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Second proof of the associative law of multiplication, § 85.

Proof of the formulae


Vaẞ= - VBa,
αβ = Κβα,


S.aBy=S.Bya=S.yaß=S.ayß= &c. §§ 86-89.

d.S.aßy=aS.Byd + BS.yad + yS.aßd,

If be the angle between two vectors, a and B, we have


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Simple propositions in plane trigonometry, § 104.

Proof that aẞa-1 is the vector reflected ray, when ẞ is the incident ray

and a normal to the reflecting surface, § 105.

Interpretation of aßy when it is a vector, § 106.

Examples of variety in simple transformations, § 107.

Introduction to spherical trigonometry, §§ 108-113.

Representation, graphic, and by quaternions, of the spherical excess,
§§ 114, 115.

Loci represented by different equations-points, lines, surfaces, and solids,
§§ 116-119.

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where a, B, y are any rectangular unit vectors whatever, we have

Sq=-mq, Vq=e. §§ 170-174.

Degrees of indeterminateness of the solution of a quaternion equation-

Examples, §§ 175-179.

The linear function of a quaternion is given by a symbolical biquadratic,

§ 180.

Particular forms of linear equations, §§ 181-183.

A quaternion equation of the mth degree in general involves a scalar
equation of degree m1, § 184.

Solution of the equation

q2=qa+b, § 185.

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