| American essays - 1875 - 782 pages
...Recently Discovered Northumberland MSS. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, & Co., New York : The Geological Story briefly told. An Introduction to Geology for the General Reader, and for Inquirers In the Science. By Jamei D. Dana, UD With Numerous Illustrations. Henry C. Lea, Philadelphia:... | |
| Bibliography, National - 1868 - 794 pages
...Life of US Grant. By CA Dana and JH Wilson. Ponr. Svo. pp. 424. Springfield : в. Bill A Co. Cl. *225. DANA. A System of Mineralogy : Descriptive Mineralogy,...the Most Recent Discoveries. By JD Dana, aided by tí. J. Bru*h. Fifth Edition, rewritten and enlarged. Illustr. svo. pp. xlviii., S27. NY : f. Wiley... | |
| Charles Kingsley - 1864 - 224 pages
...over One Thousand Figures. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 800, and Chart, el. 2Is. DANA.— THE GEOLOGICAL STOUY BRIEFLY TOLD. An Introduction to Geology for the General...Reader and for Beginners in the Science. By JD Dana, LL. D. Illustrated. 12mo, pp. xii. and 264, cloth. 7s. 6d. DANA. — A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY. Descriptive... | |
| 1868 - 716 pages
...CHAUVENET. Being an appendix to his Manual of Astronomy, 8vo. cloth, pp. 134. Philadelphia, 1868. 7s. Dana.— A System of Mineralogy; Descriptive Mineralogy....discoveries. By JD DANA, aided by GJ BRUSH. Fifth edition, reinritten and enlarged. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, pp. xlviii. ind827. Neu York, 1868. 36». Doddridge.... | |
| 1870 - 484 pages
...Chart of the World, and over Ono Thousand Figures. 8vo. cloth, pp. xvi., 800, and Chart. Nea York. 18i. Dana. — A System of Mineralogy. Descriptive Mineralogy, comprising the most Recent Discoveries. By JAMES D. DANA, Silliman Professor of Geology and Mineralogy in Yale College ; with the assistance of... | |
| Eduard Zeller - 1866 - 170 pages
...over One Thousand Figures. 8vo, pp. xvi. and 800, and Chart, el. 21s. DANA.— THE GEOLOGICAL STORY BRIEFLY TOLD. An Introduction to Geology for the General...Illustrated. 12mo, pp. xii. and 264, cloth. 7s. 6d. Published l>y Triibner & Co. 11 DANA. — A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY. Descriptive Mineralogy, comprising... | |
| Fitzedward Hall - 1868 - 500 pages
...New edition, revised and enlarged. With 260 Illustrations. 12mo., pp. xii. and 456. 1867. 7s. Gil. Dana. — A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY, DESCRIPTIVE MINERALOGY, comprising the most recent Discoveries. By James Dwight Dana and George Jarvis Brush. Fifth edition. 1 vol. 8vo., pp" 874. 1868. £1 16s. Darby.... | |
| Science and art department - 1868 - 874 pages
...Silurian period. By the donor. 1 vol. 8vo. boards, London, 1868. to Library. BRUSH, Prof. GJ, MA — A System of Mineralogy : descriptive mineralogy comprising the most recent discoveries. By James Dwight Dana, aided by the donor. Fifth edition. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, New York, 1868. COOKE, Rev.... | |
| Alexander Bain - Philosophy - 1868 - 588 pages
...Geological Story Briefly Told. By JAMES 1). DANA, LL. D Ji.is. With numerous illustrations. An intntduction to geology for the general reader, and for beginners in the science. It contains a complete alphabetical index of subject*. Dana's Manual of Geology. By JAMES D. DANA,... | |
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