| Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - Periodicals - 1788 - 738 pages
...favourably received, the Editor is preparing for the prefs a further feleftion of letters and papers, written during the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV* and Richard III. to which he intends adding fuch as are in his poflbflion. which werft written in the reign of Henry... | |
 | sir John Fenn - 1787 - 404 pages
...-*• .- •-. ' • -* - - f -«. • • . ' e 5 <: $riiiteo for 0. 0. 3, aim & Kobmfan, in 1787. Written during the REIGNS of HENRY VI. EDWARD IV. AND RICHARD III. By various Perfons ^of RANK or CONSEOJJENCE ; > CONTAINING Many curious ANECDOTES, relative to that turbulent... | |
 | Early English newspapers - 1787 - 708 pages
...hand?, That fmooth'd liis wings which tour above the lands. * Vol. II. p. iij, in a " Collection of Original Letters written during the Reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard 111." lately publilhed by John Fenn, el'ij; MA FRS The p'blio, who have fo much admired the ingenuity... | |
 | Books - 1788 - 750 pages
...fhall put it in our power to pay him the tribute of applauie without «ny degree of abatement. AIT. IX. Original Letters, -written during the Reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. by vari.-us Perfons of Rank or Confequence, &c. &c. Digefted in a chronological Order. With Noces, hiftorical... | |
 | Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - Periodicals - 1788 - 738 pages
...favourably received, the Editor is preparing for the prefs a further feleftion of letters and papers, written during the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV* and Richard III. to which he intends adding fuch as are in his poflbflion. which werft written in the reign of Henry... | |
 | English poetry - 1788 - 708 pages
...meet with a curious and valuable publication in a collection of "Original Letters, written du ring the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. by various Pcrfonsof Rank or Confcquence, with notes Hiftoricabnd Explanatory, by John Feim efq. MA and FSA m... | |
 | Tobias Smollett - Books - 1789 - 612 pages
...LXIII. p. 454.) we mentioned fir John Fenn's defign of publishing a Selection of Letters and Papers, written during the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. This is now executed with the fame elegance, the fame care, and ornaments by no means inferior. In... | |
 | Edmund Burke - History - 1790 - 646 pages
...as Preceptor ta Henry VI. in his Minority, to the Lards and Council, for their Approbation. — From Original Letters, written during the Reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. by various Perfons of Rank or Confequence, &c. Articles de Monsr. de ' Warrewyk Articles declaring bow the Earl... | |
 | History - 1790 - 566 pages
...preceptor to Henry VI. in his minority, to the lords and council, for their approbation. — From " Original letters, (written during the reigns of Henry VI. Edward IV. and Richard III. by various pirfons of rank or confequence," iff. — 104 The fpeech of John Maw bray, duke of Norfolk, againft... | |
 | English poetry - 1790 - 734 pages
...Offices of GUARDIAN and PRECEPTO* to King HENRY VI. [Fromihe Third Volume of a Collection of Onginal Letters written during the Reigns of HENRY VI. EDWARD IV. and RICHARD III. By Sir JOHN FENN, Knight, MA and FASJ " TTOR the good'rule, demeaning Jl/ and funty of the king's perfou... | |
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