1562. Hos Articulos fidei Christianæ, continentes in uniuersum nouem decim paginas in autographo, quod asseruatur apud Reuerendissimum in Christo patrem, Dominum Matthæum Cantuariensem Archiepiscopum, totius Angliæ Primatem & Metropolitanum, Archiepiscopi & Episcopi utriusque Prouinciæ regni Angliæ, in sacra prouinciali Synodo legitimè congregati, unanimi assensu recipiunt & profitentur, & ut ueros atque Orthodoxos, manuum suarum subscriptionibus approbant, uicesimo nono die mensis Ianuarij: Anno Domini, secundum computationem ecclesiæ Anglicana, millesimo quingentesimo sexagesimo secundo: uniuersusque Clerus Inferioris domus, eosdem etiam unanimiter & recepit & professus est, ut ex manuum suarum subscriptionibus patet, quas obtulit & deposuit apud eundem Reuerendissimum, quinto die Februarij, Anno prædicto. Quibus omnibus articulis, Serenesima princeps Elizabeth, dei gratia Angliæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Regina, fidei Defensor, &c. per seipsam diligenter prius lectis & examinatis, Regium suum assensum præbuit. 1571. The Ratification. This Booke of Articles before rehearsed, is agayne approued, and allowed to be holden and executed within the Realme, by the ascent and consent of our Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of GOD, of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande Queene, defender of the fayth. &c. Which Articles were deliberately read, and confirmed agayne by the subscription of the handes of the Archbyshop and Byshoppes of the vpper house, and by the subscription of the whole Cleargie in the neather house in their Conuocation, in the yere of our Lorde GOD. 1571. 1 Of fayth in the Trinitie. 2 Of Christe the sonne of GOD. 6 Of the sufficiencie of the Scripture. 7 Of the olde Testament. 11 Of Iustification. 13 Of workes before iustification. 14 of workes of supererogation. 15 Of Christe alone without sinne. 16 Of sinne after Baptisme. 17 Of predestination and election. 18 Of obtayning saluation by Christe. 19 Of the Churche. 20 Of the aucthoritie of the Churche. 21 Of the aucthoritie of generall Counsels. 1552. 1552. Excusum Londini, apud Reginaldum Wolfium, Regiæ Majestatis in Latinis Typographum, Anno Dom. 1553. Richardus Graftonus typographus Regius excudebat. Londini mense Iunii. An. do. M.D.LIII. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum. APPENDIX No. IV. THE ELEVEN ARTICLES, 1559. A Declaration of certain principal Articles of Religion set out by the order of both archbishops metropolitans, and the rest of the bishops for the uniformity of doctrine, to be taught and holden of all parsons, vicars and curates, as well in testification of their common consent in the said doctrine to the stopping of the mouths of them, that go about to slander the ministers of the church for diversity of judgment, as necessary for the instruction of their people; to be read by the said parsons, vicars, and curates at their possession-taking, or first entry into their cures, and also after that, yearly at two several times, that is to say, the Sunday next following Easter day, and St. Michael the archangel, or on some other Sunday within one month after those feasts, immediately after the gospel. |