Have won a kingdom, you may cry forbear: Where I will languish in eternal woe. HORTEN. Nay, gentle love! ISA. Talk not of love to me, The world and the world's pride henceforth I'll scorn. [Exit. HORTEN. My love shall follow thee; if thou deny'st To live with poor Hortenzo as his wife, I'll never change my love, but change my life. Enter PHILIP hastily. PHIL. I know he is not dead; I know proud death Durst not behold such sacred majesty. Why stand you thus distracted? Mother! brother! My lord Mendoza! where's my royal father? Q. Mo. Here lies the temple of his royal soul. FERN. Here's all that's left of Philip's majesty ; Wash his tomb with tears, you Fernando's moan, Hating a partner, shall be sent alone. PHIL. Oh, happy father! miserable son! Philip is gone to joy, Philip's forlorn, He dies to live, my life with woe is torn. Q. Mo. Sweet son! Exit. PHIL. Sweet mother: Oh! how I now do shame To lay on one so foul, so fair a name : Had you been a true mother, a true wife, My father, whilst he liv'd, tir'd his strong arms Whilst you at home, suffer'd his bed-chamber And wanton red-cheek'd boys to be her bawds; PHIL. Villain ! 'tis thee, Thou hell-begotten fiend; at thee I stare! Q. Mo. Philip, thou art a villain to dishonour me. PHIL. Mother, I am no villain; 'tis this villain Dishonours you and me, dishonours Spain, Dishonours all these lords; this devil is he, That ELEAZ. What! oh, pardon me! I must throw off All chains of duty wert thou ten kings sons; Had I as many souls as I have sins, As this from hence, so they from this should fly, In just revenge of this indignity. [He draws: the lords interpose. PHIL. Give way! or I'll make way upon your bosoms. ELEAZ. Did my dear sovereign live, sirrah, that tongue Q. Mo. Did but King Philip live, traitor, I'd tell PHIL. A tale that should rid both your souls to hell. Tell Philip's ghost, that Philip tells his queen, ELEAZ. Words insupportable! dost hear me, boy? Q. Mo. Stand you all still, and see me thus trod down? PHIL. Stand you all still, yet let this devil stand here? MEND. Forbear, sweet prince: Eleazar, I am now Protector to Fernando, King of Spain; Of all those royalties thou holdst in Spain. Q. Mo. Cardinal, who lends thee this commission? ELEAZ. Cardinal, I'll shorten thee by the head for this. PHIL. Forward, my lord Mendoza! damn the fiend! ELEAZ. Princes of Spain, consent you to this pride? ALL. We do. Q. Mo. For what cause? Let his faith be tried. MEND. His treasons need no trial, they're too plain. Come not within the court, for if you do To beg with Indian slaves I'll banish you. [Exeunt all but Alvero, Queen, and Eleazar. ALV. Why should my son be banished? Enter MARIA. Q. Mo. Of that, dispute not now. Alvero, I'll to the king my son; it shall be tried, [Exeunt Queen and Alvero. Have got me down, and treading on my bosom, (Oh, rare!) would bandy me away from Spain, MARIA. Conquer with patience these indignities. ELEAZ. Patience! ha, ha! yes, yes, an honest cardinal! MARIA. Yet smother the grief, and seek revenge. ELEAZ. Hah! banish me! s'foot, why say they do, There's Portugal-a good air, and France-a fine country; Or Barbary rich, and has Moors; the Turk Shall never be rais'd up by the strong physical Enter ALVERo. MARIA. To the king I'll fly, He shall revenge my lord's indignity. ALV, Mendoza woos the king to banish thee. [Exit. Whose golden feathers may outstrip their hate. ELEAZ. I'll tie no golden feathers to my wings. ALV. Shall they thus tread thee down, which once were glad To lacquey by thy conquering chariot wheels? |