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amongst them but those who were of noble extraction, whilst the religious societies were for the most part composed of the dregs of the earth: and lastly, that they acquired to themselves such immense treasure, as procured them the envy and hatred of all other orders; which was the true cause of the total extirpation of the Templars, and contributed to the diminution of the power and revenue of the Hospitallers, who are now called Knights of Malta.

Not inserting therefore these two military societies, we shall find that our number of religious orders amounted exactly to twelve; two plagues more than ever Egypt felt, and of a much more dreadful nature. For Moses only turned their rivers into blood; whereas our monks, by their persecutions, converted our whole nation into a sea of blood: he sent frogs, lice, and flies, into all their quarters, much less troublesome vermin than those mendicant friars, who swarmed in all our private families: he called for murrain upon the Egyptian cattle, and for boils upon the flesh of their inhabitants; and what were our religions orders less, than the consumers of our substance, and the corruption of our people? He commanded hail and locusts, which destroyed only one season's crop; but these sanctified caterpillars devoured our land for ages together. He caused a darkness, which soon passed away; but the eclipse which these men brought upon the light of the gospel, endured for more than twelve hundred years. And lastly, the first-born only in that unhappy land were slain by an angel of God; whereas in our (then much more miserable) country, those messengers of the devil, sacrificed whole families to their covetousness and lust.

That men should desire the onions of Egypt is no wonder; but that they should long for its very plagues, is a folly peculiar only to this generation. (1717.)

I have hitherto said nothing concerning the Nuns, whose rules were exactly the same with those of their brethren the Friars, in each respective order, to whom they served only as an appendix, or house of ease. All that may truly be affirmed of them is, that they were a set of silly superstitious women, who thought it a piece of spiritual devotion to be subservient to the

monks, though it were in gratifying the lusts of the flesh; and bore to the world the face of chaste Christian sisters, whilst, like a Turkish seraglio, they carried in private the teeming marks of the labour of their ghostly fathers. [To be concluded in our next.]

Queries on Study and Learning.

SIR,-Answers to the following Que-
ries, through the medium of the Impe-
rial Magazine, by you, or any of your
able correspondents, will very much

Dec. 24th, 1819.

is called to the work of the Ministry at ON the supposition that a young man secular employments, and has the 21 years of age,-is at liberty from his opportunity of spending two years at a seminary, where every branch of learnwould it be advisable for him to ing can be taught ;-What branches study?

thematics," in its general application? What is implied in the term "Ma

--which branches of them should be

studied?-and how far should they be pursued by the person in question?

Would it be advisable to study the Greek and Hebrew languages?—what advantage would result from an acquaintance with them?-would an time and attention it is presumed they acquaintance with them be worth the would occupy?-and could the time be occupied more advantageously?

What authors should a young Minister peruse, to acquire a beautiful and good style, that at the same time would be comprehended by all classes of

his audience?

ing the day, or week, supposing him How should he spend his time durto rise at four in the morning?

Which studies should take the precedence? and in what order should they follow?

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Memoir of His late Majesty George III.


(With a Portrait.)

In the preceding number of the Imperial Magazine, we began a Memoir of his late Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, which we have finished in this. His late Majesty having then paid that debt of nature from which no child of mortality can plead an exemption, we announced our intention of introducing into this number, a brief delineation of his history and character, accompanied with a Likeness, which all, who had an opportunity of observing his countenance, must allow to be particularly striking.

To give to the world only a brief delineation of the history and character of such a monarch as George III. especially as we have full in our view, and strongly in our recollection, the bright assemblage of those illustrious virtues, which, clustering round his throne, conferred new dignity on royalty, appears somewhat like a reflection on his memory. To prevent such an impression from being made on the public mind, it may be necessary to assign a reason for the method thus adopted.

Already has the proprietor of the Imperial Magazine begun to publish, in parts and numbers, a Life of our late most gracious Sovereign, in which he hopes to unfold at large, so far as they can be open to inspection, those dignified excellencies, which rendered him venerable in the eyes of contending parties, and those private virtues, which, independently of birth or station, endeared him to the population of an empire as a man. On the present occasion, a general outline is therefore all that we design to place before our readers, referring them to the work itself, for the full development of a character, which cannot be drawn in miniature.


sions like these, the biographer may indulge his own feelings, without wounding those of others, and transmit to posterity, the personal history of a Monarch, rendered imperishable, by being embalmed in a nation's tears.

His late Majesty George III. was born on the 24th of May, 1738, which, by the alteration of the style in 1752, became the 4th of June. His father, Frederick Prince of Wales, was son of George II. and was the presumptive heir to the crown; but dying before his father, the right of inheritance devolved on his son Prince George, our late beloved, but now much lamented Sovereign, he being the first son in the royal line. His mother was the Princess Sophia of Saxe-Gotha. His parents were married in 1736, and, prior to his birth, Princess Augusta was born of this union.

It has been shrewdly observed by Voltaire, that "reasons of state are mysteries to the vulgar." Whether this remark be founded in truth or falsehood, it is an indisputable fact, that we frequently perceive in the abodes and suburbs of royalty, effects detached from their causes and consequences; and in the same proportion in which they appear insulated, they must always be involved in darkness.

For some reasons which have not been developed, the first pregnancy of our late King's mother, if not kept a profound secret, was not publicly announced, until within a month of her delivery, when, without that etiquette of ceremony which such an event seemed to require, she was conducted to St. James's by Prince Frederick, to await her approaching accouchment. The king, who was evidently offended at this circumstance, manifested his displeasure, by insisting on their departure, so soon as prudence and safety would allow. They then removed to Kew, where for a considerable time they lived in retirement. Unhappily these events tended to widen a breach between the Royal parties, which had already for some time subsisted, and which was not for many years completely repaired.

Never perhaps, within the annals of our country, has a task so mournfully pleasing been assigned to the biographer of royalty. It is mournful to record the departure of the best of kings; but it is pleasing to have an The early education of the young opportunity of expatiating upon excel- Prince was entrusted to Dr. Ascough, lencies and virtues, which we have who was afterwards dean of Bristol. seen embodied in real life, without This gentleman, in a letter to Dr. either resorting to fiction for artificial Doddridge, dated Feb. 10, 1744, when aid, or risking the danger of incurring his Royal Highness was under six the imputation of flattery. On occa-years of age, speaks of his amiable No. 14.-VOL. II.


disposition in terms favourable to that piety, which in his riper years he was always fond to cherish. Dr. Ascough states, that of his own accord he had learnt several pages of Dr. Doddridge's verses on Christianity.

On another occasion,when the Prince was about ten years old, George II. sent Baron Stainberg to examine the children of Prince Frederick in their learning. This office the Baron discharged with punctual fidelity, by taking them all in regular succession. At the conclusion of his examination, he observed to the young Prince, that be would report to his Majesty the great proficiency he had made in his Latin, but intimated that he should be glad if he would make himself better acquainted with his German Grammar, as an accurate knowledge of this language might be of essential service to him in future life. "German Grammar! German Grammar!" replied the Prince, "why any dull boy can learn that." The Baron, on his return, repeated this observation to his Majesty, who thinking that it was an expression which treated the German language with disrespect, was much offended, and, instead of commending the child for the sprightliness of his remark, manifested an indignity which reflects no honour on his natural disposition.

In the year 1751, after the death of his father, his late Majesty was created Prince of Wales, at which time he had attained the age of thirteen. We learn from the well known diary of Bubb Dodington, Baron of Melcombe Regis, that the Bishops of Norwich and Peterborough were at this time his preceptors, and that a considerable portion of his early life was passed in comparative seclusion, under the care of his mother. The memorials which this gentleman has preserved, are particularly interesting, as they throw much light on the manner in which the young Prince was educated, and show what care was taken to prepare him, through the gradations of his younger years, for the important station, which, at the head of a mighty empire, he was destined to fill. At this time his principal and almost only companion was his brother Edward, afterwards Duke of York. His mother, however, complained much, that the principles which were instilled into his mind, were in a great measure

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concealed from her; and she expressed her fears that his time was not always improved to the best advantage. His natural disposition she represented as amiable; stating that he was very honest in his communications ;-that his warmest affection was for his brother Edward;-that he had a tender regard for the memory of his father;— but that she regretted, he was not more manly and less childish for one of his age, which was then about fifteen.

On another occasion the Princess observed, that "in his natural disposition he was shy and backward, neither wild nor dissipated in his manners, but good natured and cheerful, having on the whole a serious air;-that he was not remarkably quick, but appeared, to those who were intimately acquainted with him, affable and intelligent;-that his education had given her much pain;--that of his book-learning she was incompetent to judge; but so far as she could observe, it appeared to be small, if not nearly useless, and that she hoped he would have been made acquainted with men and things."

As the manner in which he was brought up was so particularly secluded from society, it is only from these transient glances on his character, taken from passing events and accidental communications, that we have any opportunity of beholding him, during his minority. Lord Chesterfield, in a letter to his son, dated in March 1755, observes, "It is to be hoped, and is most probable, that the king, who is now perfectly recovered from his late indisposition, may live to see his grandson of age. He is seriously a most hopeful boy; gentle and good-natured, with good sound sense."

In a paper dated August 6th, 1755, Lord Melcombe, after passing the day with the Princess at Kew, observes, "The conversation fell on the king's proposal of marrying Prince George to a Princess of the house of Brunswick, of which she much disapproved. She thought the match premature: the Prince ought to mix with the world— the marriage would prevent it—he was shy and backward-the match would shut him up for ever, with two or three friends of his, and two or three of hers. That he was much averse to it himself, and that she disliked the alliance extremely." The resistance to these

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