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hands be-fore the mul-ti-tude, say-ing, I am in-nocent of the blood of this just per-son; see ye to it. 25. Then an-swer-ed all the peo-ple, and said, His blood be on us and on our chil-dren.


Mark, Chap. XV.-16. And the sol-diers led him a-way in-to the hall, call-ed Pre-to-ri-um, and they call-ed to-geth-er the whole band.

17. And they cloth-ed him with pur-ple, and plat-ted a crown of thorns, and put it up-on his head.

18. And be-gan to sa-lute him, Hail, King of the Jews!

19. And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit up-on him, and bow-ing their knees wor-ship-ped him.

Matt., Chap. XXVII.-33. And when they were come un-to a place call-ed Gol-go-tha, that is to say, a place of a skull,

34. They gave him vin-e-gar to drink ming-led with gall: and when he had tast-ed there-of, he would not drink.

Luke, Chap. XXIII.-32. And there were al-so two others, mal-e-fac-tors, led with him to be put to death.

33. And when they were come to the place which is call-ed Cal-va-ry, there they cru-ci-fied him and the mal-e-fac-tors, one on the right hand, and the o-ther on the left.

34. Then said Je-sus, Fa-ther, for-give them, for they know not what they do.

John, Chap. XIX.-25. Now there stood by the



cross of Je-sus, his mo-ther and his mo-ther's sis-ter, Ma-ry, the wife of Cle-o-phas, and Ma-ry Mag-dalene.

26. When Je-sus there-fore saw his mo-ther, and the dis-ci-ple stand-ing by whom he lov-ed, he saith un-to his mo-ther, Wo-man, be-hold thy son!

27. Then saith he to the dis-ci-ple, Be-hold thy mo-ther! And from that hour, that dis-ci-ple took her un-to his own home.

Matt., Chap. XXVII.-46. And a-bout the ninth hour Je-sus cri-ed with a loud voice, say-ing, Eli, Eli, la-ma sa-bach-tha-ni! that is to say, My God, my God! why hast thou for-sa-ken me?

47. Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, This man call-eth for E-li-as.

John, Chap. XIX.-28. After this, Je-sus know-ing that all things were now ac-com-plish-ed, that the Scrip-ture might be ful-fil-led, saith, I thirst.

29. Now there was sat a ves-sel full of vin-e-gar, and they fill-ed a sponge with vin-e-gar, and put it upon hys-sop, and put it to his mouth.

30. When Je-sus there-fore had re-ceiv-ed the vin-e-gar, he said, It is fin-ish-ed!

Luke, Chap. XXIII.-44. And it was a-bout the sixth hour, and there was a dark-ness o-ver all the earth un-til the ninth hour.

45. And the sun was dark-en-ed, and the veil of the tem-ple was rent in the midst.

46. And when Je-sus had cri-ed with a loud voice, he said, Fa-ther, in-to thy hands I com-mend my spi-rit: and hav-ing said thus, he gave up the ghost.

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Mark, Chap. XVI.-1. And when the sab-bath was past, Ma-ry Mag-da-lene, and Ma-ry the mother of James, and Sa-lo-me, had brought sweet spices, that they might come and a-noint him.

2. And ve-ry ear-ly in the morn-ing, the first day of the week, they came un-to the se-pul-chre at the ri-sing of the sun.

3. And they said a-mong them-selves, Who shall roll us a-way the stone from the door of the se-pulchre ?



Matt., Chap. XXVIII.2. And be-hold there was a great earth-quake: for the an-gel of the LORD de-scend-ed from hea-ven, and came and roll-ed back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

3. His coun-te-nance was like light-ning, and his rai-ment white as snow.

4. And for fear of him, the keep-ers did shake, and be-came as dead men.

5. And the an-gel an-swer-ed and said un-to the wo-men, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was cru-ci-fi-ed.

6. He is not here, for he is ris-en, as he said. Come, see the place where the LORD lay.

Mark, Chap. XVI.-7. But go your way, tell his dis-ci-ples and Pe-ter that he go-eth be-fore you in-to Gal-i-lee: there shall ye see him, as he said un-to you.

Matt., Chap. XXVIII.-8. And they de-part-ed quick-ly from the se-pul-chre with fear and great joy, and did run to bring his dis-ci-ples word.



Matt., Chap. XXVIII.-16. Then the e-lev-en dis-ci-ples went a-way into Gal-i-lee, in-to a mountain where Je-sus has ap-point-ed them.

17. And when they saw him, they wor-ship-ped him; but some doubt-ed.

18. And Je-sus came and spake un-to them, say-ing, All pow-er is giv-en un-to me in hea-ven and in earth.

19. Go ye, there-fore, and teach all na-tions, bap



tis-ing them in the name of the Fa-ther, and of the Son, and of the Ho-ly Ghost.

20. Teach-ing them to ob-serve all things, whatso-ev-er I have com-mand-ed: and, lo! I am with you al-way, e-ven un-to the end of the world. A-men.

Acts, Chap. I.-9. And when he had spo-ken these things, while they be-held, he was ta-ken up, and a cloud re-ceiv-ed him out of their sight.

Mark, Chap. XVI.-20. And they went forth and preach-ed ev-e-ry where, the LORD work-ing with them, and con-firm-ing the word with signs fol-low-ing. A-men.


Phil., Chap. II.-8. And be-ing found in fashion as a man, he hum-bled him-self, and be-came o-be-dient un-to death; e-ven the death of the cross.

9. Where-fore GOD hath high-ly ex-alt-ed him, and giv-en him a name which is a-bove ev-e-ry


10. That at the name of JE-SUS, ev-e-ry knee should bow; of things in hea-ven, and things in earth, and things un-der the earth.

11. And that ev-e-ry tongue should con-fess, that Je-sus Christ is LORD, to the glo-ry of GoD the Fa-ther.

John, Chap. III.-16. For God so lov-ed the world, that he gave his on-ly be-got-ten Son; that who-so-ev-er be-liev-eth in him, should not pe-rish; but have ev-er-last-ing life..

11. And this is the rec-ord, that God has giv-en to us E-TER-NAL LIFE, and this life is in His SON. He that hath the Son, hath life; and he that hath not the SON of GOD, hath not life.

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