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now about one hundred and fifty species and varieties. A great number of these curious plants may consequently be seen by any one who chooses to visit Mr. Knight's nursery, and the curious shapes and brilliant colours of their flowers will well repay the visiter for his trouble. Cattleia, named after the above mentioned Mr. Cattley, who was a celebrated grower of epiphytes, is a particularly handsome plant; the leaves are large and fleshy, and the flowers, which are of a very elegant shape, are dark violet and yellow. Stanhopea and Cypripedium insigne are insigne are also very handsome, and many others might be named; it is difficult to particularize, where all are beautiful; some of the flowers are shaped like little boats, some like a lady's slipper, and some like the beak of a bird, &c.; the colours are always brilliant, and possess a remarkable clearness and vividness; purple, lilac, violet, green, olive, brilliant scarlet, pink and yellow, with a peculiarly rich and velvety brown, are among the principal varieties. The roots are generally long and twining, and of colours as various as the flowers. Most of the kinds are cultivated in England by being tied with moss on pieces of the branches of trees, which are hung from the roof of the hot-house in which they are kept; but some are placed in pots with lime, rubbish, gravel, or moss, instead of soil. It is only since the commencement of the last century, that these plants have been much cultivated in England. Dr. Lindley has bestowed considerable care and attentión on them; and by a paper published by him two or three years since in the Transactions of the London Horticultural Society, we find that, in 1801, there were only about twenty species cultivated at Kew, and that this was, perhaps, the largest collection of these plants in Europe. There are now above 300 species cultivated in England, and new ones are continually being introduced.

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Museum of National Manufactures. In reverting to the progress of this useful establishment since our last notice, it is satisfactory to announce that this is exhibited alike in the increase of its visitors as in the extensive additions that have been made to the objects in the collection, which now begins more appropriately to fulfil its title, and claims to be considered a repository of the varying and numerous products of our manufacturing industry. We take pleasure in recording this, and again calling attention to its objects; because, if establishments like the present are to be developed to their full extent, it can only be by the assistance of an enlightened and an impartial press. It is, we regret to have to state, too justly, that there is no department of the public press less efficiently fulfilled than that of scientific criticism; which, instead of being an impartial and candid expression and judgment of the claims of the object, is either the assumption of utter ignorance of its merits, or a pander to the empyricism of the arts, which is too characteristic of the commercial intercourse of the present day. In proportion as the public become more familiarized with, and can exercise a more competent judgment over, the productions of the useful arts, where an initiation into the processes of those manufactures, with which the vital prosperity of this country is concerned, shall be made a subject of attention and study for the juvenile and inquiring mind, better-qualified race of critics will be called into existence, because they will then be amenable before the competent tribunal of public opinion. Our nation has resources in manufacturing and mechanical art, greater than were ever at the command of another people at any age; and the wealthy of our country are alike eminently in a condition to employ productions of the most careful and assiduous art, as they are prone to estimate them at their just value. If beyond the wants and capabilities of our

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own society in its actual condition, there be a sound national policy, as there unquestionably is, to urge us to attain the highest rank amongst manufacturing nations, it becomes a more positive duty to cherish every means, and avail ourselves of every instrument, which may ameliorate our internal state, and tend to strengthen and make permanent our power to draw from the world around us subsistence for a population now redundant above our instrinsic sources of supply. We must aim at becoming the soundest manufacturers on the globe; and, under that character, our local advantages will give us a high and permanent independence. Such objects can only be advanced by establishments like the present constituting a school of art for instructing the artist in the highest efforts of his art, and making the public acquainted with those objects with which their comforts, conveniences, and luxuries are promoted.

It is impossible in the short compass of a notice to tabulate even the most interesting objects of the present collection, extending, as they do, to every subject to which the mind of man can direct its ingenuity and exercise in the arts, manufactures, and agricultural industry, and containing so many specimens of great and sterling interest and novelty. We have, No. 11. Bee-hives on Mr. Nutt's improved system of management, by which the honey is taken without the destruction of the bees, with ac companying specimens of honey and wax, fully establishing the character of this intelligent and humane system, as well in the superior quality and quantity of the products. No. 16. Murray's life-preserving arrow, to cast a line from a stranded ship; an obvious improvement over Captain Manby's apparatus for the same purpose. No. 25. Specimens of casting in brass from natural objects; correct and faithful representations, by which nature herself might be deceived. No. 35. Specimens of Bucking ham pillow blond lace; very beautiful specimens, which only require to be made known to insure a return of prosperity to an extensive and interesting branch of local manufacturing domestic industry. No. 52. Busts in ivory, reduced from life size; these are effected by a peculiar mechanical contrivance of the artist, by which means a counterpart is produced, setting at defiance, for beauty and delicacy of finish, the most elaborate efforts of the chisel. No. 75. Tables in marquetry; these productions of Mr. Blake, an ingenious and intelligent artist, are decidedly equal to any of foreign manufacture, whilst the price at which they are sold is considerably less. It is not to the credit of public taste that, until the opening of the National Repository, the artist, although he had for some years been occupied in this branch of industry, had never vended his productions but to the trade, to retail to the public at a much enhanced price, as foreign, No. 77. Model of St. Luke's Church, at Chelsea, in plaster, done to scale by Miss Bessimer; a very elaborate and beautiful specimen of architectural modelling. No. 78. Nott's American stove for burning coke and anthracite; this stove distributes a very large proportion of heat, and the combustion of the fuel is very perfect, whilst it does not require replenishing above once in six or eight hours. No. 87. Chair framed with mottled horns of the ox: ingenuity and taste have acted in concert here to produce a most beautiful combination of natural objects apparently very little suited to the design: the structure is an admirable exemplification of the theory of beautiful form, as deduced from lines flowing in varied and unconstrained


No. 89. Time-piece, with a newly-invented compensating pendulum. The compensation is produced by the pendulum rod being constructed of three bars of the differently-expansible metals zinc and steel, by which an uniformity of its length, and consequent accuracy of motion, is secured. No. 90. Helix lever time-piece; a very simple piece of clock-work, the nature of the wheels being such as to give less friction, and, consequently, less number of imperfections, than in time-pieces of the ordinary description. No. 15. Smoke-consuming stoves, on Witty's construction; in these stoves the consumption of fuel is greatly economized, and the heat is very generally distributed, being constructed upon the most correct chemical principles of the combustion of fuel and the laws of heat. No. 63. New method of roofing with slate; this is a far more complete and workmanlike mode than any other, and whilst it is waterproof from without, admits of free ventilation from within. No. 43. Different applications of zine; this metal is applied to a great variety of economical and general purposes, for which it presents advantages over other metals in lightness, cheapness, and durability. No. 28. Hydrostatic bed on Dr. Arnott's plan; this most admirable invention requires but to be known to be approved of, and introduced into use in those medical purposes to which it is applicable. Nos. 65 to 68. Architectural and garden ornaments in artificial stone; the composition of which these are made bears a very close resemblance to the Portland stone, and is likewise very durable, resisting the action both of air and water, as it is used for ornamental fountains. No. 24. Cut-glass smelling-bottles stoppered on Cooper's patent; this mode of stoppering is coming into general use: the stopper is convex, which is ground so as closely to fit the concave surface of the bottle, and is made perfectly tight by a screw. The models of machinery for paper-making, machinery used in the manufacture of woollen-cloths, cotton manufacture, &c., are not the least interesting objects of this part of the collection.

We cannot omit to mention in the present notice, No. 62. Royal Seraphine, by Mr. Green; an instrument which, although of German invention, has received much improvement in this country. The powers, varied compass, and modulations of this instrument, place it nearest to the human voice in execution of any other. It is performed on at intervals during the day by Mr. Rimbault, jun., a young gentleman of high musical attainments, and the composer of several very popular and interesting songs. In his hands only have we heard the instrument display the vast and varied powers of which it is susceptible. No. 82. Set of musical glasses, tuned without water, by Mr. Tait, contrasts well with the above; for their fairy, dulcet sounds may be considered the music of the spheres. Whether for a solo, or as an accompaniment to the human voice, or to other instruments, we know of no instrument capable of producing more soul-inspiring melody. We will add that the most diffuse information is given of the various objects in the collection.

Police Station Chair. A very ingenious chair has lately been invented by Mr. William Sheldrake, the eminent Surgeon Mechanician. The construction and form is very ingenious, and is equally so for the very opposite and useful purpose to which it is applied. Although its form is that of a complete watch-house chair, it is intended as a substitute for the ordinary shutters with which accidents are conveyed to the hospitals. For this purpose it can be extended to full length as an ordinary shutter, or any part of it may be brought to any elevation, according to the inclination required for any part of the body. Another great superiority is, that the shutter divides, by which patients may be lowered down on the bed, and which obviates the great inconvenience attendant on their removal, whilst all risk of increasing the effects of the accident is prevented, and by which a simple fracture is often converted into a compound one. It has received the most satisfactory recommendation from Sir Astley Cooper, and the Commissioners of Police have also expressed their approbation; and we believe that it is likely soon to be introduced into the different stationhouses of the Metropolitan Police.


To Benjamin Hick, of Bolton-le-Moors, in the county of Lancaster, engineer, for his in vention of certain improvements in locomotive steam-carriages, parts of which improvements are applicable to ordinary carriages, and to steam-engines employed for other uses.

To Benjamin Dobson, of Bolton-le-Moors, in the county of Lancaster, machinist, and John Suteliff and Richard Threlfall, of the same place, mechanics, for their invention of certain improvements in machinery for roving and spinning cotton and other fibrous materials.

To Jacques Francois Victor Gerard, of Redmond's-row, Mile-end, in the county of Middlesex, for certain improvements in the means of


finishing silks, woollen cloths, stuffs, and other substances requiring heat and pressure, being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad.

To Samuel Hall, of Basford, In the 'c county of Nottingham, cotton manufacturer, for his invention of improvements in steam-engines.

To Miles Berry, of the Office of Patents, 66, Chancery lane, in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, in the county of Middlesex, engineer, for certain improvements in machinery, or apparatus for shaping and forming metal into bolts, rivets, nails, and other articles, parts of which improvements are also applicable to other useful purposes, being a communication from a foreigner residing abroad.

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Feb. 28.-T. CONNELL, Little James-street, Bedford-row, coach-maker. J. FARMER, Putney, chemist. G. HAYNES, Trinitystreet, Southwark, victualler. J. HONE, Northampton, hatter. J. and J. KEEP, Nottingham, grocers. T. KENNING, Birmingham, fire-irons-manufacturer. J. H. LEMON, New-street, Whitechapel, millwright. Η. PERKINS, Reading, corn-dealer. P. SAMBELL, Truro, timber-merchant, J. TAPLEY, jun., Torrin, Devonshire, woollen-draper. E. WILDE, Royton, cotton-spinner.


Mar. 4.-W. BIRD, Fareham, builder. C. CHRISTOPHERSON, Brighton, printer. B. EVRE, Huddersfield, innkeeper. F. H. HEMMING and T. MONKHOUSE, St. Paul's Churchyard, lacemen. T. C. HENDERSON, New Bond-street, dealer in dressing-cases. HEYGATE, Mansfield, cotton-spinner. R. HOLT and J. GIVENS, Monk Wearmouth, common-brewers. W. KEAY, Birmingham, victualler. J. KIDDER, Strand, silversmith, W. J. LEWIS, Trosmarian, Anglesey, merchant. R. MEANLEY, Great Barr, Staffordshire, farmer. A. SILLITO, Macclesfieldstreet, City-road, wharfinger. B. WALKER, Huddersfield, grocer.

Mar. 7.-8. ALLEN, sen., Birmingham, hotel-keeper. W.GREENWOOD, Farringdonstreet, linen-draper. D. HARDIE, Manches ter, merchant. R. MOORE, Liverpool-street, St. Pancras, linen-draper. G. W. ROBERTS, Finch-lane, merchant. R. P. STAPLES, City, merchant. T. TAYLOR, Cowley, Oxfordshire, baker. J. TAPLEY, jun, Torr, Devonshire, woollen-draper.


Mar. 11.-E. ASHENDON and T. C. BAKER, Sittingbourne, brickmakers. J. BURROWS, Holme Pierrepoint, Nottinghamshire, victualler. T. COLLIER, Holywell, Flintshire, hatJ. M. CONNORTON, Shad Thames, Southwark, mast and block-maker. C. COUPLAND, Leek, money-scrivener. H. G. DREWE, Swansea, coal-merchant. T. ELY, Marklane, commission-agent. H. FULLER, StMatthew's-place, Hackney-road, surgeon. R. LITSON, Laystall-street, victualler. J. and W. M'CONOCHIE, Liverpool, stone-masons. H. MANN, Beccles, linen-draper. J. NUTTAL, Birmingham, grocer. J. F. PRESCOтт,

High-street, Marylebone, painter W. SWALES, Great Portland-street, silk-mercer. J. TAPLEY, jun., Torr, Devonshire, woollendraper. R. TODD, Liverpool, merchant. J. T. TWELLS, Tamworth, draper. T. WILSON, Manchester, joiner.

Mar. 14.-R.CLARK, High Holborn, woollen. draper. S. CRITCHFIELD, Norwich, haberdasher. J. HOWARD, Ripon, Yorkshire, scrivener. L. PAREZ, Brighton, printseller. J. PARRY, Leeds, hatter. T. PAYNE, Old Quebec-street, horse-dealer. E. POWNALL Ipswich, money-scrivener. J. RICHARDSON and R. MANSFIELD, Brownlow-street, Holborn, tailors. T. SHAW and B. WILD, Charlesworth, Derbyshire, cotton-spinners, J. SMITH, Sun Tavern Fields, Shadwell, hosier. H. STANIFORTH, Kingston-upon-Huil, mer. chant. W. R. TURNER, Great Dover-road, Surrey, carver and gilder,

Mar. 18.-J. CAWTHORN, Bolingbroke-row, Walworth, oilman. P. CLARKE, Kingstonupon-Hull, merchant. S. GARNER, Wallasey, Cheshire, innkeeper. T. JENSON, Coventry, druggist. J. JONES, Plasnewydd, Carmarthenshire, cattle-salesman. T. JONES, Birmingham, collar-maker. E. KNOWLES, Barking, grocer. P. Lows, Upton, mers chant. J. PARR, Hartlebury, Worcestershire, corn-dealer, F. PARRY, Brighton, tailor. G. STOCKER, High-street, Whitechapel, grocer. T. WARLAND, Steward. street, Spitalfields, silk-manufacturer. D. WATKEYS, Swansea, dealer. Bishop Wearmouth, grocer. Northallerton, victualler.


Mar. 21.-H. CAPPER, Strand, tea-dealer. W. GOWAN, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, draper. W. GoFF, Wantage, Berkshire, tailor. Е. В. GIBBINS, Farringdon-street, City, lodginghouse-keeper. W. J. B. HAMMOND, Upper Thames-street, iron-merchant. W. HORROCKS, Liverpool, corn-miller. F. MILLER, St. Albans, victualler. A. JOHNSON, Southport, Lancashire, draper. W. PYMAR, Newgate-street, tobacco and snuff-manufacturer. R. H. SLAGG, Swinton, steel-manufacturer. J. SHARP, Liverpool, víctualler. J. SMITH, Old Kent-road, coach-proprietor.


THE general aspect of trade, whether foreign or domestic, during the past month, presents no prominent features for observation as contrasted with the remarks in the last Number. Hesitation on the part of the drapers in making the purchases which are customary with them at this period of the year, arising from the high prices at which the manufacturers have lately purchased wool, has caused some stagnation in that branch of trade, from an idea that the present high price of the raw material cannot be permanent, and that the only safe course for the immediate purchaser from the manufacturer is to keep his stock within such limits as to prevent any ruinous consequences from that change in the price of the manufactured article, which a sudden decline in the price of wool would effect. In the Silk trade, an analogous disposition has been manifested, but on a minor scale; this branch of manufacture is, however, less active than it has lately been. In the grand staple of our commercial industry, Cotton, although there have been transient fluctuations, the average result is satisfactory. The Iron trade continues to yield a remunerating price to the smelter. In the Market for Colonial produce the transactions are few and languid: the Foreign Markets offer no temptation for speculation, and the purchases have consequently been limited to the mere wants of home consumption: thus, notwithstanding the prevalence of Easterly winds has withheld supplies, so that a scarcity of British Plantation Sugars is felt in the Market, no material rise has taken place; the grocers being content to take what they require for their immediate occasions, and the holders being under no anxiety to effect sales.

In British Plantation Sugars during the last week, an advance of 6d. to Is. per cwt. was obtained; but the sales did not exceed 1500 hhds. For Brown Jamaica, 51s, to 54s. has been obtained, and for low St. Lucia, 50s. to 52s. per ewt., middling to good Demerara, 52s. to 57s. per ewt. The last average price is IV. 9s. 8d. per cwt.; that of the corresponding date of last year was 11. 78. 74d. Mauritius Sugar has obtained an advance of Is. 6d. to 28.; by public sale lately 5120 bags brought from 52s.

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for Bengal yellow 22s. 6d.; ordinary (damp) 24s. to 25s. 6d.; good (damp) 27s. 6d.; good white 28s. 6d. to 30s.; fine white, 38s. to 398.

In Foreign Sugars there have been no transactions of importance of late; and the quotations are unaltered. The present stock of West-India Sugar is 13,300 hhds., being a very slight excess upon that of a year ago; that of Mauritius is 96,000 bags, being an excess of upwards of 40,000 bags as compared with the stock of this date last year.

In British Plantation Coffee a reduction of Is. 6d. to 2s. 6d. per cwt. has lately taken place, and the Market is still very inanimate; the prices brought by auction are for Jamaica, middling, 88s. to 92s.; good to fine fine ordinary, 79s. to 87s.; for Berbice and Demerara, fine ordinary, 83s. to 84s.; middling, 84s. 6d. to 87s. 6d.

In East-India Coffee the sales have produced, for 300 bags Ceylon 54s. to 55s. 6d.; good ordinary Samarang, 538.; Sumatra ordinary brown, 44s. 6d. to 46s.; 100 bags of fine coloury Brazil brought 61s.; and a parcel of St. Domingo was all withdrawn at 58s.

There has been an increased demand for Trinidad Cocoa of late, chiefly for exportation, and prices have advanced from Is. to 2s. per cwt.; for Brazil the inquiries are still very limited.

The Rum Market has been and still continues very dull, and some reduction has taken place in prime Jamaica, but Leewards are still held with firmness at 2s. 3 d. to 2s. 4d.

In Cotton, Silk, and Indigo, there is some degree of languor, but no material depression in prices.

The Tea sale at the East-India House finished on the 20th ult., and of the 9,000,000lbs. offered, no less than 2,323,000lbs, were withdrawn, causing a reduction from the anticipated duty of above 200,000/.; the sale prices as compared with December show a reduction of 1d. to 14d. per lb. in Bohea, d. to 1d. in Congou; d. in Twankay, and 2d. in Hyson. Since the sale, the deliveries have been very large, and Boheas and Congous have advanced 1d. per lb.

The Tobacco is very firm, it being ascertained that the Contractors for the Spanish Government have lately made extensive purchases at high prices.

The Corn Market preserves an even tenour, unmarked by any great fluctuations; fine qualities of Wheat are still in demand. The better qualities of

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