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Imprimis we fynde that ther be iiii Awmessehowses decayed in Jesus lane whych owght to be upholden and maynteyned by Mr. Thomas Hutton.

It. we fynde that the Mr. and Fellows of Jesus College have let ther ferme hollye with all commodities together and the fermor therof hathe letten the lande to certeyne persons and severed the dwellynge howse and the shepegate from the lande so that the howse and shepegate be in divers men handes and lykewyse the closes be letten from the howse and the hole is letten for xli. x. by yere.

It. we fynde that a pece of noysom grounde is taken in owte of the common and enclosed with a mudde wall at thende of Jesus lane for the whyche thincorporation of the towne is recompensed but not the hole inhabytauntes of the towne whiche fynde themselves injured.

It. we fynde that Andrew Lambes close is crofte lande and ought to lye open with the fylde at lamas as common.

It. we fynde that a close that of late was taken in bye baylyff Smythe owte of the common owght to be layde open and to be common agayne as heretofore it hathe beene accustomed the yerly rent is xxvis. viijd.

It. we fynde that Mr. Braken had of the prior and convente of Barnwell a portyon of grounde that before was laye open with the fylde at lamas and was common arable lande upon the whiche he hathe buylded certeyne howses and shoppes.

It. we fynde that Mr. Hynde unlawfully dothe brynge into Cambridge felde a flock of shepe to the number of vi or vii Cth to the undoinge of the fermors and great hyndraunce of all thinhabitauntes of Cambrydge.

It. we fynde the saide Mr. Hynde after the corne be inned and harvest don bryngeth in his catall in great nombre and eateth uppe the common to like hyndraunce.

It. we fynde that ther is an howse of husbandrye with xxx

acres of lande ther unto belonginge nowe in the tenure of Wyllm. Spyrink dekayed and not inhabited nor hath not bene these ii yeres for then it was burned, the yerely rent is iiiili.

It. we fynde that Mr. Braken hathe dymyssed a lane called fysshores lane, and inclosed the samme whyche of late lay open and was common.

It. we fynde that Maxwell keepeth a certayne grownde against the castle as common whyche ought to be common.

It. we fynde that there is an howse dekayed and fallen down lying betwyxt the Greffyn and the whyte Bull now in the tenure of Mr. Slegge wherbye the towne in that streete is myche defaced.

It. we fynde that Trinitie College owght to pave the streete agaynst the gray freers which of long tyme hath been unpaved to the great annoyance of the common welthe.

It. we fynde that Trinitie college hath inclosed a common lane which was a common course both for cart horse and man leadinge to the ryver unto a common grene and no recompense made therfore.

It. we fynde that the seyde College dothe commonlye use to laye ther mucke and meanor on ther backe syde apon the foreseyde common grene wher thei wyll suffer no man ells to do the lyke and have builded a common Jakes apon part of the same.

It. we fynde that Mr. Muryell hathe plowed uppe certayne bawlks and carte wayes in the feelde.

It. we fynde Mr. Bykardyck hath plowed uppe the more parte of a bawlke behind the black freers of vii foote brode betwyxt Jesus College grownde and Myhell howse grownde and he hath dyched it in at both endes.

It. we fynde that he hath eared uppe a lyke bawlk in lyk manner lying betwyxt the Kynges hall grownde and Myhell howse grownde.

It. we fynde also that the seyde Mr. Bykardyck hath taken in and inclosed a portyon of the common hyghewayes at both endes of the seyde bawlke.

It. we fynde ther is a nother bawlke enclosed at both endes and plowed uppe that leadeth from the forenamed bawlke

dyrectly crossing the hyghewaye unto Barnwell cawsey and Jesus Grene.

It. we fynde that the Kynges College hath taken in and inclosed Saynt Austens lane leadinge from the high streete unto the waterside, withoute recompense.

It. we fynde that the Queens College have taken in a pece of common ground commonlye called Goslinge grene withowte


It. we fynde that ther is a nother pece lying withowt their pales and within the ryver that owght to be common.

It. we fynde that there is a pece of grownde landed at thende of John Thomas garden now in the tenure of Willm. Garlande taken owte of the common ryver paying therefore to the corporation of the towne xvid.

It. we fynde that Mr. Fanne hath in his hands a pece of Maris grownde nowe severalled whyche was common within these xvi yeres the rent is viid.

It. we fynde that Mr. Osborne hath in his handes a lyke pece of Maris grownde whyche of late was common the rent whereof is lykewise yerely viid.

It. we fynde that one pece of common is inclosed now in the handes of Mr. Mores which hath been accustomed to lye common at Mydsomer.

It. we fynde one berne now in the tenure of Willm. Bradlye buylded on St. Thomas leale which was accustomed and owght to lye common at lamas.

It. we fynde that a ferme howse called cotton hall now in the tenure of Mr. Famme is dekayed and fell downe abowte xxti.


yeres agon, not inhabyted and hath iiii acres of lande longinge therunto and is letton for vli. bye yere.

It. we fynde that beyonde Styrbrydge chappell Dytton men have pulled downe a brydge, stopped the water drowned the commons and so enter upon Cambridge common.

It. we fynde that Mistress Lacys of Barnwell hathe severed the lande and the shepe gate of her ferms, and that bayley Genings and John Bernes have done the lyke in ther fermes.

It. we fynde that Mr Kymbalde hath walled and dyched upon the hyghwaye in Barnwell wherbye the seyd waye is myche straytened.

Mem. of a common balk throwe a pasture ground adjoyning net to Rutlands house in little St. Marys nowe inhabited bi R. Tomlynson which balke shulde be a weye to go to Thomas leyes and so forth on balkes to Jesus grene &c which pasture is nowe purchased bi the towne &c*.

* At this period many disturbances arose on account of the inclosures generally taking place, by which the lower classes considered themselves greatly injured. The following ballad, written at the time probably by some member of the university, is put into the mouth of JACK OF THE STYLE, the prototype of SWING THE RICKBURNER.-ED.


Ir is yet but a whyle

Sens that I Jacke of the style

Came forthe of the northe
I tell ye even the trothe,
Beyng shamefully blamed
Yea and gyltles dyffamyd.
For it was reportyd than
That here I had slayn a man;
That same shameful report
Causyd me for to resort
Evyn now hyther agayne
This truthe I tell playne.
It was never my dede
No, so God me spede.
For it was a sherman

That share nygh the brayn pan.
It war allmes he war slayne
For usyng such a trayne,
For kyllyng of that pykerall
Makyng hym a funerall.

But than the bayles so wrought
Agayn was out bought
Redemyng agayne for nought
The myschieve that he had soughte,
In sleying that honest man
With a stroke of a fyre pan.
Now for that slaunders sake
Companye be night I take

And with all that I may make

Cast hedge and dyche in the lake
Fyxed with many a stake.
Though it war never so faste
Yet asondre it is wraste.

Thus I Jake do recompense

Ther naughty slawnderous offense,
Wher as they make me a murderer
And of death a furderer

I take God to witnes

I am of it guiltles

For as I am true speaker

I am but a Hedge-breaker.
I reporte me now owte

To these that be of my rowte
So bragge so bolde and stowte.
How sayest thou robbyn clowte
Is this nyght wele wroughte?


Yea syr withoute doughte
Be God that me boughte
It is as ye do saye
But Syr withowt delaye
Methought it but a playe
To see the stakes fast straye
Down into the raye
Smymmyng evermore awaye


Ornatissimis viris dnis Doct. Sandes ac Regentibus et non
Regentibus Achademia Cantabr. Ao. 1553, 1o. Junii 7o.
Edu. VI.

EQUUM EST ut qui se literarum studiis dediderunt et in veri inquisitione versantur, illius disciplinæ veritatem profiteantur quæ ad vivendum est utilissima et ad judicandum cum verbo dei

Saylyng towarde the castyll
Lyke as they would wrastryll
For superyoryte

Or ells for the meyraltie.


Truth now thou dost saye
It was evyn worthe a playe
To see the stakes jombling
And in the water tombling
And fast away they hyed
Lesse they shold ben spyed
And with a bote ben followyd

And with a serjeant arested
For to come to the Mayer

In all gudly affair

To be taken suspecyous
Or ells provyd felonyous
Accordinge unto their rate
Mayteyning thr potestate.
How sayst Tom of Trompyngton?

For sothe syr down to Chesterton
Gret store of stakes be gone
Swymmyng thither one by one
Glad they have escapyd
And not of the bayles attached

Wherefore they hyed them hense
Paying yet no toll pence
Witnes Robyn with the red nose
And Benet with the blewe hose
And Fraunces few close
Ye affirme the same I suppose.


How sayeste Buntynge on the hyll
Hast not yet wrought thy fyll?


Syr I saye so mott I cheve

I would be thus wrought till eve.


Than I see at suche a bargonye
Thou woldyst erne monye largely.


Syr I think that this wyrke
Is as gud as to byld a kyrke
For Cambridges bayles trulye
Gyve yll example to the cowntrye
Ther comones lykewyses for to engrosse
And from poor men it to enclose.


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