Page images

pulsion of Buddhism, 359; legend of
king Divodás, 360; triumph of Siva,
362; described by Fitch, 394.
Bengal, unknown to the Greeks and
Romans, 205; visited by Mr Fitch,
398; Portuguese attempt to open up
a trade, 428.

Bhadrá-Kálí, the goddess, 364.
Bharata, son of Dasaratha and Kaikeyf,
appointed Yuvaraja, 4; performs
the funeral ceremonies for his father
Dasaratha, 49.

Bhavani, the goddess, conception of, 361.
Bhíma, the giant Pándava, 33; his vow

at the gambling match, 38; drinks
the blood of Duhsásana, 39; breaks
the thigh of Duryodhana, 40.
Bhishma, legend of, 30.

Bikramajeet, Rana of Chittore, story of
his reign, 345, 346.

Bodhisatwa, an inferior Buddha, 248.
Bodhi tree, or tree of wisdom, 124.
Bokhara, visited by Hiouen-Thsang,

Bracelet, Rajpoot custom of, 345.
Brahma, the god, 64; creation of the
universe, 70; appears in the Rámá-
yana as a supplicant of Vishnu, 371;
worshipped in the Trimúrti, 383.
Brahmanical Revival, 357; expulsion of
the Buddhists from Sárnáth, 360, 362.
Brahmans, their inferior status in
ancient times, 35; obscure origin of
a sacred caste of hereditary priests,
64; distinction between the priests or
sacrificers, and the sages or philo-
sophers, 66; popular religion of the
priests, 67; Vishnu, Siva, and Brah-
ma, ib.; animal sacrifices, 68; origin
of the doctrine of atonement, 69;
secret religion of the Bráhman sages,
70; creation of the universe by the
supreme spirit Brahma, ib.; panthe-
istic idea of the supreme spirit per-
vading the universe, 72; dogma of
the metempsychosis, or transmigra-
tions of the soul, ib. ; lifeless character
of the conceptions of a creation and
creator, 73; antagonism between the
metempsychosis and the old theology,
74; profound significance of the
dogma of the metempsychosis, 75; a
revolt against the popular worship of
the gods, 76; religion of the Bráh-
man sages-a compromise between
the metempsychosis and the old the-
ology, 77; popular religion of the
Brahman priests unaffected by the
metempsychosis, ib.; stages in the
history of the Bráhmans: originally
sacrificers to all the gods, 79; de-
velopment of the Brahmans into a
national priesthood, 80; pretensions
of the Brahmans, 81; Bráhmans re-
garded by the Kshatriyas as an in-
ferior caste, 82; status of Brahman
sages, ib.; character of the revolution
which established Brahmanism, 84;
four stages in the ideal life of a Bráh-
man: the student, the householder,

the hermit, the devotee, 86; evils of
a hereditary priesthood, 88; connec-
tion of Sati with the Bráhmans, ib. ;
failure of Brahmanism, 93; religious
quiescence succeeded by revolt, 94;
results of Brahmanism on the people
of India, 95; distinction between the
Brahmanism of the sages and the
Buddhism of the monks, 112; en-
courage insurrection against Alex-
ander. 166; slaughter of, ib.; gym-
nosophists described by the Greeks,
168; curiosity of Alexander respecting
them, 169; interview of Onesikritos
with them, 170; arrogance of Kala-
nos, 171; conciliatory behaviour of
Mandanis, 172; held in higher re-
pute by the Greeks than the Srámans,
or Buddhist monks, 189; antagonism
towards the Buddhists, 254, 255;
ecclesiastical organization and mis-
sionary operations of, 401.

Buddha, Gótama, life and teachings of,
93; results of Brahmanism and Bud-
dhism compared, 94; results of Bud-
dhism on the people of Burma, 97;
cradle of Buddhism in eastern Hindu-
stan, 99; geography of Buddhist India
during the life of Gotama, 100; tradition
of the origin of Kapila and Koli, 102;
incestuous marriages of the Sákya
princes, 104; birth of Gótama, B.C.
623, 104; religious melancholy of Góta-
ma, 105; marriage of Gótama, 106; the
three terrors-old age, disease, and
death, 107; the way of deliverance,
108; the flight from the palace, 109;
contrast between Gótama and Mo-
hammed, ib.; Gótama commences
his career as a mendicant, 110; Brah-
manical culture of Gótama, 111; dis-
tinction between the Brahmanism of
the sages and the Buddhism of the
monks, 112; antagonism on the ques-
tion of caste, 114; characteristics of
the caste system in India, ib.; Gó-
tama as a disciple, a sage, and a pre-
ceptor, 115; abstraction of the soul,
116; contemplation and austerities,
failure of the Brahmanical
system, 117; development of the
affections, 118; twofold character of
the law discipline and religion, 120;
religion for the many, ib.; existence
of deities and demons, heavens and
hells, 121; monasticism for the few,
122; four truths comprising the law
of the wheel, 123; profound sorrow
of Sakya Muni over the horrors of
existence, ib.; hymn of joy, 124;
head-quarters of Sákya Muni at
Benares, ib.; success of Sákya Muni,
125; distinction between the priest-
hood and the laity, 127; assembly
composed, not of priests, but monks,
128; monastic life, 129; missionary
operations, ib.; admission of monks
into the assembly, 130; dark side of
Buddhist monasticism, 132; consent
of parents necessary to ordination,

ib.; antagonism of the Terthakaras,
134; reluctant admission of nuns,
136; political disturbances in Hindu-
stan: breach in the royal house of
Magadha, ib.; breach in the Bud-
dhist assembly, 137; legend of Ajata-
satru the parricide, and the apostate
priest Devadatta, ib. ; empire estab-
lished by Ajata-satru, 138; latter
years of Sákya Muni, 139; death of
two favourite disciples, 140; alleged
origin of the commemoration of relics,
ib.; death of Sákya Muni, 141; sig-
nificance of the legend respecting the
cause of death, 142; mythical account
of the funeral ceremonies and distri-
bution of relics, 143; unreal character
of the legend, ib.; supernatural in-
cidents, 144; introduction of deities
and miracles, 145; allegorical cha-
racter of the legend, 146; probable
origin of the idea of Buddhism, 147;
Buddha as a moral and religious
teacher, 148; significance of the terms
Nirvána and Buddha, 149; antagon-
ism between the two conceptions,
ib.; conflict of selfishness and benevo-
lence, 150; Gótama, a teacher of
loving-kindness, ib.; demarcation be-
tween priest and layman, 152.
Buddhism, the first chronological stand-
point in the history of India, 3. (See
Gótama Buddha, life and teachings of.)
Results of, on people of Burma, 97;
cradle of, in eastern Hindustan, 99;
geography of Buddhist India, 100;
Srámans or Germanes described by
Megasthenes, 188; practised as phy-
sicians, 192; two classes of Buddhist
records: the edicts and the chronicles,
209; religion of the heart, and re-
ligion of the intellect, 210; antiquity
of celibacy in India, 211; discovery
of the edicts of Priyadarsi (Asoka),
213; conception of Dharma as dis-
tinct from monasticism, ib. ; subject
matter of the edicts, 215; duties of
the affections, ib.; expression of
duties in the edicts, 216; measures of
Raja Priyadarsi (Asoka), ib.; pro-
hibition of the slaughter of animals,
ib.; result of the edict, 218; failure
of the edict, ib. ; enforcement of the
edict by an imperial demonstration,
ib.; significance of the prohibition,
220; medical establishments for men
and animals, 221; character of the
edict, 222; state system of moral in-
struction, 223; opposition to Raja
Priyadarsi (Asoka), 224; conciliatory
edicts, 225; vitality of Dharma as
the religion of loving-kindness, 226;
association of Dharma with Bud-
dhism; degeneration of monastic Bud-
dhism, 228; Priyadarsi identified with
Asoka, 230; misty age preceding
Asoka, 231; Asoka and Sandrokottos
compared, 232; Asoka's accession to
the throne of Magadha, 233; conver-
sion of Asoka, 234; secular character

of Asoka: fear of treachery, love of
women and the chase, 235; religious
character of Asoka, 236; change of
spiritual nature: revolt at sacrifice,
ib.; religious character of Asoka,
237; zealous promulgation of Dharma,
ib.; absence of deity in Dharma, ib.;
drift from Brahmanism to Buddhism,
238; death of Asoka, н.c. 288: inter-
val of seven centuries after Asoka,
239; isolated historical notices, B.C.
300 to A.D. 400, ib.; travels of Fah-
Hian, A.D. 399-414, 241; extension
of Buddhism to China, ib.; isolation
of Chinese Buddhismı, 242; character
of Fah-Hian, 243; march from China
to India: the desert of Gobi, ib.; the
Tartars, 244; the little and great
Vehicles, 245; religious details sup-
plied by Fah-Hian, 246; kingdom of
Khotan, ib.; processions of images of
Buddha, 247; quinquennial expiation
at Kartchou, 249; Pamir steppe and
Hindú Kúsh, ib.; Udyána and Swat
country worship of relics, 250; re-
ligious character of Fah-Hian's travels,
251; Buddhism in the Punjab, 252;
Brahmanical pale, ib.; middle coun-
try: mildness of Buddhist administra-
tion, 253; monastic life of the Srá-
mans, ib.; Kanouj and Kosala: Brah-
manical ascendancy, 254; pilgrimages
to holy places, 255; city of Patali-
putra: its Buddhist institutions, ib. ;
pride of caste in a converted Bráh-
man, 257; superior philanthropy of
Fah-Hian, 258; return of Fah-Hian
to China, 259; travels of Hiouen-
Thsang, 629-645, ib.; liberal cha-
racter of Hiouen-Thsang, ib.; surface
life of the Indian towns, 260; con-
trast between ancient and modern
Hindús, 261; mild administration of
justice, 262; trial by ordeal, ib.; pub-
lic revenue, ib.; public expenditure,
263; distribution of India into petty
kingdoms, ib.; the village, the king-
dom, and the empire, 265; superior-
ity of the ancient Mahrattas to the
modern type, 266; the Mahratta
Raja, 267; travels of Hiouen-Thsang
in Central Asia and Northern India,
ib.; encounter with river pirates be
tween Ayodhya and Prayága, 268;
holy places of Buddhism surrounded
by Brahmanism, 269; Hiouen-Thsang
invited to Nálanda, 270; the Bud-
dhist university, ib.; studies in Bud-
dhism and Brahmanism, 271; intro-
duction of Hiouen-Thsang, 272;
great public disputations, 273; fes-
tival of expiation, 275; confession
and almsgiving, ib.; field of happi-
ness at Prayága, ib.; grand royal
liberalities, 276; political and re-
ligious character of the almsgiving,
277; route of Hiouen-Thsang from
Nálanda to the Bay of Bengal, 279;
route through the Dekhan and Penin-
sula to Conjeveram, ib.; route along

the western coast to the Indus, 280;
expulsion from India, 358.
Buddhist chronicles, 209; see also Ap-
pendix II.

Bukephalia, city of, founded by Alex-
ander, 163.

Bunbeer, usurps the throne of Chittore,
346; flies to the Dekhan, 317.
Burmese, courting time, 25, note; results
of Buddhism amongst, 97.
Byadeit, the privy council of Ava, 356.
Cabul, conquest of by Alexander, 160.
Cananore, described by Marco Polo, 391.
Cashmere, visited by Hiouen-Thsang,

Castes, 64, note; antagonism between

Brahmanism ánd Buddhism on the
question of, 114; characteristics of the
caste system in India, ib.; seven
castes described by Megasthenes, 192;
pride of caste in a Bráhman convert
to Buddhism, 257.

Celibacy in India, its antiquity, 211.
Ceylon, visited by Fah-Hian, 258; in-

ternal wars prevent the visit of Hiou-
en-Thsang, 280.

Chanakya, the Brahman, represented in
the Hindú play of the "Signet of the
Minister," 309.

Chand, the Rajpoot bard, 330.
Chandálas, an impure class, 233.
Chandana Dás, the faithful friend of
Rakshasa, 310, 312.
Chandragupta. See Sandrokottos. Re-
presented in the drama of the "Sig-
net of the Minister," 308.
Chárudatta, a typical Bráhman, in the
drama of the Toy-cart, 286; his pur-
suits, 287; his amour with Vasanta-
séná, the courtesan, 296; convicted
of murdering her, 303; the rescue,
305; marries the courtesan, 306.
Charun devi, priestess of, 343.
Chenab, river, passage of effected by Al-
exander, 164.

Chinese pilgrims. See Fah-Hian and

Chittagong, pirates of, 450-457.
Chittore, visited by Hiouen-Thsang, 281;
captured by Allá-ud-deen, 335; per-
formance of the Johur rite, 335; re-
covered by Hamir, 339; captured by
Akber, 348; restored to Umra Sing,

Chohans, descended from the Sun, 328.
Choitunya, the Bengal reformer, 382.
Chola country, visited by Hiouen-
Thsang, 280.

Chonda, son of Lakha Rana, story of,

Cleophes, queen of the Assacani, van-
quished by Alexander, 160.
Confession, originally practised by the
Buddhists, 275.

Conjeveram, visited by Hiouen-Thsang,
280; Jain kings of, 364.
Coromandel country, described by Marco
Polo, 386.

Courtesans, fervent disciples of Gótama
Buddha, 127; character of Vasanta-

sénú in the play of the "Toy-cart,"
289; description of an establishment
of, 295, note; her amour with Cháru-
datta, the Brábman, 293; her mir-
riage, 303; temple women described
by Marco Polo, 338.

Creation of the universe by Brahma, 70;
the work of Iswara, or Siva, 332, 363.
Dasaratha, Maharaja of Kosala, 41; his
family, ib.; appointment of his son
Ráma to be Yuvaraja, 43; wheedled
by his favourite queen into exiling
Ráma and appointing Bharata, 45;
his death in the apartments of Kansa-
lyá, 48; funeral ceremonies, 49.
Dekhan, or central India, 7; dangerous
and difficult country in the time of
Fah-Hian, 258; traversed by Hiouen-
Thsang, 279.

Delhi, the ancient Indra-prastha, 27;
abduction of the princess of Kanouj
by the Chohan prince, 330; the Sátí,

Deluge, referred to in three Avatáras
of Vishnu, 368.

Devadatta, creates a breach in the As-
sembly of Gútama Buddha, 137; es-
pouses the cause of Ajata-satru, ib.
Dharma, expressed in the edicts of Aso-
ka, 213; distinct from monasticism,
214; vitality of, as the religion of
loving-kindness, 226; associated with
Buddhism, 228; zealously promul
gated by Asoka, 257; absence of all
idea of deity, ib.

Dhritarashtra, the blind, legend of, 31;
interferes at the gambling-match, 38;
death, 40.

Dionysos, the Greek deity, identified
with Siva, 68, 362.

Disputations, great public, in Bud-
dhist India, 273.

Diu, Portuguese fort at, besieged by the
Turks, 432.

Divodás, king of Benares, legend of,
360, note.


Drama, Hindú, its secular character, 282;
reveals the social life of the people of
India, 283; opens up a new world,
284; the Toy-cart," 285; princi-
pal characters, 286; incidents of
the play, 290; review of the "Toy-
cart,' 306; historical element, 307;
the "Signet of the Minister," 308;
story of the play, 309; contest between
the two ministers, ib.; dark side of
Hindú character, 312; " Sakúntalá,
or the Lost Ring," 313; hunting scene,
ib.; a Bráhman hermitage, 314; the
Gandharva marriage, 316; mythical
incidents, 318; the reconciliation, 319;
the "Stolen Marriage." ib.; school of
the Buddhist nun, 320; story of the
drama, 321; a marriage difficulty, ib.;
intrigues of the Buddhist nun, 322;
despair of the lovers, 323; humour of
the play, 324; chronology of the
Sanskrit drama, 325.

Draupadí, her Swayamvara, 34; lost at
the gambling-match, 38.

Dravida, kingdom of, visited by Hiouen-
Thsang, 280.
Dravidians, 12; include the Telugu,
Tamil, Kanarese, and Malayalam peo-
ple, 13; their religion, 14, note; wor-
ship of the serpent, 58; collision with
the Aryans, 59; political organization,
ib., 386, 387.

Drona, the preceptor of the Pandavas
and Kauravas, 32.
Duhsásana, character of, 33.

Durga, human sacrifices to, 269, 324;
conception of, 364.

Durvásas, the irascible sage, 317.
Duryodhana, the eldest Kaurava, his
character, 32; insults Draupadí, 38;
slain by Bhima, 39.

Dushyanta, Raja, the hero of the drama
of Sakuntala, 313.

Duties of the affections expressed in the
edicts of Asoka, 215.

Edicts of Priyadarsi. See Asoka.
Egypt, frequently compared with India,


Endowments, Buddhist, 253.
English, early kingdoms compared with
those of the Rajpoots, 352.
English, their early settlements in India,

Epics. See Hindú, Mahá Bharata, and

Eudemos, appointed to succeed Philip
as Greek governor of Taxila, 174;
murdered Porus, 175; expelled from
India by Sandrokottos, ib.
Expiation, festival of, at Kartchou, 249;
at Prayága, 275; confession and alms-
giving, ib.

Fah-Hian, the Chinese pilgrim, his
march from China to India, 243 ; jour-
ney through the great desert of Gobi,
244; Tartars, ib.; great and little
Vehicles, 245; his religious details,
246; halt in Khotan, ib.; witnesses
the processions of images, 247; pre-
sent at the quinquennial expiation at
Kartchou, 249; crosses the Pamir
steppe and Hindú Kúsh, ib.; worship
of relics in Udyána and the Swat
country, 250; religious character of
his travels, 251; Buddhism in the
Punjab, 252; Brahmanical pale, ib. ;
mildness of Buddhist administration
in the Middle Country, 253; Kanouj
and Kosala, 254; pilgrimages to holy
places, 255; city of Patali-putra, ib.;
his superior philanthropy, 258; return
to China, 259; perilous voyage, ib.


Faria y Sousa, his general account of
India in the seventeenth century, 399;
description of Guzerat, 420; region be-
tween Guzerat and Malabar, 421; de-
scription of Malabar, 422; social cus-
toms of the Malabar people, 424;
sacrifices, 425; religious bathings, 426;
shrine of St Thomas, 428; history of
the Portuguese in India, 403, et seq.
Fitch, Ralph, his travels through Ilin-
dustan, 394.

Funeral ceremonies on the death of
Maharaja Dasaratha, 48.

Gambling, the vice of the Kshatriyas,
36; wives lost, 38.

Gandhára, visited by Hiouen-Thsang,

Gandharí, wife of Dhritarashtra and
mother of the Kauravas, 31; her as-
sumed blindness, 32; her death, 40.
Gandbarva marriage, 316.
Ghosts, propitiation of, 26.
Goa. See Portuguese India.
Gobi, great desert of, march of the
Chinese pilgrims through, 244.
Gonzales, Sebastian, tragical adventures
of, 452.
See Buddha.

Gótama Buddha.
Government, councils at Ayodhya, 43;
political life in Ayodhya, 48; Hindú
constitution: village communities, 59;
village officials and artisans, 62; groups
of villages formed into provinces, 63;
internal administration of the Gan-
getic kingdom, 193; inspectors, ib.;
system of espionage, 194; surveil-
lance of trade and manufactures, 195;
duties of the six divisions of city in-
spectors, ib.; collective duties of city
inspectors, 196; army inspectors, ib.;
district inspectors, 197; officers of
state, 198; administration compared
with that of Burma, ib.: adapted to
the Hindú population, 199; mildness
of Buddhist administration in the
Madya-desa, 253, 262; trial by ordeal,
262; public revenue, 263; public ex-
penditure, ib.; distribution of India
into petty kingdoms, ib.; the village,
the kingdom, and the empire, 265;
political and religious almsgiving at
Prayaga, 277; political system of the
Rajpoots, 351; comparison between
the Rajpoots and Teutons, 352.
Greek India, 153; surface observations
of the Greeks, 166; accounts of Me-
gasthenes, 178. See India, Greek and

Gupta kings of Magadha, 240.
Guzerat, visited by Hiouen-Thsang, 281;
described by Marco Polo, 393; de-
scribed by Faria y Sousa, 420; Sultan
of, appeals to Turkey for help against
the Portuguese, 430; murder of the
Sultan, 431.

Hamir, Rana of Chittore, deprived of
his capital, 336; inveigled into a
widow marriage by Maldeo of Jhalore,
337; his vow for himself and success-
ors, 338.
Hanuman, the monkey chieftain, helps
Ráma to recover Sítá, 375.
Happiness, field of, cultivation at Pra-
yaga, 275.
Harshavardhana, king of Kanouj,
identical with Síláditya, 268.
Hastinapur, old domestic life at, 29;
capital of Raja Dushyanta, 317.
Herakles, the Greek deity, identified
with Vishnu, 68, 365; legend respect
ing his daughter Pandæa, 206, note.

Hindú drama. See Drama.
Hindú epics, their Brahmanical cha-
racter, 5; absence of chronology, 6;
elements of religious belief, 7.
Hindú era, 1; four elements in the
Vedic, the Brahmanic, the Buddhist,
and the Brahmanical revival, 2.
Hindú Kúsh, its crags and precipices, 250.
Hindustan, or northern India, 7;
watered by the Ganges and Jumna,
53; strategic importance of Prayága,
or Allahabad, 54; civilization of, dif-
ferent from that in the Punjab, 184;
traversed by Mr Fitch in the sixteenth
century. 395.

Hiouen-Thsang, the Chinese pilgrim,
travels of, 259; his liberality, ib.;
description of Indian towns, 260;
contrast between ancient and modern
Hindús, 261; mild administration of
justice, 262; his personal adventures,
267; encounter with river pirates,
268; finds the holy places of Bud-
dhism surrounded by Brahmanism,
269; invited to the Sangháráma of
Nálanda, 270; description of the
Buddhist university, 271; studies in
Buddhism and Brahmanism, 272;
engages in a public disputation with
a Bráhman, 273; great disputation
at Kanouj, ib.; defeats the followers
of the little Vehicle, ib.; attends the
festival of expiation at Prayága,
275; route from Nálanda to the Bay
of Bengal, 279; route through the
Dekhan and Peninsula to Conjeve-
ram, ib.; route along the western
coast to the Indus, 280.
Hiranya-parvata, the modern Monghír,
visited by Hiouen-Thsang, 279.
Hlot-dau, the supreme council of Ava,

Hospitals for men and animals, 221; at
Patali-putra, 257.

Húghli, Portuguese settlement at, 399;
destroyed by Shah Jehan, 454.
Hymn of joy, the expression of Bud-
dhism, 124.


Ikswáku, Raja of Kosala, tradition of
the origin of Kapila and Koli, 102.
India, three eras in the history-the
Vedic, the Mussulman, and
British, 1; geographical divisions of
India: Hindustan, the Dekhan, and
the Peninsula, 7; Aryan and Turani-
an gates, 8; products of India, 9; dif-
ferent currents of immigration, ib.;
Kolarians, or aborigines, 10; Dravi-
dians, Telugu, Tamil, Kanarese, and
Malayalam, 12; chaotic character of
its ancient history, 27; old Persian tra-
ditions, ib.; the Hindú epics, ib.;
political organization of the people re-
sembling that of the Teutons, 59, 351;
ancient political system, 157; con-
stantly compared by the Greeks with
Egypt, 192, note; internal adminis-
tration of the Gangetic kingdom,
193; distributed into a number of
petty states, 263.

India, Brahmanic, retrospect of, 64.
See Brahmanical revival.
India, Buddhist. See Buddhism.
India, Greek and Roman, 153; accounts
of Megasthenes, 178; Hindú ban-
quets, 184; difference of civilization
in the Punjab and Hindustan, ib.;
ryots or cultivators, 185; traders and
artisans, ib.; army, 186; sages or
philosophers, 187; the Great As-
sembly, ib.; reign of Sandrokottos:
a transition period, 188; division of
the philosophers into Bráhmans and
Germanes (Srámans), ib.; life of the
Brahman sages, 189; dogma of the
metempsychosis, 190; doctrine of the
supreme spirit, ib.; question of self-
destruction, ib.; Greek opinions of
the Brahmans, 191; Greek opinions
of the Buddhist monks, ib.; three
extra castes described by Megasthe
nes, 192; shepherds and hunters,
193; inspectors, ib. ; system of espion-
age, 19; surveillance of trade and
manufactures, 195; duties of the six
divisions of city inspectors, ib.; col-
lective duties of city inspectors, 196;
army inspectors, ib.; district inspect-
ors, 197; officers of state, 198; ad-
ministration of the Gangetic empire
compared with that of Burma, ib. ;
adaptation of the administration to
the Hindú population, 199; authen-
ticity of the Greek pictures of ancient
India, 200; review of the Greek ac-
counts of the Ryots, 201; character
of the supervision over trades and
artisans, 203; reticence of Megasthe-
nes as regards politics and religion,
204; Greek ignorance of Bengal,
205; embassy of Pandion or Porus to
Augustus Cæsar, 206; suicide of an
Indian sage, .08.
India, Portuguese.


See Portuguese

India, Vedic, retrospect of, 1.
Indra, god of the sky, 16; worshipped
at the Poongul festival, 21; a sove-
reign ruler, 22.

Indra-prastha, the modern Delhi, 27.
Indus river and its tributaries, 53; con-
founded by the Greeks with the Nile,

Iswara, conception of, as Siva, 362.
Jains, description of, 361; associated
with the little Vehicle, ib.
Janaka, Raja of Mithilá, gives his
daughter Sítá in marriage to Ráma,


Jangam, sect of, 365.
Jarasandha, king of Magadha, father-
in-law of Kansa, 377, 380.
Jeimal, youngest son of Raemul, his
death, 344.

Jesuits, labours of, in India, 446.
Jeypore, kingdom of, 327.
Jhelum, river, passage of, by Alexander,
161; defeat of Porus, 162; formation
of a Macedonion fleet, 163.
Johur, rite of, 335, 348.

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