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Rippault, M., On the Signs of Death, in London Medical Gazette, May, 1846. Robinson, Geo., Contents of the Foetal Stomach, Lond. and Edinb. Monthly Journal of Medical Science, Jan., 1847.

Rouchoux, M., On the Air-Cells of the Lungs, in Gazette Médicale, Jan., 1845. Rodrigue, A., Duration of Pregnancy, in American Journal of the Medical Sciences, Oct., 1845.

Rognetta, M. F., Traité Philosophique et Clinique d'Ophthalmologie, Paris, 1844. Ruete, C. G. T., Art. Die Physiologie in ihrer Anwendung auf Augenheilkunde, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 16te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1847.

Sanders, W. R., On the Spleen, in Goodsir's Annals of Anatomy and Physiology, Feb., 1850.

On the Spleen, Medical Times, April, 1849. Scherer, Analysis of Blood, in Canstatt und Eisenmann's Jahresbericht über die Fortschritte in der Biologie im Jahr 1848. Erlang, 1849.

Analysis of Bile, Ibid.

Ibid., Jahrgang 1847; Erlangen, 1848.

Art. Milch, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch, Physiologie, 10te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1840.

On the Saliva, in Canstatt und Eisenmann's Jahresbericht, u. s. w., im Jahre 1848.

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On the Chemistry of the Urine, Ibid., Jahrgang 1848.

Schleiden, M. J., Principles of Scientific Botany, by Dr. Lancaster, London, 1849. Schlossberger. (See Boussingault.)

Schwann, Th., Microscopical Researches into the Accordance in the Structure and Growth of Animals and Plants, Translated by Henry Smith, Sydenham Society edition, London, 1847.

Serres. (See De Serres.)

Sharpey, W., On the Decidua, in Müller's Elements of Physiology, by Baly, Lond., 1838.

(See Quain.)

Sibson, F., On the Movements of the Chest, in Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, Sept., 1849.

Simon, J. F., Animal Chemistry, Sydenham Society edition, Lond., 1845, 1846; Amer. edit., Philad., 1846.

J., A Physiological Essay on the Thymus Gland, Lond., 1845. Simpson, J. Y., Duration of Labour, in Monthly Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences, Nov., 1848.


on the Motions of the Foetus in Utero, ibid., July, 1849.

Position of the Foetus in Utero, ibid., July, 1849.

Ratio of Twins, ibid., Nov., 1848.

Signs of Pregnancy, ibid., July, 1848.

Weight of the New Born, ibid., Nov., 1848.

Sir Geo., An Overland Journey round the World, Amer. edit., Philad.,

Smith, John, Case of Early Menstruation, Lond. Med. Gazette, Nov., 1848.
Rev. Sydney, Elementary Sketches of Moral Philosophy, Lond., 1850.
W. Tyler, Parturition and the Principles and Practice of Obstetrics, Amer.
edit., Philad., 1849.

Solly, Samuel, The Human Brain; its structure, physiology, and diseases, Amer. edit., from the second London, 1848.

Southey, Robert, The Doctor, Lond., 1837.

Statistique de la Belgique, etc. pendant l'Année 1844, Bruxelles, 1845.

Stilling, B., and Wallach, J., Untersuchungen über die Textur des Rückenmarks, Leipz., 1842.

Strzelecki. (See De Strzelecki.)

Taylor, A., Medical Jurisprudence, 2d Amer. edit. from 3d London, Philad., 1850. Thos. B., Case of Superfotation, New Orleans Journal of Medicine, &c., Nov., 1848.

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Theile, Prof., Art. Leber, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 9te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1845.

Thomson, Allen, Outlines of Physiology, for the use of Students, Edinb., 1848. Robert Dundas, Experimental Researches on the Food of Animals, Amer. edit., New York, 1846.

Tiedemann, F., Versuche über die Bewegung des Herzens unter dem Recipienten der Luftpumpe, in Müller's Archiv. fur Anatomie, Jahrgang 1847.

Todd, R. B., and Bowman, Wm., The Physiological Anatomy and Physiology of Man, Lond., 1845, Amer. edit., Philad., 1850.

Tomes, J., A Course of Lectures on Dental Physiology and Surgery, Lond., 1848. Tschudi, J. von, Travels in Peru during the years 1838-1842, from the German, by Thomasine Ross, Amer. edit., New York, 1847.

Valentin, G., Art. Flimmerbewegung, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 3te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1842.

Grundriss der Physiologie für das erste Studium und zur Selbstbelehrung, Braunschweig, 1846."

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Handbuch der Entwickelungsgeschichte, cited by Wagner.

Lehrbuch der Physiologie des Menschen für Aerzte und Studirende, 8vo., Braunschweig, 1844.

Vallée, M., Théorie de l'Eil, Paris, 1843.

Van Amringe, Wm. Frederick, An Investigation of the Theories of the Natural History of Man, by Lawrence, Prichard, and others, New York, 1848.

Vierordt, K., Art. Respiration, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 12te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1845.

Art. Trassudation und Endosmose, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 19te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1848.

Vogel, Julius, The Pathological Anatomy of the Human Body, translated by Dr. Day, Lond., 1847, Amer. edit., Philad., 1847.

Volkmann, A. W., On Lymph Hearts, in Müller's Archiv. für Anatomie, Jahrgang 1844.

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Art. Nervenphysiologie, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 10te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1845.

-, Art. Sehen, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie,

14te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1846.

Von Gorup-Besanez, Untersuchungen über Galle, Erlangen, 1846.

Von Reichenbach, Baron, Physico-Physiological Researches on the Dynamics of Magnetism, &c., in their Relations to Vital Force, Eng. edit., by Dr. Ashburner, Lond., 1850.

Von Tschudi. (See Tschudi.)

Vrolik, W., Art. Teratology, in Cyclopædia of Anatomy and Physiology, Pt. Xxxviii., Feb., 1850.

Wagner, R., Elements of Physiology, by Robert Willis, Lond., 1844.

-, Art. Lympathische Ganglien des Herzens, in his Handwörterbuch, u. s. w., 17te Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1847.

and Leuckardt, Art. Semen, Cyclopædia of Anat. and Physiol., Pt. xxxiv., Jan., 1849. Wallace, Wm. Clay, M. D., A Treatise on the Eye, 3d edit., New York, 1841. The Accommodation of the Eye to Distances, New

York, 1850.

Wanner, Mr., On the Proportion of Blood to the Body, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ., July, 1845.

Waters, Wm., Case of Cancerous Communication between the Stomach and Colon, in Medical Examiner, April, 1845.

Weber, E., Art. Muskelbewegung, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch der Physiologie, 15te Lieferung, Braunschweig,, 1846.

E. H., Über den Descensus testiculorum bei den Menschen und einigen Säugethieren, in Müller's Archiv., Jahrgang 1847.

Über den Mechanismus der Einsaugung des Speisesaftes, in Mül

ler's Archiv. für Anatomie, u. s. w., Jahrgang 1847.

Art. Tastsinn und das Gemeingefühl, in Wagner's Handwörterbuch

der Physiologie, u. s. w., 22ste Lieferung, Braunschweig, 1849.

Weber, E. H., Zusätze zur Lehre von Baue und von den Verrichtungen der Geschlechtsorgane, in Müller's Archiv. für Anatomie, Jahrgang 1846.

E. and E. H., Ueber die Wirkungen, welche die magneto-elektrische Reizung der Blutgefässe bei lebenden Thieren hemorbringt, in Müller's Archiv. für Anatomie, Jahrgang 1847.

Whitehead, Jas., On the Causes and Treatment of Abortion and Sterility, Amer. edit, Philad., 1848.

Williams, C. J. B., Principles of Medicine, comprising general Pathology and Therapeutics, &c., 3d Amer. edit., by Dr. Clymer, Philad., 1848.

Wilson, E., On Diseases of the Skin, 2d Amer. edit., Philad., 1847.

Wyman, Jeffries, A Description of two additional Crania of the Engé-ana, in American Journal of Science and Arts, second series, vol. ix.

Zimmermann, on Kyestein, cited in London Medical Gazette, Sept., 1846.

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