Models of Democracy, 3rd EditionIn a succinct and far-reaching analysis, David Held provides an introduction to major theories of democracy from classical Greece to the present, along with a critical discussion of what democracy should mean today. This new edition has been extensively revised and updated to take into account significant transformations in world politics. A new chapter on deliberative democracy has been added, which focuses on how citizen participation can be increased in politics, and how that participation can become more informed. Like its predecessor, the third edition of Models of Democracy combines lucid exposition and clarity of expression with careful scholarship and originality, making it highly attractive to students and experts in the field. The third edition will prove essential reading for all those interested in politics, political theory, and political philosophy. Praise for the second edition: Held s new book on models of democracy is itself a model of its kind a meticulously edited, easily accessible, and clearly signposted critical analysis of theories of democracy from classical antiquity to the present day. Ethics In this timely and thought-provoking study, Held provides a critical reassessment of major theories of democracy from ancient Greece to the present, along with his own prescription for revitalizing contemporary democratic politics. . . . This volume should be read and pondered by anyone interested in the future of democracy. The Annals |
Introduction | 1 |
Classical Democracy Athens | 11 |
Political ideals and aims | 13 |
Institutional features | 17 |
The exclusivity of ancient democracy | 19 |
The critics | 23 |
model I | 27 |
Group politics governments and power | 160 |
Politics consensus and the distribution of power | 165 |
Democracy corporate capitalism and the state | 169 |
Accumulation legitimation and the restricted sphere of the political | 172 |
model VI | 173 |
The changing form of representative institutions | 179 |
From Postwar Stability to Political Crisis The Polarization of Political Ideals | 185 |
A legitimate democratic order or a repressive regime? | 187 |
Republicanism Liberty SelfGovernment and the Active Citizen | 29 |
The reforging of republicanism | 32 |
Republicanism elective government and popular sovereignty | 36 |
From civic life to civic glory | 40 |
The republic and the general will | 43 |
model IIa | 44 |
model IIb | 48 |
The public and the private | 49 |
The Development of Liberal Democracy For and Against the State | 56 |
Power and sovereignty | 60 |
Citizenship and the constitutional state | 62 |
Separation of powers | 65 |
The problem of factions | 70 |
Accountability and markets | 75 |
model IIIa | 78 |
Liberty and the development of democracy | 79 |
The dangers of despotic power and an overgrown state | 81 |
Representative government | 84 |
The subordination of women | 88 |
Competing conceptions of the ends of government | 91 |
model IIIb | 92 |
Direct Democracy and the End of Politics | 96 |
History as evolution and the development of capitalism | 98 |
Two theories of the state | 103 |
The end of politics | 108 |
Competing conceptions of Marxism | 116 |
model IV | 120 |
Competitive Elitism and the Technocratic Vision | 125 |
Classes power and conflict | 126 |
Bureaucracy parliaments and nationstates | 129 |
Competitive elitist democracy | 134 |
Liberal democracy at the crossroads | 138 |
The last vestige of democracy? | 141 |
Democracy capitalism and socialism | 144 |
Classical v modern democracy | 146 |
A technocratic vision | 152 |
model V | 157 |
Pluralism Corporate Capitalism and the State | 158 |
Overloaded state or legitimation crisis? | 190 |
an assessment | 196 |
Law liberty and democracy | 201 |
model VII | 207 |
Participation liberty and democracy | 209 |
model VIII | 215 |
Democracy after Soviet Communism | 217 |
The historical backdrop | 218 |
The triumph of economic and political liberalism? | 220 |
The renewed necessity of Marxism and democracy from below? | 225 |
Deliberative Democracy and the Defence of the Public Realm | 231 |
Reason and participation | 232 |
The limits of democratic theory | 234 |
The aims of deliberative democracy | 237 |
What is sound public reasoning? Impartialism and its critics | 238 |
Institutions of deliberative democracy | 246 |
Value pluralism and democracy | 252 |
model IX | 253 |
Democratic Autonomy | 259 |
The appeal of democracy | 260 |
The principle of autonomy | 262 |
Enacting the principle | 267 |
The heritage of classic and twentiethcentury democratic theory | 271 |
a doublesided process | 275 |
compatibilities and incompatibilities | 281 |
model Xa | 282 |
Democracy the NationState and the Global System | 290 |
Democratic legitimacy and borders | 291 |
old and new | 292 |
Sovereignty autonomy and disjunctures | 294 |
the cosmopolitan model | 304 |
model Xb | 308 |
A Utopian project? | 309 |
Acknowledgements | 312 |
313 | |
328 | |
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Common terms and phrases
action activity administrative affairs argued argument Athenian democracy bureaucratic capitalism capitalist central citizens civil society claim classical competitive conception concern conflict constitutional contemporary corporatist cosmopolitan democracy create crisis culture Dahl debate decision-making decisions Defensor pacis deliberation deliberative democracy deliberative polls democratic autonomy democratic politics democratic theory direct democracy dominant economic elections electorate equal extent freedom fundamental groups human idea important individual institutions interests involvement issues J. S. Mill John Stuart Mill judgement legitimacy legitimate legitimation crisis liberal democracy liberty limits Marx Marx's Marxist matter means Mill model of democracy modern Montesquieu nation-state nature organizations participatory participatory democracy particular parties pluralist position principle of autonomy problems production questions relations representative representative democracy republican rule Schumpeter Schumpeter's significant social sphere structure theorists thought tradition vote Weber women
References to this book
Beyond the Welfare State?: The New Political Economy of Welfare Chris Pierson No preview available - 2006 |