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29. But the ser-pent came to Eve and told her that if she eat of the tree of which GOD had said she should not eat, that she should not sure-ly die, but that her eyes should be o-pen-ed, and that she should know good and e-vil.

30. And when Eve saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a tree to make her wise, she took of the fruit and did eat, and gave al-so to A-dam, and he did eat.

31. And they heard the voice of the LORD GOD; and A-dam and Eve hid them-selves a-mongst the trees of the gar-den. And the LORD GOD call-ed un-to A-dam, and said, Where art thou?

32. And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was a-fraid, be-cause I was na-ked, and I hid my-self. And the Lord said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eat-en of the tree of which I said thou shalt not eat, lest ye die?

33. And A-dam said, The wo-man whom thou ga-vest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And the wo-man said, The ser-pent tempt-ed me, and I did eat.

34. And the LORD GOD said un-to the wo-man, In sor-row shalt thou bring forth children. And un-to A-dam he said, Curs-ed is the ground for thy sake, in sor-row shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

35. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou re-turn un-to the ground, for out of it wast thou ta-ken-for dust thou art, and un-to dust shalt thou re-turn.

36. There-fore the LORD GOD sent him forth from the gar-den of E-den to till the ground from whence he was ta-ken.

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Gen., Chap. VI.-8 and 9. No-ah was a just man, and found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

12. And God look-ed up-on the earth, and, behold, it was cor-rupt: for all flesh had cor-rupt-ed his way up-on the earth. And GOD said un-to No-ah, the earth is fill-ed with vi-o-lence through them, and, be-hold, I will de-stroy them with the earth.



14. Make thee an ark of goph-er-wood, and come thee and all thy house in-to the ark; for thee have I seen right-eous be-fore me in this gen-e-ration.

19. And of ev-e-ry liv-ing thing of all flesh, two of ev-e-ry sort shalt thou bring in-to the ark.

20. Of fowls af-ter their kind, and of cat-tle after their kind, of ev-e-ry creep-ing thing of the earth after his kind, to keep them a-live with thee; they shall be male and fe-male.

21. And take un-to thee of all food that is eat-en, and thou shalt gath-er it to thee; and it shall be for food to thee and for them.

22. Thus did No-ah; ac-cord-ing to all that the LORD com-mand-ed him, so did he.



Gen., Chap. VII.-11. In the six-hun-dredth year of No-ah's life, en-ter-ed No-ah, and Shem, and Ham, and Ja-pheth, the sons of No-ah, and No-ah's wife, and the three wives of her sons, with them, in-to the ark; and the LORD shut them in.

10. And it came to pass after sev-en days, that the wa-ters of the flood were up-on the earth, and the foun-tains of the great deep were bro-ken up, and the win-dows of heav-en were o-pen-ed.

12. And the rain was up-on the earth for-ty days and for-ty nights. And the wa-ters in-creas-ed and bore up the ark up-on the face of the wa-ters: and the wa-ters pre-vail-ed a-bove all the high hills, and the moun-tains were cov-er-ed.

21. And all flesh di-ed that mov-ed up-on the

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earth, both of fowl, and of cat-tle, and of beast, and of ev-e-ry creep-ing thing that creep-eth up-on the earth, and ev-e-ry man.

22. All in whose nos-trils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, di-ed: and No-ah on-ly re-main-ed a-live, and they that were with him in the ark.



Gen., Chap. VIII.-1. And God re-mem-ber-ed No-ah, and ev-e-ry liv-ing thing, and all the cat-tle that was with him in the ark: and GOD made a wind to pass o-ver the earth, and the wa-ters were as-swa-ged.

3. And the wa-ters re-turn-ed from off the earth con-tin-u-al-ly, and af-ter the end of a hun-dred and fif-ty days the wa-ters were a-ba-ted: and the ark rest-ed on the moun-tains of A-ra-rat.

6. And it came to pass, at the end of for-ty days, that No-ah o-pen-ed the win-dow of the ark: and he sent forth a ra-ven, which went to and fro, un-til the wa-ters were dri-ed up from off the earth.

8. Al-so he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the wa-ters were a-ba-ted from the face of the ground. But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she re-turn-ed un-to him in-to the ark.

12. And he stay-ed yet oth-er sev-en days, and a-gain he sent forth the dove: and the dove came in to him in the e-ven-ing, and, lo, in her mouth was an ol-ive leaf pluckt off. So No-ah knew that the wa-ters were a-ba-ted from off the earth.

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15. And GOD spake un-to No-ah, say-ing, Go forth out of the ark, thou, and thy wife, and thy sons, and thy sons' wives, with thee. And No-ah went forth, and ev-e-ry beast, ev-e-ry creep-ing thing, and ev-e-ry fowl, went forth out of the ark.

20. And No-ah build-ed an al-tar un-to the LORD, and took of ev-e-ry clean beast, and of ev-e-ry clean fowl; and of-fer-ed burnt of-fer-ings on the al-tar.

21. And the LORD smell-ed a sweet sa-vour: and the LORD said in his heart, I will not a-gain curse the ground any more for man's sake, nei-ther will I a-gain smite any more ev-e-ry liv-ing thing, as I have done.

22. While the earth re-main-eth, seed-time and har-vest, and cold and heat, and sum-mer and win-ter, and day and night, shall not cease.

Gen., Chap. IX.-1. And GOD bless-ed No-ah, and said unto him, Be fruit-ful and mul-ti-ply, and re-plen-ish the earth.

9. And I, be-hold, I es-tab-lish my co-ve-nant with you, and with your seed after you. the to-ken: I do set my bow in the cloud.

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14. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud o-ver the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud; and I will re-mem-ber my co-ve-nant, and the wa-ters shall no more be-come a flood to de-stroy all flesh.

17. And God said, This is the to-ken of the co-ve-nant, be-tween me and all flesh that is up-on the earth.

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