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evidence, = Legitimation, or the documents themselves, Legitimationspapiere. The terms of foreign origin here mentioned are those now chiefly in official use.

31. ins Zeug gerannt, 83, 3, n. rennen usually denotes to run with haste or impetuosity.

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4. Hochheim, a small town a few miles east of Mainz, not far from the river Main. In its neighbourhood the well known Hochheimer wine is grown. Hence the Eng. term hock, corrupted from Hochheim, for Rhenish wine generally.

14. wohl auf or wohláuf=wohl, in good health and spirits.—so, 78, 10, n.—insgeheim (=in's Geheim; das Geheim, a now obsol. subst. formed from the neut. of the adj.) or ingeheim=im Geheimen, in secret.

18. etw. fehlt Em. (or es fehlt Em. an etw., 41, 31), something is wanting to one, one lacks it; hence also, one feels the want of something, misses it; Du hast mir sehr gefehlt = Ich habe dich sehr vermißt.

20. wenn du nur nacherlebtest, was wir vorerlebt haben: erleben (er, 11, 12, n.), to live to see, to meet with or go through in one's own experience, as spectator or participator, to have happen to one, &c.; cf. Erlebniß, 28, 21, n., and 104, 29; 107, 28; 114, 27. The full meaning of the words here and in the following lines can only be conveyed by somewhat lengthy paraphrase; the sense here is, 'if you only were to go through afterwards (in imagination, hearing the story related) what we had already gone through (in actual experience).'

24. das sicht mich nicht an (28, 26, n.)...3u..., 'does not prevent me from....' This construction of anfechten with a following infin. is very unusual.

25. sich über etw. freuen, to be glad or pleased at something; sich an etw. freuen, to take pleasure or rejoice in a thing; sich auf etw. freuen, to be glad in the prospect of a thing, look forward to it with pleasure. Or as Sanders puts it, Man freut sich über das Geschehene, an dem Gegenwärtigen, auf das Künftige.—Gemeinwesen, 20, 15, n.

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1. hätten sich (reciprocal pron.=einander) Beide (15, 14, n.)...beinahe ...gesagt, 17, 27, n.—und zwar....., 60, 14, n.

8. Schanze, sconce, earth-work, fortification, should be distinguished from Schanze (fr. Fr. chance) in the phrase etw. in die Schanze schlagen, to hazard, venture,

31. verschlafen (ver, 3, 11, n.), to sleep 'away,' sleep through (110, 11); hence, as here, to lose or miss by sleeping, cf. versäumen, 37, 6, n.

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5. er sei...durchgedrungen, he had (lit., penetrated, pressed through) worked his way through.... zum (5, 29, n.) wahren Jünger: cf. sich zum Major emporarbeiten, to work one's way up to the rank of major, &c. Here the meaning is, to the standpoint or character of....

10. die beleidigenden Trümpfe. Trumpf (fr. Fr. triomphe, Lat. triumphus, triumph), a trump or winning card. Hence such phrases as seine Trümpfe ausspielen, to bring one's best forces into play, make use of an advantage; einen Trumpf auffeßen, to say or do something in order to outdo what has already been said or done, &c. Hence the use of Trumpf for a sharp repartee or attack, rude rebuke, &c., most common in the colloq. phrase, einen Trumpf darauf seßen, to 'come down sharp' upon some one, &c.

II. fich (recipr.) Schneeballen (dat. pl. of Schneeballen; the more usual form is Schneeball, pl. -bälle) werfen. werfen, to throw (cf. 9, 12, Steinen nach dem Sünder), is used metonymically with an acc. of the object thrown at, 'to pelt,'—En. mit Steinen werfen, 'to stone,' &c.-mitunter, 61, 2, n.


kein Ohr mehr (11, 19, n.) behielt (cf. 12, 19, n.; 44, 23, n.). 27. Nur eine Stunde möge er....., i.e. (cf. 5, 25, n., esp. end of note) Kringel bat ihn, er möge (cf. 11, 7, n., esp. end of note)....



Es mußte (cf. 15, 23, n.)..., 'It could not but....'

dramatisch wirken, cf. 49, 4, n.—wie man geht und steht (5, 1, n.), a common phrase for, 'just as one is.'

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7. malerischer sißt: we say cin Hut, Rock, &c. fißt Em. gut, schlecht, &c., 'fits' one; (fleidet En.) 'becomes' one. We may render ' one a more picturesque appearance.'

10. Es kommt auf etw. an, something 'is the point,' is the thing to be considered, Darauf kommt alles an, everything depends upon that; Auf das Geld kommt es mir nicht an, money is no object, expense is no consideration, with me.—das Malerische=an abstract subst., cf. das Schickliche, 6, 11, n.-überhaupt, 15, 19, n.


Exemplar, 'copy' of a book, 'specimen' of a thing.

19. Format, size or form of a book, as Oktavformat, &c.; sometimes applied to other objects.

20. dazwischenfahren (dazw., adv., cf. 8, 12, n.), lit., to rush (fahren, 5, 17, n.) in between; to interpose hastily, by word or deed, cf. dazwischenrufen, 110, 7.

30. [Em.] etw. gut or übel vermerken (vermerken, now little used except in this phrase,=merken, to take note of)=gut or übel aufnehmen, to give a favourable or unfavourable interpretation to, to take in good or ill part; übel verm., to 'take umbrage at.'

31. empfindlich für, sensitive to.-das Lächerliche, 'the ridiculous,' evidently meaning the ridiculous as applied to or touching themselves, here becomes equivalent to 'ridicule.'

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5. mir ist...jede Kokarde recht: etw. ist mir recht, something suits me, I have no objection to it, agree to it.

8. Georg Forster, see Introduction (p. 244). The other names mentioned below are also those of real personages, who were conspicuous among the Freiheitsfreunde or Clubbisten of Mainz.-er war doch .., 'why, he was....' As doch is often almost synonymous with wohl (cf. 3, 5, n., 2), so it is often nearly equivalent to ja (24, 27, n.); there is however always a certain real difference, lying in the invariably adversative force of voch.

9. nur erst...: erst (cf. 8, 23, n.) here= 'no further (forward) than,' 'only'; cf. Sie ist erst zwanzig Jahre alt, only twenty, &c. erst thus used differs from nur, in that the latter simply expresses limitation of quantity, number, &c., while erst marks a point just reached in a conceived progress. Ich habe erst die Hälfte implies that I expect or wish to have the rest; so Er ist erst Hauptmann, He is only a captain yet, &c.

IO. ein fachgemäßer Weltverbesserer, unusual, = ein W. von Fach, ein berufsmäßiger W., a reformer by profession, a professional reformer.

29. fir und fertig (fir, colloq., quick, alert, ready; uncertain whether the same word with fir, fixed, Lat. fixus), alliterative and strengthened expression (cf. 5, 1, n.) for the simple fertig (18,5, n.), all ready, complete.

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1. ihm...unheimlich (90, 3, n.) fremdartig gegenübertrat. Jemand or Etwas tritt Em. so oder so gegenüber (6, 30, n.), lit., takes up or occupies such a position or attitude 'over against' one. Where the subject is a voluntary agent, the meaning is that he comports himself thus or thus towards one.

Applied to an unconscious subject the phrase means, to appear thus or thus, produce such or such an impression. Here we have the latter case,= 'made an uncomfortably strange impression,-or, an uncomfortable impression of strangeness,-upon him.'

6. Doch da war jezt nichts mehr (11, 19, n.) zu ändern (14, 18, n.): da, there, in that point or matter. We might also say, daran ließ sich nichts [mehr] ändern, or, das war nicht mehr zu ändern, rendering them all in the same way, 'But that could not be helped now.'

7. befangen, lit., to take or hold prisoner, hold under restraint; chiefly fig., to hold the mind under some untoward influence,-in Aberglauben befangen, as it were, caught in the toils of, ruled by, superstition; in Vorurtheilen bef., prejudiced; in Furcht, Zweifeln, &c., bef., possessed by fear, filled with doubts, &c.

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14. daneben neben diesem (10, 9, n.), beside or together with this, 'at the same time.'


Es ist mir or Mir ist, als ob or wenn...

..(or als immediately followed by the verb in the subjunctive, cf. 4, 20, n.), It seems to me as if....., I think....., I feel..., I have an impression that....


einen rechten (52,9, n.) Scandal. Scandal, scandal,' is used in very familiar language for 'noise, racket, row.'

28. theilnehmend eingeht auf fremden Meinungstausch. auf etw.—eine Frage, cine Ansicht, &c.,—eingehen, to ‘enter into,' take into consideration, occupy oneself with. fremb= Lat. alienus, belonging to, characterizing, done by, some one else,-fremde Meinungen, Bestrebungen, other people's opinions, endeavours, &c. Meinungstausch, exchange of opinions. fremd here of course qualifies the radical or determined word of the compound, Lausch. The literal meaning then is, 'enters with interest into other people's exchange of opinions,' that is, listens with interest to the discussions carried on by others.

29. irgend, 5, 2, n.—etw., sich, eine Ansicht, &c., geltend (5, 7, n.) machen, to put it forward, bring it to view, insist upon or urge its claims to attention and consideration.

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er spannte darauf einzuspringen, see 13, 3, n.

3. 'Shall we...?' as a simple proposal is usually expressed in Germ. by wollen, Wollen wir jezt gehen? The similar use of sollen (11, 28, n.) implies an appeal to the other's judgment as to the propriety or necessity of doing the thing in question. Here we might render, 'don't you think we ought to...?' 'had we not better...?'

R. N.


8. Anschluß sich (Em. or an En.) anschließen, to join or attach oneself to; Anschluß here the subst. infin. of this verb.

II. anbeißen, to 'bite at' the bait; here with a following infin. we might render, 'were shy of letting themselves be decoyed into....'

12. Em. etw. auf dem Präsentirteller (tray, waiter) anbieten is a fam. phrase meaning, to offer politely for some one's condescending acceptance something which he ought to regard as a favour to be solicited, or to seek to obtain by his own efforts. Here we might say, 'into politely pressing upon....'

29. Ohrfeige, box on the ear, is often colloq. used in a fig. sense,— Em. eine moralische Ohrfeige geben, &c. Ohrfeige is the same word with the Dutch oorvijg (oor, ear, vijg, fig), a jocular corruption of oorveeg (veeg, a stroke, blow,-related with Germ. fegen, to sweep). Cf. Kopfnuß, a rap on the head (Eng. slang calls the head itself a 'nut'); Maulschelle, a kind of cake (in shape something like a hand), and also, a sounding (schallender) slap on the mouth.

31. Em. etw. verweisen, to reproach or reprove a person for a thing. This word verweisen (M. H. G. verwîzen, O. H. G. ferwîzan) is etymologically distinct from verweisen (M. H. G. verwîsen), to show, refer, &c. (fr. weisen, wîsen, to show), though Whitney treats the two as one word.


IO. die Verkettung (Kette, a chain), the 'concatenation' or linking together, the 'connection.'

12. In the phrase sich irren lassen, irren has its otherwise almost obsol. trans. meaning,=irre machen. irre, erring, astray, off the right track; confused, in doubt, &c. En. irre machen, to disconcert or perplex one, make him doubtful or wavering.—ausfallen gegen, lit., to fall or sally out against, make a sortie against; often fig., to fall upon, assail with words.

14. lauter, adj., pure, unmixed, is used indeclinably, like eitel (49, 18, n.), =nothing but, mere, pure.—Freiheitsidealismus, enthusiasm for, devotion to, an ideal of freedom.

18. preisgeben, written also preis or Preis geben (Preis is here the Fr. prise-orig. perf. part. of prendre, to take—a prize, booty), to give up as a defenceless prey or booty, to abandon [to the mercy of]; hence used as a common phrase for, to abandon, give up to, expose.

24. bannt (96, 19, n.), paralyses, holds in durance, rules.

27. Unwille (almost obsol. in the sense of unwillingness, disinclination, = Unluft), indignant or impatient displeasure, indignation, anger.

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