Lust's Dominion; or the Lascivious Queen, a Tagedie. Written by Christofer Marloe, Gent. London, printed for F. K. and are to be sold by Robert Pollard, at the sign of Ben Jonson's head, on the back side of the Old Exchange, 1657, 12mo. The above is the first edition of this play. A second edition appeared in 1661, 12mo. and it was afterwards altered by Mr. Behn, and acted in 1671, under the title of Abdelazar, or The Moor's Revenge. PERSONS REPRESENTED. ELEAZAR, the Moor, Prince of Fez and Barbary. PHILIP, King of Spain, father to Fernando, Philip, and Isabella. FERNANDO, King of Spain, Spain," } PHILIP, Prince of Spain, sons to Philip. ALVERO, a nobleman, father-in-law to Eleazar, and father to Hortenzo and Maria. MENDOZA, the Cardinal. CHRISTOFERO, two noblemen of Spain, HORTEN ZO, lover to Isabella, and son to Alveró. ZARACK, BALTAZAR, COLE, CRAB, } twe EMMANUEL, King of Portugal. CAPTAIN, SOLDIERS, &c. Two PAGES attending the Queen. The QUEEN MOTHER of SPAIN, and wife to King Philip. ISABELLA, the Infanta of Spain. MARIA, wife to Eleazar, and daughter to Alvero. LUST'S DOMINION; OR, THE LASCIVIOUS QUEEN. ACT THE FIRST. SCENE I. Enter ZARACK, BALTAZAR, two Moors, taking tobacco; music sounding within: enter QUEEN MOTHER OF SPAIN with two PAGES: ELEAZAR, sitting on a chair: the curtain is suddenly drawn.* ELEAZ. ON me does music spend this sound! on me, That hate all unity! ah! Zarac, Baltazar! Q. Mo. My gracious lord. ELEAZ. Are you there with your beagles! hark, you slaves! Did not I bind you on your lives to watch, That none disturb'd us? Q. Mo. Gentle Eleazar. ELEAZ. There, off: is't you that deaf me with [Exeunt two Moors. this noise? *The curtain, in front of the old theatres, divided in the middle, and was drawn to the sides: "and beside the principal curtain they sometimes used others as substitutes for scenes."-Malone. Q. Mo. Why is my love's aspect so grim and horrid ? Look smoothly on me ; Chime out your softest strains of harmony, And on delicious music's silken wings ELEAZ. Away, away! Q. Mo. No, no, says aye; and twice away, says stay: Come, come, I'll have a kiss; but, if you strive, ELEAZ. Nay, prithee, good queen, leave me ; I am now sick, heavy, and dull as lead. Q. Mo. I'll make thee lighter by taking something from thee. ELEAZ. Do: take from me this ague, and these fits; That, hanging on me, Shake me in pieces, and set all my blood A boiling with the fire of rage; away, away! And laugh'st to see my wrath wear antic shapes : Q. Mo. What means my love? Burst all those wires; burn all those instruments; |