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Sturdy Ben changeth his Doublet.


hit the very truth. In which cafe there is no just opposition 'twixt Art and Nature."

"You are too metaphyfical for me, fir.”

""Tis another error in Master Jonfon, as I take it: he ever disparageth other men's wits to vaunt his own brain.” “Well! 'tis unfeemly.”

""Tis an eagle pecking at sparrows."

"Art a Poet, fir?”

"Who? I, fir?"


"Oh no, fir-forefend!"

"How stands Ben's wit with you, fir?”

Biting fir-Biting and Bitter, as I may fay."

"It taftes rare, eh?"

"They fay he 's tainted."


"Why, fir, being in jail while agone, a miffioner Priest claps him into a pennance, presently he cometh out with a clear confcience."

"Then, fir, by your leave not tainted."

"Tainted in doctrine, fir! You ken what I endeavour."

“Well, my friend, granting I do (though I misrelish your

metaphor, for 'tis but a ftinking figure, look you, at best),

pray you speak more discreetly and more charitably hereafter."

“I shall, fir, and thank you!"

"Pray, fir, what put crabbed Ben in prison ?"

""Twas on an accufation of murther, fir-an accufation o' murther. In fome honourable quarrel, himself wounded, his adversary was done to death."

"You fay well, kind fir, these peftilent duels be mere manflaughter, howfoever men hide their abhominable practice under a curious card of credit."

"So Ben's a Papist now?"

"Ay, and thus the poor jail-bird is oft tainted!"

"And corrupt! they, having this charge, being neglectful."

"Fly-blown, one might say!"

"Oh, firs, your figures make me caft the gorge-farewell!"

"They of Oxford, gentlemen, did you hear? T'other day at the Affizes, fome misdemeanants then on trial, the ftench o' them did fo afflict the common air that 'ere night one judge, two fargents, feveral of her Highness's

Deceptious Noftrums.


Council, at least a score o' the outer Bar, not to speak o' the Attorneys (one Quillet I wot of), a tipstaff (they tell me), and four or five javelin men, befides fome feven hundred others, incontinently were spotted !" "My goodness, fir! and died?”

"Plagued, fir! Plagued!"

"O' th' Rheum, eh?”

"Alack! Alack! Had they no strong waters, fir ?— nor Holland, nor Geneva? they be fovereign specifics." “Indeed fir, no! The more part had already drunk fo deep o' thofe Confolations they were ill fit to be farther jumped; fo they did burn fome frankinsence, and departed i' the odour, as I may fay!"

"Hufh! A filence there!"

"See, sirs, how my little Lord of Hereford toys with the old Knight's fword-hilt."

"Ay, fondling it, the pretty child!"

"You'd fain hope the Viscount should come near to the

Earl's glory i' the hereafter time.”

""Tis a toward fon, fir, fhall grace fo happy a fire!"

"Grant it! grant it "

"They be come, Nell! They be come!"

"Where? where? I don't see them! Mother! Where,


"Hufh! Hufh!"

"They be gone private to shift their riding fuits. Davy faw 'em-told 'Zekiel-he at door told Chamberlain-he my Lord."


"Oh, lift to

Hey Robin, jolly Robin,

Tell me how thy lady does!'

""Tis fo fweet-makes me think of our little Robin at


"Ah Nell, dear!"

When the Act was over, cometh in the pause one in a purple damasked fuit; the doublet incautiously unfastened. Cloth o' filver lining, hey! And who followeth in scarlet? "Is 't the fashion in Hants, or wherever elfe your brave worships come from, to wear the infide o' your clothes outfide, after the Irish mode?" quoth Tarleton. Here is another must fhew you his under vest, and that not for coolness nor for the manner! But when an Efquire hath cloth o' gold to his cafe, what lets but he

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vaunt it with a flourish? The gentlemen are right welcome to my Lord and to his Countefs, to the Cheney family and many others. There be glad greetings. And, the play being over, off they wend to a banquet: trumpets and cornets, hautboys and tabors, knock it and blow it merrily for an hour or two.

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