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" SIR FRANCIS DRAKE REVIVED. Who is or may be a Pattern to stirre up all Heroicke and active Spirits of these Times, to benefit their Countrey and eternize their Names by like Noble Attempts. Being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voyages made... "
Catalogue of the Private Library of Samuel Gardner Drake, A. M. - Page 161
by Samuel G. Drake - 1876 - 574 pages
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A catalogue of some books in the possession of H. Jadis

Henry Fenton Jadis - 1826 - 64 pages
...him into the West Indies, in the years 72 & 73, 4to 1626. Sir Francis Drake Revived, being a Summary of Foure Severall Voyages, made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies - - - - 1653. Life and Death of Sir Francis Drake, his Voyages and Discoveries, by Samuel Clark - -...
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A Catalogue of Books, Relating Principally to America: Arranged Under the ...

Obadiah Rich - America - 1832 - 140 pages
...and eternize their names by like noble attempts. Being a summary and true relation of foure several Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake, to the...the gaining thereof. And the surprizing of Nombre de Dias by himself and 52 men. His encompassing the world. His voyage made with Christopher Carleill,...
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Bibliotheca Devoniensis: A Catalogue of the Printed Books Relating to the ...

James Davidson - Devon - 1852 - 246 pages
...benefit their Countrey and eternize their names by like noble attempts. Being a summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies, &c. Collected out of the notes of the said Sir F. Drake, Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis Fletcher,...
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Bernard Quaritch

Bernard Quaritch (Firm) - Antiquarian booksellers - 1884 - 820 pages
...Voyages. 1567-96 Drake's Voyages : 28541 SIR FRANCIS DRAKE REVIVED : being a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis...viz. His dangerous adventuring for Gold and Silver. His Encompassing the World. His Voyage made with Christopher Carleill, Martin Frobnsher, Francis Knollis,...
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Voyageurs anciens et modernes: ou Choix des relations de ..., Volumes 3-4

Edouard Charton - Voyages and travels - 1855 - 954 pages
...London, 1026, 1652. — Sir Francis Drake rerh-ed, being a summary and true relation of four several voyages, made by the said sir Francis Drake to the west Indies ; collected out of the notes of the said sir Francis Drake, master Philip Nichols, master Francis Flitchz,...
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Catalogue Or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library: Authors and ..., Volume 1

Astor Library - 1857 - 1026 pages
...the Notes of Master Francis Fletcher. 4to. London, 1652 Revived, being a Summary and true Relation of Foure Severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies. 4to. London, 1653 His Voyage 1595; together with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico,...
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Catalogue or alphabetical index, Part 1

New York city, Astor libr - 1857 - 514 pages
...Master Francis Fletcher. 4to. London, 1652 Revived, being a Summary and true Relation of Foxire Several! Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies. 4to. London, 1653 His Voyage 1595; together with the Spanish Account of Drake's Attack on Puerto Rico,...
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Catalogue of Printed Books and Manuscripts Relating to the Conquest of ...

William Hickling Prescott - 1860 - 46 pages
...hardly ever found together, even in Spain.) SIR FRANCIS DRAKE REVIVED. Being*a Summary and true Relation of foure severall Voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West-Indies. London. 1653. Small 4to. Half calf. SOBRE COMPETENCIAS DE TRIBUNALES con el de la Inquisicion....
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Catalogue of the New York State Library: 1861: General Library: First Supplement

New York State Library - Libraries - 1861 - 1100 pages
...maybe a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits .... Being a summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies .... Collected 'out of the notes of the said Sir Francisx Drake ; Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis...
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Catalogue. General library

New York state, libr - 1861 - 1104 pages
...or may be a pattern to stirre up all heroicke and active spirits Being a ' summary and true relation of foure severall voyages made by the said Sir Francis Drake to the West Indies — . Collected out of the notes of the said Sir Francis Drake ; Master Philip Nichols, Master Francis...
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