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√{4 (aλ — g)2 + 4 (Bλ —ƒ)"}
a2 + B2

Hence (i) is a parabola whose axis is the line

ax + By +λ = 0,

and whose latus-rectum is

2 √/ {(aλ − g)2 + (Bλ − ƒ)2} _ 2 (af — Bg)

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173. We will now find the nature and position of the conics given by the following equations.


(1) 7x2-17xy+6y2+23x-2y-20=0.

(2) x2-5xy + y2+8x-20y+15=0.

(3) 36x2+24xy +29y2 - 72x+126y+81=0.

(4) (5x-12y)2 - 2x - 29y-10.

The equations for finding the centre are [Art. 168, (i), (ii)]


- 17x+12y' −2=0) •

These give x=2, y=3. Therefore centre is the point (2, 3).


The equation referred to parallel axes through the centre will be [Art.

7x2 - 17xy+6y2+

23 2




The equation therefore represents two straight lines which intersect in the point (2, 3). They cut the axis of x, where 7x2+23x-20=0, that

is where x = 4, and where x=




(2) x2-5xy+y2+8x-20y+15=0.

The equations for finding the centre are

2.x' - 5y'+8=0, and -5x+2y' - 20=0;

.. x' = — 4, y' = 0.

The equation referred to parallel axes through the centre will be

x2 - 5xy + y2+ 4 ( − 4)+15=0,



The semi-axes of the conic are the roots of the equation

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The curve is therefore an hyperbola whose real semi-axis is 14,

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The direction of the real axis is given [Art. 171, (iv)] by the equation

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The equations for finding the centre are

36x'+12y'-36=0, and 12x+29y' +63=0;

... x'=2, y'=-3.

The equation referred to parallel axes through the centre, will be 36x2+24xy+29y2 - 72+63 ( -3)+81=0,

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The semi-axes of the conic are the roots of the equation

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The equation of the major axis is [Art. 171, (iv)]

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(5x-12y +λ)2 = 2x (1+5λ) +y (29 − 24λ) +λ2+1.

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therefore 5x-12y+1=0 is the equation of the axis of the parabola, and 12x+5y+2=0 is the equation of the tangent at the vertex.

Every point on the curve must clearly be on the positive side of the line 12x+5y+2=0, since the left side of equation (i) is always positive.

174. To find the equation of the asymptotes of a conic. We have seen [Art. 146] that the equations of a conic and of the asymptotes only differ by a constant.

Let the equation of a conic be

ax2 + 2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy + c = 0......(i). Then the equations of the asymptotes will be

ax2 + 2hxy + by2+2gx+2ƒy+c+λ = 0.................(ii), provided we give to λ that value which will make (ii) represent a pair of straight lines.

The condition that (ii) may represent a pair of straight lines is [Art. 170]

ab (c+λ) + 2fgh — af2 — bg2 — (c + λ) h2 = 0 ; )

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Hence the equation of the asymptotes of (i) is

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy+c




== 0.


The equations of two conjugate hyperbolas differ from the equation of their asymptotes by constants which are equal and opposite to one another [Art. 152]; therefore the equation of the hyperbola conjugate to (i) is


2A ab-h2

= 0.

Cor. The lines represented by the equation

ax2 + 2hxy+by2 = 0

are parallel to the asymptotes of the conic,

Ex. Find the asymptotes of the conic

x2-xy - 2y2+3y-2=0,


The asymptotes will be x2-xy - 2y2+3y-2+λ=0, if this equation represents straight lines. Solving as a quadratic in x, we have

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Hence [Art. 37], the condition for straight lines is 9 (2-1)=9, or λ=1. The asymptotes are therefore x2 - xy - 2y2+3y-1-0.

175. To find the condition that the conic represented by the general equation of the second degree may be a rectangular hyperbola.

If the equation of the conic be

ax2 + 2hxy+by2+2gx+2fy + c = 0,

the equation

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0
0 ........

represents straight lines parallel to the asymptotes.


Hence, if the conic is a rectangular hyperbola, the lines given by (i) must be at right angles.

The required condition is therefore [Art. 44]

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If the axes of co-ordinates be at right angles to one another the condition is

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The required condition may also be found as follows. If the axes of co-ordinates be changed in any manner whatever, we have

a+b-2h cos w

a+b' - 2h' cos w'

[Art. 52].

sin' w

sin2 w'

But, if the conic be a rectangular hyperbola and

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