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Cap. 7. For further continuing an act, made in the nineteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for allowing the importation of fine organzined Italian thrown filk in any ships or vef fels, for a limited time.

Cap. 8. For raifing a certain fum of money by way of annuities, and for establishing a lottery.

Cap. 9. For rectifying mistakes in the names of several of the commiflioners appointed, by an act made in the last feffion of parliament, to put in execution an act made in the fame feffion, intituled, An att for granting an aid to his Majefty by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand Jeven hundred and eighty-one; and for appointing other commiffioners, together with thofe named in the first-mentioned act, to put in execution an act of this feffion of parliament, for granting an aid to his Majefly by a land tax, to be raised in Great Britain, for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two.

Cap. 10. For the better detaining, and more eafy exchange of American prifoners brought into Great Brituin.

Cap. 11. For allowing further time to negociate, by indorsement, the bonds iffued in purfuance of an act, made in the fourteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for more effectually carrying into execution certain propofals made by the most noble Henry duke of Buccleugh, the most noble Charles duke of Queensberry and Dover, and others, for redeeming the annuities granted by the company of the bank of Ayr, in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, known under the firm of Douglas, Heron, and Company.

Cap. 12. For making compenfation to the proprietors of certain meffuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, purchased in pursuance of two acts of parliament, one made in the twentieth year of the reign of his present Majesty, for better fecuring his Majesty's docks, ships, and fores, at Plymouth and Sheernels; and for better defending the paffage of the river Thames at Gravefend and Tilbury Fort; and the other in the twenty-firft year of his prefent Majesty's reign, for explaining and amending fo much of the faid act as relates to the Jecurity of his Majefty's docks, hips, and flores, at Plymouth; and to certain proprietors and occupiers of land at or near Plymouth, who have fuftained any lofs or damage in confequence of the faid acts.

Cap. 13. To continue feveral laws therein mentioned, relating to the better encouragement of the making of fail cloth in Great Britain; to the encouragement of the filk manufactures; and for taking off feveral duties on merchandize exported, and reducing other duties; to the free importation of cochineal and indico; to the prohibiting the importation of books reprinted abroad, and first compofed, written, and printed in Great Britain; to fecuring the duties upon foreign-made fail cloth, and charging foreign-made fails with a duty; to the allowing a bounty on the exportation of British corn and grain in neutral


; to the allowing the exportation of provifions, goods,
wares, and merchandizes, to certain places in North America,
which are or may be under the protection of his Majesty's arms,
and from fuch places to Great Britain, and other parts of his
Majesty's dominions; to the impowering his Majefty to pro-
hibit the exportation, and restrain the carrying coaftwife, of
copper in bars, or copper in fheets; and to the allowing the
exportation of certain quantities of wheat, and other articles,
to his Majesty's fugar colonies in America.

Cap. 14. To explain, amend, and render more effectual, an act, made in the fixteenth year of the reign of his prefent Majesty, for making and maintaining a navigable canal from or near the town of Stourbridge, in the county of Worcester, to join the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal at or near Stourton, in the county of Stafford; and alfo two collateral cuts therein mentioned.

Cap. 15. For the relief of naval officers, feamen, marines, and foldiers, with refpect to prize and bounty money not claimed in due time.

Cap. 16. For the better fupply of mariners and feamen to ferve in his Majefty's fhips of war, and on board merchant ships, and other trading fhips and veffels.

Cap. 17. To repair, enlarge, and rebuild, Cobham, Leatherbead, and Godalming bridges, in the county of Surrey.

Cap. 18. For continuing the term and powers of an act, made in the thirty-third year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An att for laying a duty of two pennies Scots, or one fixth part of a penny fterling, on every Scots pint of ale, porter, or beer, brewed for fale, or vended, within the town and parish of Dalkeith.

Cap. 19. For granting an additional bounty on fhips employed in the Greenland and whale fishery, for a limited time.

Cap. 20. To revive and further continue an act, made in the feventh year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to difcontinue, for a limited time, the duties payable upon the importation of tallow, bogs' lard, and greafe.

Cap. 21. To extend fo much of two acts, of the twentieth and twenty-first years of his prefent Majefty's reign, as relate to the fale of, and afcertaining the duties upon, Eaft India goods, to tea, and all other goods of the growth, product, or manufacture of China, or any country within the limits of the East India company's charter, which have been, or fhall, during the prefent hoftilities, be brought into this kingdom, and condemned as prize; for equalizing the duties upon, and regulating the importation of foreign fnuff into this kingdom; and for preventing the importation and running of foreign fpirituous liquors, tea, and other prohibited goods, into this kingdom, in veffels fitted out and armed as privateers.

Cap. 22. For better fecuring the duties payable, by virtue of an act of the fifth year of the reign of Queen Anne, on the importation of coals, culm, and cinders, into the port of Great Yarmouth, in the county of Norfolk.

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Cap. 23. For allowing further time for inrolment of deeds and wills made by papifts, and for relief of protestant purchafers.

Cap. 24. For defraying the charge of the pay and cloathing of the militia in that part of Great Britain called England, for one year, beginning the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-two.

Cap. 25. To prohibit the ranfoming of fhips or veffels captured from his Majefty's fubjects, and of the merchandize or goods on board fuch fhips or veffels.

Cap. 26. For providing quarters for certain foreign troops, lately employed in his Majefty's fervice in the defence of the ifland of Minorca, and expected to arrive foon in this kingdom, for a limited time.

Cap. 27. For the more eafy and fpeedy recovery of small debts, within the city of Rochester, and the parishes of Strood, Frindsbury, Cobham, Shorne, Higham, Cliffe, Cooling, High Halflow, Chalk, Hoo, Burham, Wouldham, Halling, Cuxflone, Chatham, and Gillingham, and the ville of Sheerness, in the county of Kent.

Cap. 28. For granting an additional duty upon tobacco and fnuff; and for repealing certain duties payable upon the importation of brandy and arrack, and for granting other duties in lieu thereof.

Cap. 29. For further continuing an act, made in the twentieth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for exempting the city of Winchefter, the county of Southampton, the town of Shrewsbury, and the county of Salop, out of the provi fions of an act, made in the eighth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for regulating the quartering of foldiers during the time of the elections of members to ferve in parliament; fo far as the fame relates to the removal of troops during the elections of members to ferve in parliament, for a limited time.

Cap. 30. For allowing the importation of goods of the growth, produce, or manufacture, of the islands of Saint Chriftopher, Nevis, and Montferrat, into any ports of his Majesty's dominions in Europe or America, upon payment of the British plantation duties.

Cap. 31. For the preventing of bribery and corruption in the election of members to ferve in parliament for the borough of Cricklade, in the county of Wilts.

Cap. 32. To revive and continue an act, paffed in the fixth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act to regulate the loading of ships with coals in the ports of Newcastle and Sunderland.

Cap. 33. For charging a ftamp-duty upon inland bills of exchange, promiffory notes, or other nores payable otherwise than upon demand.

Cap. 34. For raifing a certain fum of money by loans or exchequer bills, for the fervice of the year one thousand feven


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hundred and eighty-two; and for confolidating certain annuities, which were made one joint ftock by an act made in the thirty-first year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, with certain annuities confolidated by feveral acts, made in the twenty-fifth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, thirty-first, thirty-fecond, and thirty-third years of the reign of his faid late Majefty, and feveral fubfequent acts.

Cap. 35. For the better relief and employment of the poor of the parish of Saint John of Wapping, in the county of MiddleSex; and for providing a proper workhouse and burial ground for the ufe of the faid parith; and for opening certain communications, and making certain streets, within the faid parish.

Cap. 36. For raifing a further fum of money, by loans or exchequer bills, for the service of the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two.

Cap. 37. For the more eafy and speedy recovery of small debts within the parishes of Broseley, Benthall, Madeley, Barrow, Linley, Willey, Little Wenlock, and Dawley, and an extraparochial place called Pofnall, in the county of Salop.

Cap. 38. To permit the importation of Britib plantation tobacco from any port or place either in America, or the West Indies, or in Europe, during the present hoftilities.

Cap. 39. For granting to his Majesty additional duties upon falt; and certain duties upon Glauber or Epfom falts, and alfo on mineral alkali or flux for glass, made from falt; and to prevent frauds in the duties on foul falt, to be ufed in manuring of lands.

Cap. 40. For punishing perfons wilfully and maliciously deftroying any woollen, filk, linen, or cotton goods, or any implements prepared for, or used in the manufacture thereof; and for repealing fo much of two acts, made in the twelfth year of King George the First, and in the fixth year of his prefent Majefty, as relates to the punishment of perfons deftroying any woollen or filk manufactures, or any implements prepared for, or used therein.

Cap. 41. For better fecuring the freedom of elections of members to ferve in parliament, by difabling certain officers, employed in the collection or management of his Majesty's revenues, from giving their votes at fuch elections.

Cap. 42. For building a stone bridge cross the river of Thames, from the parish of Ealing, in the county of Middlesex, to the oppofite fhore in the hamlet of Kew, in the county of Surrey.

Cap. 43. For making a paffage for carriages from Spitalfields to Bishop/gate-freet, in the county of Middlefex, and for paving the fame; and for appropriating to thofe purposes the money arifen by virtue of an act, paffed in the eighteenth year of his prefent Majefty, for applying the fum of nine thousand pounds, to arife out of the orphans' fund, for making such paffage.

Cap. 44. For amending the pavement in, and for lighting fome of the streets, lanes, ways, and places, in the parishes of Saint Margaret and Saint John the Evangelift, in Westminster,

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which are at prefent excluded from the provifions of an act, paffed in the eleventh year of his present Majefty, (intituled, An act to amend and render more effectual feveral acts made relating to paving, cleanfing, and lighting, the fquares, ftreets, lanes, and other places, within the city and liberty of Westminster, and parts adjacent ;) and for preventing nuifances and annoyances in or near the fame; and for making an opening from Orchard Street, and widening fome part of Wood Street, and of Little Peter Street.

Cap. 45. For reftraining any perfon concerned in any contract, commiffion, or agreement, made for the publick fervice, from being elected, or fitting and voting as a member of the houfe of commons.

Cap. 46. To enable his Majefty to conclude a peace or truce with certain colonies in North America therein mentioned.

Cap. 47. For licenfing lottery office keepers, and regulating the fale of lottery tickets.

Cap. 48. For charging a duty on perfons whose property shall be infured against lofs by fire.

Cap. 49. To rectify a mistake in an act of this feffion of parliament, with respect to preventing the importation and running of tea into this kingdom, in armed veffels having letters of marque, or other commiffions from the admiralty.

Cap. 50. For further continuing an act, made in the twentieth year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for appointing and enabling commiffioners to examine, take, and ftate the publick accounts of the kingdom; and to report what balances are in the hands of accountants, which may be applied to the publick fervice; and what defects there are in the prefent mode of receiving, collecting, ifuing, and accounting for publick money; and in what more expeditious and effectual, and less expensive manner, the said fervices can in future be regulated and carried on for the benefit of the publick.

Cap. 51. To difcharge and indemnify the united company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies, from all da mage, interefts, and loffes, in refpect to their having made default in certain payments due to the publick, on fuch payments being made at a future ftipulated time; and to enable the faid company to continue a dividend of eight pounds per centum to the proprietors of their flock for the prefent year,

Cap. 52. For preventing the flaughtering of cattle within the city of Edinburgh, and for removing nuifances and annoyances therefrom.

Cap. 53. To repeal an act; made in the fixth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the First, intituled, An act for the better fecuring the dependency of the kingdom of Ireland upon the crown of Great Britain.

Cap. 54. For reftraining fir Thomas Rumbold baronet, and Peter Perring efquire, from going out of this kingdom, for a limited time; and for difcovering their eftates and effects, and preventing the transporting or alienating the fame.

Cap. 55. To indemnify fuch perfons as have omitted to qua

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