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As cypresses are wont among the lithe
Wayfaring bushes.

Mel. Pray, what proved to thee
So grave a reason for thy seeing Rome? 40
Tit. 'Twas Freedom, which, [though]
late, yet cast a look

Upon an idle man, when once his beard
More silv'ry to the shaver 'gan to fall.
Yet did she look, and after length of time
She came, since us doth Amaryllis own,
[Us] Galatee hath left. For seeing I
Will it avow-so long as Galatee
Enthralled us, there was neither hope
Of freedom, nor for perquisite concern.
Though many a victim issued from my folds,
And for the thankless city oily cheese 51
Was pressed, ne'er laden with a coin for me,
Did [this] my right hand to my home return.

43. Tendenti, the "barber," should the reader prefer it but it may be supposed that a slave would shave his own beard when cash was scarce. A barber would find some difficulty in giving such a spendthrift as Tityrus any credit.

45. Tityrus seems to have been somewhat in the condition of Cowley, if we may judge from his ballad of infinite playfulness, the Chronicle; e. g.: "Mary then, and gentle Anne,

Both to reign at once began:
Alternately they sway'd;

And sometimes Mary was the fair,
And sometimes Anne the crown did wear,
And sometimes both I obeyed."


46. Perhaps it was his own fault, like Thenot's in Fletcher's Faithful Shepherdess, iv. 5: "Oh, hapless love, which, being answered, ends! And, as a little infant cries and bends His tender brows, when, rolling of his He hath espied something that glisters nigh, Which he would have; yet, give it him, away He throws it straight, and cries afresh to play With something else: such my affection, set On that which I should loathe if I could get." Perhaps it was Galatea's:

"Go, false one! now I see the cheat:
Your love was all a counterfeit,

And I was galled to think that you,
Or any she, could long be true.

How could you once so kind appear,
To kiss, to sigh, to shed a tear,
To cherish and caress me so,
And now not let, but bid, me go?"
Charles Cotton," Sonnet.

48. "For such a foole I doe him firmly hold,
That loves his fetters, though they were of gold."
Spenser, F. Q., iii. 9, 8.
51. Tityrus would probably have been dissatisfied
with Cicero:

"Should Rome, for whom you've done the happy service,

Turn most ingrate, yet were your virtue paid In conscience of the fact: so much good deeds Reward themselves!"

Ben Jonson, Catiline, iii. 2. 52. The cause of Tityrus coming home with empty purse was the same that enriched Autolycus, at the Clown's expense, in Shakespeare's Winter's Tale, iv. 3:

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The hedge, which at th' adjoining boundary Hath aye its willow-blossom made a feast By bees of Hybla, oft shall thee entice

"If I were not in love with Mopsa, thou shouldst take no money of me; but being enthralled as I am, it will also be the bondage of certain ribands and gloves."

67. "You virgins, that did late despair

To keep your wealth from cruel men, Tie up in silk your careless hair,

Soft peace is come again.

Now lovers' eyes may gently shoot
A flame that will not kill;

The drum was angry, but the lute
Shall whisper what you will.

Sing Io, Io! for his sake,
Who hath restored your drooping heads;
With choice of sweetest flowers, make
A garden where he treads:

Whilst we whole groves of laurel bring,
A petty triumph to his brow,
Who is the master of our spring,

And all the bloom we owe." Shirley, The Imposture, i. 2. 76. Or- "Shalt shady cool enjoy." See Ecl. ii. 7. 12. 79. "There flowery hill Hymettus, with the sound Of bees' industrious murmur, oft invites To studious musing." Milton, P. R. b. iv.


By gentle murmuring to drop to sleep.
On th' other side, beneath the lofty rock,
The pruner shall be warbling to the gales;
Nor yet, meanwhile, hoarse culvers, thy

Nor turtle, cease from tow'ring elm to coo. it. Then sooner nimble harts shall feed in air,

And seas leave fishes bare upon the strand; Sooner,-both countries' frontiers traversed o'er,

Or Parthian exile shall the Arar drink,
Or Germany the Tigris, than his looks
Can from my bosom fade away.


But we,


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Some hence shall pass to Afric's thirsty sons; Thy pear-trees, Melibus, range arow
At Scythia others of us shall arrive,
Thy vines. Away! my goats, once happy


"Making that murm'ring noise that cooing doves

Use in the soft expression of their loves." Dryden, The Indian Queen, iii. i. "No more shall meads be decked with flowers, Nor sweetness dwell in rosy bowers; Nor greenest buds on branches spring, Nor warbling birds delight to sing; Nor April violets paint the grove, Ere I forget my Celia's love."

Carew, The Protestation.

Shakespeare uses the powerful aid of impossibilities for a different purpose; Merchant of Venice, iv. 1:

"You may as well go stand upon the beach,

And bid the main flood bate his usual height; You may as well use question with the wolf, Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb ; You may as well forbid the mountain pines To wag their high tops, and to make no noise, When they are fretted with the gusts of heaven, As seek to soften that, his Jewish heart." And again, in Coriolanus, v. 3: "Then let the pebbles on the hungry beach Fillip the stars; then let the mutinous winds Strike the proud cedars 'gainst the fiery sun, Murdering impossibility, to make What cannot be, slight work."



poorer now than poverty itself;" "Now, like a sea-tost navy in a storm, Must we be severed unto divers shores ?" Webster, The Weakest goeth to the Wall, ii. 3. "Thou hast forced

My heart to sigh, my hands to beat my breast, My feet to travel, and my eyes to weep." iii. 1. Goldsmith feelingly alludes to the miseries of exile:

"Have we not seen, at pleasure's lordly call,
The smiling, long-frequented village fall?
Beheld the duteous son, the sire decay'd,
The modest matron, and the blushing maid,
Forced from their homes, a melancholy train,
To traverse climes beyond the western main;
Where wild Oswego spreads her swamps around,
And Niagara stuns with thundering sound?"

Again in the Deserted Village:
"Ah, no! To distant climes, a dreary scene,
Where half the convex world intrudes between,
Through torrid tracts with fainting steps they go,
Where wild Altama murmurs to their woe."

Away! You nevermore shall I, [while] stretched

Within the verdant grot, see hanging far
Adown the braky cliff; no carols I
Shall sing; with me to feed you, O my

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Tit. Yet here this night hadst thou along with me

Far different these from every former scene,-
The cooling brook, the grassy-vested green,
The breezy covert of the warbling grove,
That only shelter'd thefts of harmless love."

94. So Ambrose Philips, with a pleasing variety; Past. 2:

"Sweet are thy banks! Oh, when shall I once more With ravish'd eyes review thine amell'd shore? When in the crystal of thy waters scan Each feature faded, and my colour wan? When shall I see my hut, the small abode Myself did raise, and cover o'er with sod? Small though it be, a mean and humble cell, Yet is there room for peace and me to dwell." "His stubborn hands my net hath broken quite;


My fish, the guerdon of my toil and pain, He causeless seized, and, with ungrateful spite, Bestowed upon a less deserving swain: The cost and labour mine, his all the gain." P. Fletcher, Ecl. ii. 7.

"So many new-born flies his light gave life to, Buzz in his beams, flesh-flies and butterflies, Hornets, and humming scarabs, that not one honey-bee,

That's loaden with true labour, and brings home Increase and credit, can 'scape rifling;

And what she sucks for sweet, they turn to bitterness." J. Fletcher, The Loyal Subject, ii. 5. 112. So Spenser's Shepheards Calender, September, 254:

"But if to my cotage thou wilt resort,
So as I can I will thee comfort;
There mayst thou ligge in a vetchy bed,
Till fairer Fortune shew forth his head."

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THE shepherd Corydon with fervor loved
The fair Alexis, darling of his lord;
Nor had he aught to hope: only among
The clustered beeches, shade-abounding

He used unceasingly to come: he there
Would these unstudied [verses], all alone,
To mounts and forests fling with idle zeal.
O barbarous Alexis, reckest thou
Naught of my lays? no pity hast for me?
Thou in the end wilt goad me on to die. 10
Now e'en the cattle snatch the shades and

Now e'en the thorny brakes green lizards shroud;

And Thestylis for reapers, faint with raging heat,

Together bruises garlic and wild thyme, Herbs strong of odor: but along with me,


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Were swarthy, e'en though thou wert fair.
O lovely boy, trust not too much thy hue:
White privets drop, dark martagons are

By thee am I disdained; nor who I am
Dost thou, Alexis, ask; how rich in flock,
How full to overflow in snowy milk.
A thousand lambs of mine upon the mounts
Of Sic❜ly wander; new milk fails me not
In summer-tide, nor in the [wintry] cold.
I chant [the lays] which used-if e'er his
He called-Amphion, of Dircæan [birth],
On Attic Aracynth. Nor am I so
Uncomely. Late I viewed me on the shore,

Why, sir? black
(For 'tis the colour that offends your eyesight,)
Is not within my reading, any blemish :
Sables are no disgrace in heraldry."

Line 6, 7. "6 Give sorrow words: the grief, that does not speak, Whispers the o'er fraught heart, and bids it break." 21. Macbeth, iv. 3. "Unkindness, do thy office! poor heart, break! Those are the killing griefs, which dare not speak." Webster, Vittoria Corombona, ii. 1. Mercy hangs upon your brow, like a precious jewel,


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O let not then,

Most lovely maid, best to be loved of men, Marble lie upon your heart, that will make you cruel!

Pity, pity, pity! Pity, pity, pity! That word begins that ends a true-love ditty." T. Middleton, Blurt, iii. 1. 13. Milton makes his Thestylis assist the reapers in a different way, assigning the culinary department to Phillis:

"Hard by, a cottage-chimney smokes,
From betwixt two aged oaks,
Where Corydon and Thyrsis met,
Are at their savoury dinner set

Of herbs and other country messes,
Which the neat-handed Phyllis dresses;
And then in haste her bower she leaves,
With Thestylis to bind the sheaves."


Shirley, Lady of Pleasure, ii. 1. 27. "Two thousand sheep have I as white as milk, Though not so sweet as is thy lovely face; The pasture rich, the wool as soft as silk: All this I give, let me possess thy grace."

Sir Philip Sidney, The Lady of May. "An hundred udders for the pail I have, That give me milk and curds, that make me cheese To cloy the markets; twenty swarm of bees, Whilk all the summer hum about the hive, And bring me wax and honey in *bilive." B. Jonson, Sad Shepherd, ii. 1. 33. This may call to mind the language of Eve: "And laid me down. . . . to look into the clear Smooth lake, that to me seemed another sky. As I bent down to look, just opposite A shape within the watery gleam appeared, Bending to look on me: I started back, It started back; but pleased, I soon returned." Milton, P. L., iv.

* "Bilive," with life, quickly.

When quiet through the breezes stood the

sea :

I should not Daphnis fear, thyself the judge,
Since never doth reflection's form beguile.
Oh! could it but thy pleasure be with me
The paltry farms, and unobtrusive cots,
To haunt, and pierce the harts, and drive
in group

The flock of kidlings to the mallow green!
With me together in the forests thou 41
Shalt copy Pan in singing. Pan first taught
To brace together divers reeds with wax;
Pan guards the sheep and keepers of the


Nor let it irk thee with a reed to chafe
Thy tiny lip that he these very [strains]
Might master, what did not Amyntas do?
I have, with seven unequal hemlock-reeds
Close set, a pipe, which for a gift to me
Damotas whilom gave, and, dying, said, 50
"Thee now doth this its second master

Damotas spoke; the fool Amyntas grudged.
Moreo'er, two roes, discovered by myself
In no safe glen, their coats e'en still be-

With white, a ewe's twain udders daily drain :

Which I for thee reserve. This long time past,

33. Carew gives another turn to the idea:
"Stand still, you floods! do not deface
That image which you bear :

So votaries, from every place,
To you shall altars rear.

No winds but lovers' sighs blow here,
To trouble these glad streams,

On which no star from any sphere
Did ever dart such beams.

To crystal, then, in haste congeal,
Lest you should lose your bliss;
And to my cruel fair reveal

How cold, how hard she is."

Sight of a Gentlewoman's face in the Water.

"And fair my flock, nor yet uncomely I,
If liquid fountains flatter not :-and why
Should liquid fountains flatter us, yet show

That she might carry them away from me, Hath Thestylis been craving, and her end will gain,

Since paltry are my presents in thine eyes. Come hither, O thou beauteous boy! For thee 60

Their lilies, lo! in baskets full, the Nymphs
Are carrying; for thee a Naiad fair,
Her sallow gillyflowers and the heads
Of poppies gath'ring, doth narcissus add,
And blossom of the sweetly-smelling dill:
Then, interlacing them with widow-waile,
And other fragrant plants, soft martagons
Betrims with yellowing caltha. I myself
Will cull thee quinces hoar with velvet

And chestnuts, which my Amaryllis loved.
I waxy plums will add to this fruit, too,
Shall dignity be [deigned] and you, O



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61. So "Sensuality" in Nabbes' Microcosmus, iv. "Gather all the flowers

Tempe is painted with, and strew his way.
Translate my bower to Turia's rosy banks;
There, with a chorus of sweet nightingales,
Make it perpetual spring."

Similarly Venus engages to Paris :
"The laurel and the myrtle shall compose
Thy arbours, interwoven with the rose,
And honey-dropping woodbine; on the ground
The flowers ambitiously shall crowd themselves
Into love-knots and coronets, to entangle
Thy feet, that they may kiss them as they tread,
And keep them prisoners in their amorous stalks."
Shirley, Triumph of Beauty.

The bordering flowers less beauteous than they 69. "I pr'ythee let me bring thee where crabs


A. Philips, Past. 1.

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And I with my long nails will dig thee pig-nuts;
Show thee a jay's nest, and instruct thee how
To snare the nimble marmoset: I'll bring thee
To clustering filberds, and sometimes I'll get

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Wild boars have I, [to reason] lost, let in. Whom art thou flying, ah! thou witless one?

Even the gods have tenanted the woods,
And Dardan Paris. Pallas by herself

Let haunt the fortresses, which she hath built;

Us above all things let the woods delight.
The grisly lioness pursues the wolf;
The wolf himself the goat; the cytisus
In blossom doth the wanton goat pursue;
Thee, O Alexis, Corydon : draws each 90
His proper fancy. See, the ploughs up-

The bullocks by the yoke are bearing home;
The sun, too, doubles, as he draws away,
The lengthening shades: me, ne'ertheless,
is love

Consuming; for what bound can there be set

The wings of pregnant western gales do enrich The air withal, which, gliding as you walk, May kiss the teeming flowers, and with soft breath Open the buds, to welcome their preserver." Shirley, The Imposture, iii. 3. 90. "And every humour hath its adjunct pleasure, Wherein it finds a joy above the rest."

Shakespeare, Sonnet 91. The force of ipse, in verse 63 of the original, would be best brought out by "in turn."

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100. How clearly the poet saw that useful employment was a cure for irregular desires! "Wherefore if thou, I say,

Dost covet to avoid

That Bedlam Boy's deceitful bow,
That others hath annoyed:

Eschew the idle life!

Flee! flee from doing naught:
For never was there idle brain
But bred an idle thought."

Turberville, The Lover to Cupid.

Philosophy, religious solitude

And labour wait on temperance. In these
Desire is bounded; they instruct the mind's
And body's actions. 'Tis lascivious ease,
That gives the first beginning to all ills.
The thoughts being busied on good objects, sin
Can never find a way to enter in."
Nabbes, Microcosmus, iv.



Menalcas. Inform me, O Damotas! whose | That these [misdoings] should with more

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Line 7. It is very doubtful that alienus means "hireling;" for Damotas may have been in too comfortable a position to accept of formal pay. He paid himself, however, unless Menalcas was untruthful,-which he may very well have been, and his companion with him. The character of each depends on the testimony of the other; and all that is certain is, that they had both very abusive tongues. The probability is, that Damotas was a thief, at all events; and so he need not have sought a remuneration for his trouble in honest cash. Vide v. 16 of the Latin text.

Or here by th' agèd beech, When you the bow and shafts of Daphnis broke ;

Which when, O curst Menalcas, you beheld

Bestowed upon the lad, you were not only vexed,

15. Malá may either be referred to falce, as in the translation; or to Damotas, when it should be rendered "spiteful."

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