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12. Les Euangelies de tuz les Dominikes par ane od lur exposicions.'

These metrical Homilies proceed in the usual course from Advent (cf. above, Dd. 1. 1, § 4). After a long dedication, 'a sa trechiere dame Aline' (fol. 135 a to fol. 1396), the exposition commences:

Ihesus uint pres d une cite

Qui Jerusalem est apele

E quant il vint a Bethfage

Qi est al munt Oliue.

Ends (fol. 261 a, col. 2) :

Ici finent les domenees

Breuement espuns e endites.
Ore prie tuz ke les vient e dient
K il pur ROBERT DE GRETHAM prient
Ki Deu meintenge si sa vie

Ki par li sert en sa baillie

Amen Amen chescun en die.

Nothing more appears to be known of the author.

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13. Septem Psalmi Penitencie:' single column. Begins (fol. 261 a, col. 2):

Deu en tes vengemens ne me pernez Sire

En ceste siecle present si me chastiez sanz ire.

14. Romaunce del Aue Maria:' title in the table of contents. Begins (fol. 264 a, col. 2):

Ave tresduce Marie, aue gloriouse.

15. 'De les cinc ioies nostre Dame."

Begins (fol. 265 a, col. 1):

Vous ke nostre dame amez.

16. Del assumpcioun nostre Dame seinte Marie:' single column.

Begins (fol. 265 b):

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Seignurs ore escutez ke Deu vous beneie

Pur sa mort doleruse ki nous dona la vie.

17. Le liure de les Lamentaciuns nostre Dame seinte Marie:' single column.

Begins (fol. 272 a) :

Pur ceus et pur cels ki n'entendunt quant oient lire Latin.

This poem is substantially the same as Dd. 1. 1, § 2.

18. Le tretiz ki mun seignur Gauter de Bitheswey fisit a madame Dyonise de Mountechensi pur aprise de langage.' This is only part of a prolix title.

(Fol. 280 a-fol. 294 a). The treatise is in French verse, so written as to admit of interlineations: and in many cases the English words corresponding to the more difficult parts of the text are inserted in red ink.

[blocks in formation]

La uertu del seint espirit

Nous seit aidaunt en ceste escrit.

See, respecting the authorship, Ee. 1. 20, § 1.

20. 'Le Brut, coment li bon rei Edward gaigna Escotz e Galis: single column.

Begins (fol. 328 b):

Ky volt oyr des reys coment chescune vesquist

En le ille de Brutus Bretainne appeller feist

Ki volt sauer la geste des grauntz e de petit

La pregnye de dan PERES ke lad mis en escrit.
De nostre reis Edward Schafeld li requist

Recorder la geste escuter cum il dist.

This is the Chronicle of Peter Langtoft, which was translated into English by Robert de Brunne. The translation only is in print, ed. Hearne, 1725. Ends with the following stanza (fol. 345 b) :

For pare wer pai bal brend

He kauged ham pidre kend

And dreued to dote

For scottes at Dunbar

Haued at payre gan char

Schame of par note
Wer neuer dogges pere
Hurled out of herre

Fro coylthe ne cotte.

21. A few lines, in Latin, on the Joys of heaven.

22. Le ymage du mounde,' or 'La descripcioun de toute le mounde, en Romaunce:' sixty chapters and twenty-eight diagrams. A table of contents is prefixed: double columns.

Begins (fol. 347 a, col. 1) :

Ki veot entendre a ceste liure

E sauoir coment il deit viure

E aprendre tiel clergie
Dunt meuz viuera tout sa vie.

Breaks off (fol. 389 b, col. 2):

Ac ici deuaunt vous escrit est
Coment li firmament fet est.

The diagrams, which are coloured, are very curious.

The treatise relates chiefly to natural philosophy, learning, and the liberal arts. On the English version of it printed by Caxton in 1481, see Dibdin's Typog. Antiq. 1. 101 sq.

23. Du bounte des Femmez."

Begins (fol. 390 b):

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Cil fableurs trop me greuent

De rimeur qe ne seuent

Rimer counter for de fable

Escutez vn dist creable.

24. Credo in Deum, en Romance' (fol. 3926).

25. Pater noster, en Fraunceis' (Ibid.)

26. Ave Maria, en Fraunceis' (Ibid.)

27. Prognostications derived from the day of the week on which Christmas falls. (cf. Ff. v. 48, §§ 18, 22). .

Begins (fol. 393a):

Ici comence la reison

Del tens del ane e de la seisoun.

28. A short piece in Latin, with the title Quando puer nascitur. (fol. 393 b, id. 1).

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29. De etate hominis' (Ibid. col. 2): in Latin.

30. De sanguinis minucione' (Ibid.): in Latin.

31. 'De recepcione medicinarum' (fol. 394 a, col. 1): in Latin.

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32. De tonitruo experimenta' [i. e. prognostications]: fol. 3946: in Latin.

33. Sentencie Danielis,' or 'Soungarii de Daniel le prophete' [rules for the interpretation of dreams]: fol. 3946 to fol. 3976: in Latin.

34.De Sacramentis Ecclesie: in Latin.

Begins (fol. 397 b):

Quot sunt sacramenta Ecclesie? septem: que patent per hos



La Romance del seinte croyz e de Adam nostre primere piere' [the common legend, connecting the wood of the Cross with the Tree of Life].

Begins (fol. 399 b) :

Qui vodra sauer e oyer de la verrai croiz.

36. A short extract, entitled 'Inuenit Jeronimus in annalibus Judeorum de xv diebus ante diem judicii (fol. 402 b, col. 2).

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Ends (fol. 404b):


De relicta repetit erit maledictus.

Miraculum sancte Marie Virginis,' or 'Une bele miracle

de nostre Dame.'

Begins (fol. 404 b, col. 2):

Entre les oueraines de charite.

Ke ad fet la reyne par sa pite.

Ends (fol. 406 b, col. 2):


Benoit soit la mere nostre seignur

Par qe est acheue cele iceste labour. Amen.

Liure de la Pochalipse [i. e. the Revelation], en Fraunceis, od les exposicions,' or 'La Pocalipse, en Romance;' with fifty-five illuminations.

After the Preface (fol. 407) follows a translation of chap. 1, vv. 9 sq. :

E Johan nostre frere est parcener en tribulacioun e en regne, en pacience en Jhu Christ fu en vn ysle qe est apelee Pathmos pur la parole Dieu e testemonie Jhu Crist. E fu en espirit per vne dymaine..... At least one leaf is wanting after fol. 421 and fol. 423.

Ends (fol. 439 b):

...e nous doint issi en li viure e morir qe nous puissiun oue li en sa glorie en cors e en alme saunz fin regner. Amen.

40. Le Liure qe est appelee le Set Sages, en Romaunce."
Begins (fol. 440 a) :

A Rome out vne empereour qi out a noun Dioclicien...
Respecting the nature and origin of this work, see above, Dd. 1. 17, § 21.
41. De Phisenemie' [Physiognomy], in prose.

Begins (fol. 464 b) :

Ove ceste phisenemie voudra iuger ne mette ia sa entente en vn soul significacioun...

42. La nature de home par sa naissance' [a series of prognostications]: fol. 466b to fol. 469 a.

43. XVII Pointz qe deiuent estre en confession' (fol. 469 a).

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44. Inquisiciones generales in confessionibus' (fol. 470 a): in Latin.

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Expositio Orationis Dominice' (fol. 470b): in Latin.

De Origine et Pena Pilati:' in Latin.

Begins (fol. 472b):

Rex fuit quidam qui puellam nomine Pilam filiam cuiusdam molendinarii nomine Atus...

47. Quel vaut meuz a amer gentil clerc ou chiualer.'

Begins (fol. 474 a) :

Ends (fol. 476b):

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Ki auenturez veut oir e ver
Il ne puet touz iours demorer.

Mieuz est li clers a amer

Qe ili orgoillouse chiualer.

48. Le liure de Hending,' or 'Les Prouerbis de Hending:' in English verse.

The first proverb is (fol. 476b):

Wel is him pat wel ende mai.

To which the following explanation is added:

Ne mai no man pat is in londe
For noping pat he mai fonde
Wonni at home and spede

So fele pewis for to lerne

So he pat had isowt yerne
Auentures in fele dede.

Each proverb is in like manner illustrated by a single stanza.

49. Les Enfantesces nostre Seignur quant il esteit en tere od la uie.'

Begins (fol. 4796):

Ore vous dirrai de vne enfaunt

Quant en tere fut conuersaunt.

50. Le Brute dengletere abrege:' in prose. Begins (fol. 484b):

Escotez beau seignurs vous qe volez oir des reis e ieo vous cunterai coment Engletere primez comenca.

This meagre abstract ends at the death of Edward I., whose merits it celebrates in verse (fol. 489). Two stanzas are added, one in French, the other in English, reflecting as it seems upon the maladministration of Edw. II.

51. On the military 'feoda' of England and the 'cantreda' of Ireland (fol. 489 b, col. 2).

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