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1636.- Wednesday, August 12, 1868.

LAPIN. Quel guignon! mille remerciements pour

l'intention. Soyez bénie, et croyez que je suis et

serai toujours le même.

1637.-Saturday, August 15, 1868.

NO. 3.-Je crus qu'elle fut loin, quand elle était tout proche sous mes yeux. Shall have this on my

tombstone-Where is the clock?

1638.-Friday, August 21, 1868.

LAPIN.-Ma seule joie ! encore, par charité,

racontez tout. Pas nommée, bien triste, mais plus que jamais ce que vous savez.

1639.-Saturday, August 29, 1868.

LAPIN. Quel supplice, savoir quelles influences vous entourent, recevoir pareilles lettres, pas pouvoir répondre! Si froides! très-inquiet; ayez pitié! Je vous l'ai prédit.


1640.-Monday, August 31, 1868.

HE STORM at APPENWEIR.-Go. Go. Go. She whom you met at Heidelberg has seen Her. You may trust her.


1641.- Wednesday, September 2, 3, 1868.

LAPIN.-Fais vrais efforts pour être patient, confiant;

vous ne m'aidez guères. Ennuyée jadis me racontiez tout, aujourd'hui, amusée, vien! Faut absolûment que vous écrive une fois, trop injuste me priver seule défense ce qui facile autrefois pas impossible aujourd'hui. Lettre reçue, rien dedans.

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1642.-Saturday, September 5, 1868.

LAPIN.-Lettre Lundi gentille. Demande pas choses compromettantes, seulement noms personnes voyez, genre vie menez. Comme l'an dernier : ouvertement, jamais prohibé. Réticence rend jaloux.

1643.-Wednesday, September 16, 1868. LAPIN.-Plus de huit jours sans m'écrire. Je ne peux plus douter de la vérité. Mon cœur est presque brisé. Que Dieu vous pardonne. Adieu.

1644.—Monday, September 28, 1868.

APIN.-J'espére que quand nous nous reverrons, tout s'éclaircira. En attendant, croyez que je ne suis ni injuste pour le passé, ni ingrat pour le présent.

1645.-Tuesday, September 29, 1868.

MURILLO and EUCLID.—Thursday Red.



1646.-Tuesday, October 6, 1868.

IRST CLASS.-Fare One Shilling.


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1647.—Thursday, October 15, 16, 17, 1868.

E. N. (my Premier).—What do you intend to do with "Old Tom," of Grenoble?—E. W.

1648.-Monday, October 19, 1868.

B. E. N. (my second).—What is your opinion of Chris

topher Columbus's egg trick?-E. W.

1649.-Tuesday, October 20, 1868.

E. E. N. (My third). I know that Christopher
Columbus's egg trick was only symbolical, and

not real. E. G. G. is, or ought to be, at Southampton.E. W.


1650.-Thursday, October 29, 1868.

NE.-nx-hr hkk; cn mns khjd sn kdaud xds.
Gnv knmf mnshbd vntke xnt vams udqx jhmc



1651.- Wednesday, November 4, 1868.

NE.-Amx cax aesdq sgd svdksg fkae sn ldds, fn vgdqd, ame ar knmf ar xnt khjd. Aesdq h fn sn h Akk oaqshbtkaqr.

1652.-Friday, November 6, 1868.

B. E. N.-You know what happened to my money


and papers in the heart of the city of London. is utterly impossible to mistake the power that I have to contend with; even here, with success unexpected, unexampled, and unprecedented, i.e., for Vulcan's head clerk; for me, "Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle !"— CYGNE.

1653.-Monday, November 9, 1868.

B. E. N. (Cygne).-Does any one want your place?

Not one but two aspiring, and, of course, fiery young Vulcan want mine; thus, roasted on both sides, I am sure to be "done brown." What a fool I was to kill the goose that laid the golden egg! I made sure that it would make my fortune; I have had nothing but misfortune ever since. Like the Romans, my solace is, "Civis Londinum sum."-Pope's Head-alley.-MARECHAL.


1654.- Wednesday, November 11, 1868.

E. N. (Cygne).-Hardly the first, as my "silver cord" is already stretched too far. No more "Londinum" for me? Are not the rivers of the East better than the waters of the "Serpentine"? Crocodiles' eggs only hatch in "Roman" earth. With not a "drop" to drink." La VEUVE."


1655.-Saturday, November 14, 1868.


E. N. (Old Tom).— Méfiez-vous des veuves. what a fool I was to kill the goose that laid the golden egg! And such an egg! Le gamin de Londres. Tom's Coffee-house.-E. W.


1656.—Tuesday, November 17, 1868.

E. N. (Le 10 Décembre).-Quand je contemple les étalages des gros marchands d'oeufs, il me vient toujours l'idée qu'il neige de gros flocons d'or sur La Manche, et qu'un petit bateau français déploie toutes ses voiles pour les attraper.-E. W.

1657.-Tuesday, December 1, 1868.

WHOOLY BEAR.—Ch—rlton.


Write No. 21,

fully to "the General's Friend" only.

or per Queen.


1658.—Thursday, December 31, 1868.

LL. at. B. one P. laid. up. men. waiting. long. grim. sorry. train. rite. B. speed.


1659.-Monday, January 4, 1869.

HE WHITE DO....--Oh, sir, please do come and see the Cross.


1660.-Monday, January 4, 1869.

NE.-Hpu 2 opuft-tpssy zpv xfsf tp jmm-ipqf rvjuf xfmm opx-mpoh x6z po kpvsofz-wfsz

nvdi cfuufs-wfsz ljoc uipvhuit-gffm mpofmz.

1661.-Saturday, January 9, 1869.


1662.-Saturday, January 9, 1869.

TO S. H. H.-Susammne tuto yuyon fufruromum


1663.-Thursday, January 21, 1869.

E.G.G. (en voyage). Grenoble. Ten thousand times,

Grenoble. Decimals are but as dust in the balance.-E. W.

1664.-Friday, January 22, 1869.

E. G. G. (en voyage).—Pitch Decimals to little boys at

school; the proper place for them; but pitch yourself into the "Hotel du Commerce," at Grenoble ; proper place for you.-E. W.



1665.-Monday, January 25, 1869.

G. G. (en voyage).—The present at Christmas, as I predicted, has turned out a fool's paradise. You will find K. E. Y. at Grenoble; that will not turn out a fool's paradise.-E. W.


1666.-Wednesday, January 27, 1869.

NE hpu uxp gppmt uijt ujnf yuyou tuare fuan suotulher.-S. H. H.


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