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The Sun does bravely shine
On our ears of corn.

Rich as a pearl

Comes every girl,

This is mine, this is mine, this is mine;

Let us die, ere away they be borne.

Bow to the Sun, to our queen, and that fair one Come to behold our sports:

Each bonny lass here is counted a rare one,

As those in princes' courts.
These and we

With country glee,

Will teach the woods to resound,
And the hills with echoes hollow:

Skipping lambs

Their bleating dams,

'Mongst kids shall trip it round; For joy thus our wenches we follow.

Wind, jolly huntsmen, your neat bugles shrilly, Hounds make a lusty cry;

Spring up, you falconers, the partridges freely, Then let your brave hawks fly.

Horses amain,

Over ridge, over plain,

The dogs have the stag in chase : 'Tis a sport to content a king. So ho ho! through the skies How the proud bird flies, And sousing kills with a grace ! Now the deer falls; hark! how they ring[The SUN by degrees is clouded. Sum. Leave off; the Sun is angry, and has drawn A cloud before his face.

Del. He is vex'd to see

That proud star shine [so] near you, at whose rising The Spring fell sick and died; think what I told you, His coyness will kill you else

Sum. It cannot.-Fair prince,

Though your illustrious name has touch'd mine ear,
Till now I never saw you; nor never saw
A man, whom I more love, more hate.

Ray. Ha, lady!

Sum. For him I love you, from whose glittering rays

You boast your great name; for that name I hate


Because you kill'd my mother and my nurse.

Plen. Kill'd he my grandmother? Plenty will


Hold you by the hand again.

Sum. You have free leave

To thrust your arm into our treasury,
As deep as I myself: Plenty shall wait
Still at your elbow; all my sports are yours,
Attendants yours, my state and glory's yours:
But these shall be as sunbeams from a glass
Reflected on you, not to give you heat;
To doat on a smooth face, my spirit's too great.

[Flourish.-Exit, followed by PLEN. and DEL.

Del. He is vex'd to see

That proud star shine so near you.] The quarto gives this speech to Humour; but she is evidently the proud star to whom it refers. It must stand as it is now regulated.

Ray. Divinest!

Hum. Let her go.

Fol. And I'll go after; for I must and will have

a fling at one of her plum-trees.

Ray. I ne'er was scorn'd till now.

Hum. This that Altezza,

That Rhodian wonder gazed at by the Sun !—
I fear'd thine eyes should have beheld a face,
The moon has not a clearer; this! a dowdy.
Fol. An ouzle; this a queen-apple or a crab
she gave you?

Hum. She bids you share her treasure; but who keeps it?

Fol. She points to trees great with child with fruit; but when delivered? grapes hang in ropes; but no drawing, not a drop of wine! whole ears of corn lay their ears together for bread, but the devil a bit I can touch.

Hum. Be ruled by me once more; leave her. Ray. In scorn,

As [s]he does me.

Fol. Scorn! If I be not deceived, I have seen Summer go up and down with hot codlings; and that little baggage, her daughter Plenty, crying six bunches of raddish for a penny.

Hum. Thou shalt have nobler welcome; for I'll bring thee

This that Altezza, &c.] The lady Humour appears to have adopted a prodigious scale of magnitude for her admiration. She had before termed Raybright a bedfellow for a fairy;" and she now quarrels with Summer because she does not resemble a Colossus.


With hot codlings.] i. e. green pease. See the "Witch of Edmonton."

To a brave and bounteous housekeeper, free


Fol. Oh, there's a lad! -let's go then.

Re-enter PLENTY.

Plen. Where is this prince? my mother, for the


Must not have you [de]part,

Ray. Must not ?

Re-enter SUMMER.

Sum. No, must not.

I did but chide thee, like a whistling wind,
Playing with leafy dancers: when I told thee
I hated thee, I lied; I dote upon thee.
Unlock my garden of the Hesperides,
By dragons kept, (the apples being pure gold)
Take all that fruit; 'tis thine.

Plen. Love but my mother,

I'll give thee corn enough to feed the world.
Ray. I need not golden apples, nor your corn ;
What land soe'er the world's surveyor, the Sun,
Can measure in a day, I dare call mine :
All kingdoms I have right to; I am free
Of every country; in the four elements
I have as deep a share as an emperor;
All beasts whom the earth bears are to serve me,
All birds to sing to me; and can you catch me
With a tempting golden apple ?

Plen. She's too good for thee.

When she was born, the Sun for joy did rise
Before his time, only to kiss those eyes,

Which having touch'd, he stole from them such store
Of lights, he shone more bright than e'er before;
At which he vow'd, whenever she did die,
He'd snatch them up, and in his sister's sphere
Place them, since she had no two stars so clear.
Ray. Let him now snatch them up; away!

Hum. Away,

And leave this gipsy.

Sum. Oh, I am lost.

Ray. Lost?

Sum. Scorn'd!

Ray. Of no triumph more then love can boast.

[Exit with HUMOUR and FOLLY.

Plen. This strumpet will confound him, she

has me.

Sum. Deluded!


The Sun re-appears, with CUPID and FORTUNE.

Sun. Is Raybright gone?

Sum. Yes, and his spiteful eyes

Have shot darts through me.


stole from them such store

Of lights, he shone more bright, &c.] The 4to. reads: "Of light she shone, &c.: A slight mistake, occasioned by transferring thes from the preceding word to that which immediately follows


* This drama is wretchedly printed; and the wonted carelessness 1 Decker, in the arrangement of his metre, renders every attempt at emendation difficult, as well as hazardous. The speeches above stand thus in the 4to.

Sum. Oh, I am lost.

Ray. Love scorn'd

Of no triumph more then love can boast.

Plen. This strumpet will confound him.
Sum. She has me deluded.



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