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lify themselves for offices and employments; and to indemnify juftices of the peace, or others, who have omitted to register or deliver in their qualifications within the time limited by law, and for giving further time for thofe purposes; and to indemnify members and officers, in cities, corporations, and borough towns, whofe admiffions have been omitted to be stamped according to law, or, having been ftamped, have been loft or miflaid; and for allowing them time to provide admiffions duly ftamped; and to give further time to fuch perfons as have omitted to make and file affidavits of the execution of indentures of clerks to attornies and folicitors.

Cap, 56. More effectually to enable the inhabitants of the parish of Saint Luke, in the county of Middlesex, to purchase, hire, or erect, a workhoufe, within or near the faid parish, for the better reception and employment of the poor of the said parish.

Cap. 57. For building a new bridge, instead of the present ancient bridge, commonly called Lancafter Bridge, at a more convenient place over the river Loyne, near the town of Lancafter, in the county palatine of Lancaster.

Cap. 58. For the more eafy difcovery and effectual punishment of buyers and receivers of stolen goods.

Cap. 59. To provide that the proceedings on the bill, now depending in parliament, for inflicting certain pains and penalties on fir Thomas Rumbold baronet, and Peter Perring efquire, for certain breaches of publick truft, and high crimes and mifdemeanors, committed by them whilst they refpectively held the offices of governor and prefident, counfellers, and members of the felett committee of the fetelement of Fort Saint George, on the coaft of Coromandel, in the Eaft Indies, fhall not be difcontinued by any prorogation or diffolution of the parliament.

Cap. 60. To prevent the feducing of artificers or workmen employed in printing callicoes, cottons, muflins, and linens, or in making or preparing blocks, plates, or other implements used in that manufactory, to go to parts beyond the feas; and to prohibit the exporting to foreign parts of any fuch blocks, plates, or other implements.

Cap. 61. For granting an additional duty upon white or manufactured bees wax imported into Great Britain.

Cap. 62. To explain and amend so much of an act, made in the fecond year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for raifing and training the militia, as relates to perfons paying the fum of ten pounds being liable to ferve again in the militia at the expiration of three years; and alfo to oblige fubftitutes to make oath refpecting their place of fettlement.

Cap. 63. To repeal fo much of an act, made in the nineteenth year of King George the Second, (for the more effectual difarming the Highlands in Scotland, and for the other purposes therein mentioned), as reftrains the ufe of the Highland dreis.

Cap. 64. For the amending and rendering more effectual the laws in being relative to houfes of correction.

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Cap. 65. To enable the most noble Henry duke of Newcastle, his heirs, executors, or adminiftrators, to open a street from the Strand, at or near the east end of the New Church, to the fouth end of Stanhope Street in the parish of Saint Clement Danes, within the city and liberty of Westminster; and to make a more commodious communication between the north end of Stanhope Street aforefaid, and Wylde Street in the parish of Saint Giles in the Fields, in the county of Middlefex.

Cap. 66. For granting to his Majesty additional duties upon the produce of the feveral duties under the management of the refpective commiffioners of the cuftoms and excife in Great Britain.

Cap. 67. For granting to his Majesty a certain fum of money out of the finking fund; and for applying certain monies therein mentioned for the fervice of the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two; and for further appropriating the supplies granted in this feffion of parliament.

Cap. 68. For repealing the duties payable for beer and ale above fix fhillings the barrel, exclufive of the duties of excife, and not exceeding eleven fhillings the barrel, exclufive of fuch duties, and for granting other duties in lieu thereof; for granting additional duties on coaches, and other carriages therein mentioned; and also additional duties on fope made in Great Britain, and upon the produce of the faid additional duties on coaches and on other carriages; and for the better securing the duty upon tea, and other duties of excife; and also for appointing the number of commiffioners of excife who may hear caufes depending before them relative to the duties on male fervants.

Cap. 69. For compelling John Whitehill efquire to return into this kingdom; and for reftraining him, in cafe of his return, from going out of this kingdom for a limited time; and for discovering his eftate and effects, and preventing the tranfporting or alienating of the fame.

Cap. 70. To enable the commander in chief of his Majesty's forces, and the fecretary to the commander in chief of his Majefty's forces, to fend and receive letters and packets free from the duty of poftage.

Cap. 71. More effectually to prevent his Majefty's enemies from being fupplied with fhips or veffels from Great Britain. Cap. 72. For continuing fo much of an act of the fixth year of his prefent Majefty, as relates to prohibiting the importation of foreign wrought filks and velvets.

Cap. 73. To explain an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of King Charles the Second, (intituled, An act for prohibiting the planting, fetting, or fowing of tobacco in England or Ireland), and to permit the ufe and removal of tobacco, the growth of Scotland into England, for a limited time, under cer tain reftrictions.

Cap. 74. For enlarging the times appointed for the first meetings of commiffioners, or other perfons for putting in execution certain acts of this feffion of parliament,


Cap. 75. To prevent the granting in future any patent office to be exercifed in any colony or plantation now, or at any time hereafter, belonging to the crown of Great Britain, for any longer term than during fuch time as the grantee thereof, or perlon appointed thereto, fhall difcharge the duty thereof in person, and behave well therein.

Cap. 76. For enabling his Majefty to raise the fum of one million, for the ufes and purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 77. To render valid and effectual certain articles of agreement between the mayor and commonalty and citizens of the city of London, governors of the poffeffions, revenues, and goods, of the hofpitals of Edward King of England the Sixth, of Chrift, Bridewell, and Saint Thomas the Apoftle, and of the hofpitals of Henry the Eighth, King of England, called The Houfe of the Poor, in Weft Smithfield, near London, and of the house and hofpital called Bethelem, and the presidents, treasurers, and acting governors, of the said several hofpitals.

Cap. 78. To permit drugs, the product of Hungary or Geranany, to be imported from the Auftrian Netherlands, or any part of Germany, upon payment of the fingle duty; to allow the importation of Hungary or German wines, and organzined thrown filk, from the Auftrian Netherlands, or any part of Germany, intó Great Britain, and of timber, and other goods, from any part of Europe, in fhips the property of fubjects under the fame fovereign as the country of which the goods are the growth, produce, or manufacture.

Cap. 79. For the encouragement and difciplining of fuch corps or companies of men as thall voluntarily enroll themselves for defence of their towns or coafts, or for the general defence of the kingdom, during the present war.

Cap. 80. To veft certain meffuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, in trustees, for the better fecuring his Majesty's docks, ships, and ftores, at Portsmouth and Chatham.

Cap. 81. For the better regulation of the office of paymaster general of his Majefty's forces.

Cap. 82. For enabling his Majefty to discharge the debt contracted upon his civil lift revenues; and for preventing the fame from being in arrear for the future, by regulating the mode of payments out of the faid revenues, and by fuppreffing or regulating certain offices therein mentioned, which are now paid out of the revenues of the civil lift.

Cap. 83. For the better relief and employment of the poor. Cap. 84. For better paving, cleaning, and lighting, part of the parish of Saint George Hanover Square, in the county of Middlefex, and fuch part of Old Bond Street as lies within the parish of Saint James, in the faid county; and for removing and preventing nuilances and annoyances thengin.

Cap. 85. For the improvement of Portman Square, within the parish of Saint Mary le Bone, in the county of Middlefex. Cap. 86. For explaining and amending two acts, one made in the eleventh, and the other in the feventeenth year of his


prefent Majefty, for paving certain ftreets in the parishes of Saint John of Wapping, and Saint George in the county of Middiefex, and for other purposes; and for extending the provifions of the faid acts to other parts of the faid parishes, and allo for opening certain communications within the faid parish of Saint George.

Cap. 87. For paving and freeing from nuifances and annoyances, the feveral ftreets, ways, and places, within the parith of Saint Anne, in the county of Middlefex, and Queen Street and London-freet, in the hamlet of Ratcliffe, within the faid parish; and for making ways or streets into the street called Rifby's Rope-ground, and through or acrofs Shoulder of Mutton Alley, and a street called Ropemaker's fields, to Three Colt Street, and from the bridge in the faid ftreet called Rifby's Rope-ground into Three Colt Street aforesaid.

Cap. 88. To continue the term of an act, made in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of his late majesty King George the Second, for repairing and widening the road from Prefton to Lancaster, and from thence to a place called Heiring-fyke, that divides the counties of Lancaster and Weftmorland.

Cap. 89. For extending the provisions of an act, made in the thirteenth year of his prefent Majefty, for more effectually amending feveral roads leading from the borough of Truro, in the county of Cornwall, to the roads leading from Shortlanes End, in the parish of Kenwyn, to Calleftock Burrow, and from The Two Burrows, in the faid parish, to Perran almfhoufe, and from The Three Burrows, in the faid parish, to Saint Agnes almshouse, in the faid county.

Cap. 90. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, passed in the first year of the reign of his prefent Majefty, for repairing and amending the road leading from White Crofs, in the parish of Leven, in Holderness, in the east riding of the county of York, to the town of Beverley, in the faid county.

Cap. 91. To confirm, and carry into execution, certain articles of agreement entered into between the right honourable James earl of Salisbury, and the trustees appointed by and under feveral acts of parliament, for repairing the road leading from Galley Corner adjoining to Enfield Chace, in the parish of South Mims, in the county of Middlefex, to Lemnsford Mill, in the county of Hertford; and for turning and altering the faid road, in the manner mentioned in the faid agreement.

Cap. 92. For continuing the term, and altering and enlarging the powers, of an act, made in the thirty-third year of his late Majefty, for repairing several roads leading to the town of Oakhampton, in the county of Devon.

Cap. 93. To continue and enlarge the term and powers of an at, made in the first year of the reign of his present Majefty, intituled, An act for amending and widening the roads from the turnpike road upon Gatherley Moor, in the county of York, to Staindrop, in the county of Durham; and from the faid turnpike road near Smallways, across the river Tees, to Winston, in the

fard county of Durham; and for building a bridge over the said river. at or near Winston Ford.

Cap. 94. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, made in the thirty-fecond year of the reign of his late majefty King George the Second, intituled, An act for repairing and widening the roads from a place called Littlegate, at the top of Leadenham Hill, in the county of Lincoln, to the weft end of Barnby Gate, in Newark upon Trent; and from the guide-poft at the divifion of Kelham and Mufkam lanes to Mansfield, and from Southwell to Oxton, in the county of Nottingham; and for repairing the road from the weft fide of Newark Bridge to the faid guide-poft.

Cap. 95. For continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers, of an act of the fecond year of his prefent Majefty, for amending and widening the road from the marketboufe in Stourbridge to Colly Gate, in Cradley, and other roads therein mentioned, in the counties of Worcester, Stafford, and Salop, fo far as the fame relates to the roads leading from the market-house in Stourbridge to Colly Gate, and from Pedmore to Holly Hall, and from Colly Gate to Halesowen; and for opening a more commodious communication with the Birmingham turnpike road.

Cap. 96. For continuing the term, and altering and enlarg ing the powers, of an act, of the first year of his prefent Majesty, for amending and widening the road from the town of Stone to Wordfley Green Gate; and from the west end of Bilfton Street, in Wolverhampton, to The High Street, oppofite The Old Bufh, in Dudley; and from a place called Burnt Tree, near Dudley to Birmingham; and from The Market Crofs in Wolverhampton, to Cannock; in the counties of Stafford, Worcester, and Warwick.

Cap. 97. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, made in the thirty-third year of the reign of his majesty King George the Second, intituled, An act for amending and widening the road from Bawtry to Sheffield, and from Sheffield to the fouth fide of Wortley, in the county of York, where it joins the turnpike road leading from Rotherham to Manchester, fo far as the fame relates to the road leading from Bawtry aforefaid to Tinfley, and through part of the town of Tingley, to the place where the fame joins the road leading from Rotherham to Sheffield.

Cap. 98. For continuing the term and altering the powers of an act of the first year of his prefent Majefty, for amending the road from Dartford to Northfleet, and other roads therein mentioned, in the county of Kent; and for allowing an annual payment out of the tolls arifing upon the faid roads, to the trufees for the care of the road leading from Rockefter to Maidflone, in the faid county, to be applied for the purposes therein mentioned.

Cap. 99. For enlarging the term and powers of an act, of the tenth year of his prefent Majefty, intituled, An act for repairing and widening several roads leading to and through the borough


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