal Editions, the Use of the Italic Type made uniform, the Marginal References remodelled, and a Critical Introduction prefixed, by the Rev. F. H. SCRIVENER, M.A., LL.D., Editor of the Greek Testament, Codex Augiensis, &c., and one of the Revisers of the Authorized Version. Crown Quarto, cloth, gilt, 215. From the Times. "Students of the Bible should be particularly grateful to (the Cambridge University Press) for having produced, with the able assistance of Dr Scrivener, a complete critical edition of the Authorized Version of the English Bible, an edition such as, to use the words of the Editor, 'would have been executed long ago had this version been nothing more than the greatest and best known of English classics. Falling at a time when the formal revision of this version has been undertaken by a distinguished company of scholars and divines, the publication of this edition must be considered most opportune." From the Athenæum. "Apart from its religious importance, the English Bible has the glory, which but few sister versions indeed can claim, of being the chief classic of the language, of having, in conjunction with Shakspeare, and in an immeasurable degree more than he, fixed the language beyond any possibility of important change. Thus the recent contributions to the literature of the subject, by such workers as Mr Francis Fry and Canon Westcott, appeal to a wide range of sympathies; and to these may now be added Dr Scrivener, well known for his labours in the cause of the Greek Testament criticisin, who has brought out, for the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press, an edition of the English Bible, according to the text of 1611, revised by a comparison with later issues on principles stated by him in his Introduction. Here he enters at length into the history of the chief editions of the version, and of such features as the marginal notes, the use of italic type, and the changes of orthography, as well as into the most interesting question as to the original texts from which our translation is produced." From the Methodist Recorder. "This noble quarto of over 1300 pages is in every respect worthy of editor and publishers alike. The name of the Cambridge University Press is guarantee enough for its perfection in outward form, the name of the editor is equal guarantee for the worth and accuracy of its contents. Without question, it is the best Paragraph Bible ever published, and its reduced price of a guinea brings it within reach of a large number of students. But the volume is much more than a Paragraph Bible. It is an attempt, and a successful attempt, to give a critical edition of the Authorised English Version, not (let it be marked) a revision, but an exact reproduction of the original Authorised Version, as published in 1611, minus patent mistakes. This is doubly necessary at a time when the version is about to undergo revision... To all who at this season seek a suitable volume for presentation to ministers or teachers we earnestly commend this work." From the London Quarterly Review. "The work is worthy in every respect of the editor's fame, and of the Cambridge University Press. The noble English Version, to which our country and religion owe so much, was probably never presented before in so perfect a form." THE CAMBRIDGE PARAGRAPH BIBLE. STUDENT'S EDITION, on good writing paper, with one column of print and wide margin to each page for MS. notes. This edition will be found of great use to those who are engaged in the task of Biblical criticism. Two Vols. Crown Quarto, cloth, gilt, 31s. 6d. London: Cambridge Warehouse, 17 Paternoster Row. |