CAROLINE. Part First. I'LL bid my hyacinth to blow, There, all his wild-wood scents to bring, Come to my close and clustering bower, With all thy rural echoes come, Where'er thy morning breath has play'd, For sure from some enchanted isle, From some green Eden of the deep, From some sweet Paradise afar, Oh! gentle gale of Eden bowers, Name to thy lov'd Elysian groves, Part Second. GEM of the crimson-colour'd even, So fair thy pensile beauty burns, To peace, to pleasure, and to love, Thine is the breathing, blushing hour, Oh! sacred to the fall of day, Shine on her chosen green resort, Shine on her sweetly-scented road, Shine, where my charmer's sweeter breath Where, winnow'd, by the gentle air, Like shadows on the mountain snow. Thus, ever thus, at day's decline, CAMPBELL. MAXIMS. GAZE not on beauty too much, lest it blast thee; nor too long, lest it blind thee; nor too near, lest it burn thee: if thou like it, it deceives thee; if thou love it, it disturbs thee; if thou lust after it, it destroys thee: if virtue accompany it, it is the heart's paradise; if vice associate it, it is the soul's purgatory; it is the wise man's boon-fire, and the fool's furnace. CARRY a watchful eye upon those familiars that are either silent at thy faults, or soothe thee in thy frailties, or excuse thee in thy follies ; for such are either cowards, or flatterers, or fools: if thou entertain them in prosperity, the coward will leave thee in thy dangers, the flatterer will quit thee in thy adversity, but the fool will never forsake thee. QUARLES. TRUTH. TRUTH is the glory of time, and the daughter of eternity; a title of the highest grace, and a note of divine nature; she is the life of religion, the light of love, the grace of wit, and the crown of wisdom : she is the beauty of valour, the brightness of honour, the blessing of reason, and the joy of faith: her truth is pure gold, her time is right precious, her word is most gracious, and her will is most glorious; her essence is in God, and her dwelling with his servants; her will in his wisdom, and her work to his glory: she is honoured in love, and graced in constancy; in patience admired, and in charity beloved: she is the angel's worship, the virgin's fame, the saint's bliss, and the martyr's crown; she is the king's greatness, and his council's goodness; his subjects' peace and his kingdom's praise : she is the life of learning, and the light of the law; the honour of trade, and the grace of labour: she hath a pure eye, a plain hand, a piercing wit, and a perfect heart: she is wisdom's walk in the way of holiness, and takes up her rest but in the resolution of goodness: her tongue never trips, her heart never faints, her hand never fails, and her faith never fears: her church is without schism, her city without fraud, her court without vanity, and her kingdom without villany. In sum, so infinite is her excellence in the construction of all sense, that I will thus only conclude in the wonder of her worth; she is the nature of perfection in the perfection of nature, where God in Christ shews the glory of Christianity. N. BRETON, 1616. Ah! first born of thy mother, My light where'er I go, To say "He has departed" "His voice"" his face"" is gone;" To feel impatient-hearted, Yet feel we must bear on; Yes, still he's fixed, and sleeping! L. HUNT. SONNET. ETERNAL and Omnipotent Unseen ! Who badst the world with all its lives complete Thee I adore with reverence serene; Here in the fields, thine own Cathedral meet, Whose tongue and truth all-all may read and prove; Thine own right hand hath stamped Might-Justice-Love True trinity which binds in due degree, HORACE SMITH. |