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Countess, Gordon.

Gor. (rushes in out of breath)

"Tis a mistake,

'Tis not the Swedes-Ye must proceed no further

Butler! O God! Where is he?

(Then observing the Countess.)
Countess! Say

Coun. You are come then from the castle? Where's my husband?

Gor. (in an agony of affright) Your husband!-Ask not!-To the Duke


You have discover'd to me


Not till

On this moment

Does the world hang. For God's sake! to the Duke.

While we are speaking

(calling loudly)

Butler Butler! God!

Coun. Why, he is at the castle with my husband. (Butler comes from the gallery.)

Gor. 'Tis a mistake-'Tis not the Swedes--It is

The Imperialist's Lieutenant-General

Has sent me hither, will be here himself

Instantly. You must not proceed.

[blocks in formation]

Who will be here himself? Octavio

In Egra? Treason! Treason! Where's the Duke?

(She rushes to the gallery.)


Servants run across the stage full of terror. The whole scene must be spoken entirely without pauses.

Seni. (from the gallery) O bloody frightful deed!
What is it, Seni?


Page. (from the gallery) O piteous sight!

(Other servants hasten in with torches.)

Coun. What is it? For God's sake!


And do you ask?

Within the Duke lies murder'd-and your husband
Assassinated at the castle.

(The Countess stands motionless.)

Fem. Ser. (rushing across the stage) Help! Help! the


Burg. (enters)

What meant these confus'd

Loud cries, that wake the sleepers of this house?

Gor. Your house is curs'd to all eternity. In your house doth the Duke lie murdered! Burg. (rushing out)

Heaven forbid !

That way!

First Ser. Fly! fly! they murder us all!
Second Ser. (carrying silver plate)

The lower

Passages are block'd up.

Voice. (from behind the scene) Make room for the Lieutenant-General!

(At these words the Countess starts from her stupor,
collects herself, and retires suddenly.)

Voice. (from behind the scene) Keep back the people!
Guard the door.


To these enters Octavio Piccolomini with all his train. At the same time Devereux and Macdonald enter from out the Corridor with the Halberdiers. Wallenstein's dead body is carried over the back part of the stage, wrapped in a piece of crimson tapestry.

· Oct. (entering abruptly) It must not be! It is not possible!

Butler! Gordon !

I'll not believe it. Say no!

Gor. (Without answering, points with his hand to the body of Wallenstein as it is carried over the

back of the stage. Octavio looks that way, and stands overpowered with horror.)

Dev. (to Butler) Here is the golden fleece-the Duke's sword

Macd. Is it your order?

But. (pointing to Octavio.)

who now

Hath the sole power to issue orders.

Here stands he

(Devereux and Macdonald retire with marks of obeisance. One drops away after the other, till only Butler, Octavio, and Gordon remain on the stage.)

Oct. (turning to Butler) Was that my purpose, Butler, when we parted?

O God of Justice!

To thee I lift my hand! I am not guilty

Of this foul deed.


Your hand is pure. You have

Avail'd yourself of mine.


Merciless man!

Thus to abuse the orders of thy lord—

And stain thy Emperor's holy name with murder,
With bloody, most accurs'd assassination?

But. (calmly) I've but fulfill'd the Emperor's own


Oct. O curse of kings,

Infusing a dread life into their words,

And linking to the sudden transcient thought
The unchangeable, irrevocable deed.

Was there necessity for such an eager

Despatch? Could'st thou not grant the merciful
A time for mercy? Time is man's good angel.
To leave no interval between the sentence,

And the fulfilment of it, doth beseem

God only, the immutable!


For what

Rail you against me? What is my offence?
The empire from a fearful enemy

Have I deliver'd, and expect reward.
The single difference betwixt you and me

Is this you plac'd the arrow in the bow;

I pull'd the string. You sow'd blood, and yet stand
Astonish'd that blood is come up. I always

Knew what I did, and therefore no result

Hath power to frighten or surprise my spirit ;
Have you aught else to order; for this instant
I make my best speed to Vienna; place
My bleeding sword before my Emperor's throne,
And hope to gain the applause which undelaying
And punctual obedience may demand
From a just judge.

[Exit Butler.


To these enter the Countess Tertsky, pale and disordered. Her utterance is slow and feeble, and unempassioned.

Oct. (meeting her) O Countess Tertsky! These are


Of luckless unblest deeds.


They are the fruits
Of your contrivances. The Duke is dead,
My husband too is dead, the Duchess struggles
In the pangs of death, my niece has disappear'd.
This house of splendour, and of princely glory,
Doth now stand desolated: the affrighted servants
Rush forth thro' all its doors. I am the last
Therein; I shut it up, and here deliver

The keys.

Oct. (with a deep anguish)

house too is desolate.

O Countess my

Coun. Who next is to be murder'd? Who is next

To be maltreated? Lo! The Duke is dead.

The Emperor's vengeance may be pacified !
Spare the old servants; let not their fidelity
Be imputed to the faithful as a crime-
The evil destiny surpris'd by brother

Too suddenly he could not think on them.

Oct. Speak not of vengeance! Speak not of maltreatment!

The Emp'ror is appeased; the heavy fault
Hath heavily been expiated-nothing
Descended from the father to the daughter,
Except his glory and his services.

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