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ABBOTSFORD, and Newstead Abbey. By the author of The Sketch Book'
Abdy's Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of North America.
Abstract of Evidence before the Select Committee appointed by Parliament to en-
quire into the extent, causes, &c., of the prevailing vice of Intoxication
American Almanack and Repository of Useful Knowledge for the year 1835-
Amulet, The

Annuals, Illustrations to the

Beattie's Switzerland

Blackburn's Salvation of Britain Introductory to the Conversion of the World
Black's Church its own Enemy, being an Answer to the Pamphlets of the Rev.
Dr. Chalmers

142 89








Boothroyd's Holy Bible


Broadhurst's Letter to Lord Melbourne on the Irish Church and Irish Tithes

[blocks in formation]

Church, The; a Dialogue between John Brown and William Mason
Colton's Tour of the American Lakes, and among the Indians of the N. W. ter-




Condensed Commentary and Family Exposition of the Holy Bible.

[blocks in formation]

Grecian Sculpture, comprising a Series of Engravings of the most celebrated spe

[blocks in formation]

Hoppus's Ireland's Misery and Remedy, &c., a Discourse delivered before the
London Association of Congregational Ministers, &c.


Horne's Protestant Memorial, for the Commemoration, on the 4th day of October,

1835, of the Third Centenary of the Reformation


Hoskins's Travels in Ethiopia.
Howard's Remarks on the erroneous Opinions entertained respecting the Catholic



Innes's Letter to lord Glenelg, Secretary of State for the Colonies
Irish Church. The Reform Association, to the Reformers of England, Scotland,


and Wales

Jay's Slavery in America, &c., with an Introduction by S. H. Cox, D.D.

Kaye's, Dr., Bishop of Lincoln, account of the Writings and Opinions of Clement



of Alexandria


Latrobe's Rambler in North America, 1832, 33
Law, Practice, and Principles of Church Rates, being a report of a Vestry Meet-
ing in Louth, Oct. 2d, 1834, when a Church-rate was refused.

[blocks in formation]


Lindley's and Hutton's Fossil Flora of Great Britain.


Literary Intelligence.

87, 164, 254, 348, 527

Lives of the most eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal, Vols. I. and II., (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopædia, Nos. 63, and 71.) 474 Loudon's Arboretum Britannicum, or the Hardy Trees of Britain, native and foreign

[blocks in formation]

Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, by his

Retzsch's Outlines to Shakspeare, second series


Mendham's Memoirs of the Council of Trent, principally derived from Manuscripts and unpublished Records

New England and her Institutions. By one of her sons

North American Review, No. 87; Art. Life of G. D. Boardman

Oriental Annual, The

Parsons's Memoirs of American Missionaries

Penitentiaries (United States). Report of William Crawford, Esq., on the Peni

tentiaries of the United States

Picture of the New Town of Herne Bay. By a Lady
Posthumous Letters of the Rev. Rabshakeh Gathercoal

Umrisse zu Schiller's Lied von der Glocke. Outlines to Schiller's











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Recollections of an Excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha. By

the Author of Vathek


Riland's Antichrist; Papal, Protestant, and Infidel


Ritchie's Journey to St. Petersburgh and Moscow, (Picturesque Annual)

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Sacred Classics. Vol. XIX. Knox's Christian Philosophy

Vol. XX. Selections from Rev. John Howe's Works

Saffery's Poems on Sacred Subjects

Scriptural Unity of the Protestant Churches exhibited in their published Con


Second Address of the Annual Assembly of the Congregational Union of England

Table-Talk of the late Samuel Taylor Coleridge






Silver's Memorial to his Majesty's Government on the danger of intermeddling



Statement relative to church accommodation in Scotland


Styles's, Dr., Ministerial Solicitude and Fidelity, a Farewell Sermon addressed to

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Testamentary Counsels and Hints to Christians on the right distribution of their

[blocks in formation]

Williams's Memoirs of the Life, Character, and Writings of Sir Matthew Hale. 185

Winkles's Cathedrals


Works recently published

88, 164, 256, 348, 436, 528



FOR JULY, 1835.

Art. I.-1. Memoirs of the Council of Trent; principally derived from Manuscript and unpublished Records, namely, Histories, Diaries, Letters, and other Documents of the leading Actors in that Assembly. With Plates. By the Rev. Joseph Mendham, M.A. 8vo. pp. xxxii. 380. Price 14s. London, 1834.

2. Remarks on the erroneous Opinions entertained respecting the Catholic Religion. A New Edition. By Henry Howard, Esq. 8vo. pp. 16. London, (gratis,) 1829.


THIS volume, the production of a learned Protestant clergyman, exhibits the startling novelty of a Dedication to the Pope; but it is one which will not procure for the Author the favour of his Holiness, or protect his book against being placed in the Judex Expurgatoricis of the Court of Rome. We shall gratify the curiosity of our readers by transcribing it.

To Gregory XVI., Sovereign and Pontiff of Rome, to whom it is competent to attempt the only means, which, if adopted, would be effectual, of exonerating his Church from the continued charge of superstition and idolatry, of perfidy, cruelty, and assumed dominion over ** secular sovereigns, by calling a council, for the express purpose of condemning and abolishing every enormity which classes itself under those offensive heads; the present Memoirs of a Council, to which, with others, they are principally indebted for their origin or establish** ment, are not irreverently addressed by one of the best wishers to his temporal and eternal welfare, THE AUTHOR.'

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If Mr. Mendham were not much too grave a person to be suspected of intending a joke, we should have supposed that this page of his work was meant in burlesque. The Christian world has seen enough of councils, to know that nothing good is likely



ever to proceed from them; and as to the present reigning supreme Pontiff, his infallibility would be exerted for no other purpose than the upholding of every enormity of the Papal system. Mr. Mendham has given, in his Appendix, a copy of the original edition of the Encyclical Letter of Gregory XVI., obtained, not without difficulty, from Rome; and the contents, he remarks, ' will demonstrate in what form and degree the doctrine defined ' and established by the last (and likely ever to be the last) Ge'neral Council of the Roman Church, is at this day professed, 'published, and inculcated by the Supreme Head and Organ of 'its Faith; and how far the indulgent, but not eminently sa'gacious opinion is well founded, that the Faith of Romanists is 'changed or improved; an opinion against which not only the 'whole Papal hierarchy and clergy, but Francis Plowden, and 'Charles Butler, Esqrs., reclaim.' In this Pontifical Manifesto, of which we regret that an English Translation is not given, the worthy successor of the Piuses, and Pauls, and Leos of the darkest ages, thus raves against the sacred rights of liberty of conscience.

• Atque ex hoc putidissimo INDIFFERENTISMI fonte absurda illa fluit ac erronea sententia, seu potius deliramentum, asserendam esse ac vindicandam cuilibet LIBERTATEM CONSCIENTIÆ. Cui quidem pestilentissimo errori viam sternit plena illa, atque immoderata libertas opinionum, quæ in sacræ, et civilis rei labem late grassatur, dictitantibus per summam impudentiam nonnullis, aliquid ex ea commodi in Religionem promanare. At quæ pejor mors animæ, quam libertas erroris ? inquiebat Augustinus.'*

Again, as to the liberty of the press.


Huc spectat deterrima illa, ac numquam satis exsecranda et detestabilis libertas artis librariæ ad scripta quælibet edenda in vulgus, quam tanto convicio audent nonnulli efflagitare ac promovere. Perhorrescimus, Venerabiles Fratres, intuentes, quibus monstris doctrinarum, seu potius quibus errorum portentis obruamur, quæ longe ac late ubique disseminantur ingenti librorum multitudine, libellisque, et scriptis mole quidem exiguis, malitia tamen permagnis, e quibus maledictionem egressam illacrymamur super faciem terræ. Sunt tamen, proh dolor! qui co impudentiæ abripiantur, ut asserant pugnaciter, hanc

* From this polluted fountain of " Indifference," flows that absurd and erroneous doctrine, or rather raving, in favour and in defence of "liberty of conscience;" for which most pestilential error, the course is opened by that entire and wild liberty of opinion, which is everywhere attempting the overthrow of religious and civil institutions; and which the unblushing impudence of some has held forth as an advantage to religion. "But what," exclaimed St. Augustine, "what worse death to the soul than freedom in error?"

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