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convene a lyke nomre of our universitie of Oxforde for that purpose where we be mynded also thaime to be to entende therunto and by ther advises and judgementes to take such ordre and direction in that matter as may be to the pleasur of God the avauncement of the truthe and the repressyng and the removing of errours and seditions to the quiet and tranquillite of this our realme and our subgiettes in the same. Wherfor faylle ye not to accomplyshe the premysses as ye tendre our pleasur. Geven under our signet at Enfelde the fourthe daye of Maye 1530 on Wenysdaye.

The names of them whiche I dyd apointe.

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THEY lawfully keep courte there as wythin the suburbs of Cambridge beyng the clarks of the market and having cor

rection of wayghts mesures and vytell within the same fayre.

We do therein no notherwyse than the mayre and hys brothern do and as we may by the composition.

We here the attaynts when






1. FYRST the Procteres commyssary and other offycers of the seyd unyversytie kepe a Courte wythyn the fayre called Styrbyge fayre without auctorytie.

2. Item they hold plea wythyn the said courte of contractes and trespasses made as well within the said fayre as wythowte.

3. Item they heare and determine a scholer is thone parte for all pleas personalle as well betwene schollers

contracts and trespasses don within the town and suburbs by the ordre of cyvyll law but the causes of vytell we judge after the Kynges law.

They may so lawfully do as by the Kynges letters patents

as conservators of the peace and havyng thority of vytalls

and schollers servants as also foryns and other the Kinges subiectes before their commyssary wythin the same fayre courte, by order of Cyvyll lawe by wytnesse or otherwyse in derogation of the Kynges Crowne.

4. Item they make proclamation in the same fayre before the proclamation of the Mayre of Cambryge wyche Mayre

which are fyrst sold wythin ys lord of the said fayre.

the fayre.

We may so do by the Kings grawnte and we desyre to

know from whom the Proctors have taken away ony thyng that ys able and the party shall be restored and the proctors punyshed.

5. Item Item the Vicechancellor and scholars of the seyd universitye by ther proctors usurpe and take upon them to searche all manner fyshe as well saltefyshe as other fyshe, peanter heyres, gyrche webe, Sylkys, Fures, beddes and all upholstrye warys. Spycys. Rape

So we do by virtu of the Kynges wryte dyrecte unto us and as clarke of the market and yff any man take more for gawgyng than the Kynges lawes suffer they shall be reformed and corrected.

This is uncertayne and we

seede, musterde seede, fustyans, worstede, bayes, honye, Sope, ware brought to be soulde by the wey of merchandise within the seyde fayre and wyll have the forfetture of the same premysses oftentymes, though yt be able, withowte any auctoryte.

6. Item the seyde Proctors usurpe and take upon them Gawgynge and take of every merchauntman that bryngeth Salmon to the fayre to be soulde for gawgyng of every laste xiid.

everp laste Oyle gawgyng xiid.

Item for


for every laste Sope weyeng and gawg-
yng xija.
Item for every laste honye
wayeng and gawgyng iiiish wyche ys
brought to the seyd fayre to be soulde
by the weye of merchaundysse.

7. Item the seyd Proctors toke for a say and thynke that no syche fyne of iii laste of good and able Scottes

thynge is done by the Proctors and yf yt can be proved

there shall be restitution made

salmon xxsh. Item the seyde Proctors toke for a fyne vish. viiid. for a salmon barell that was suffycyent and able and It is slawndlyowsly spoken after that gave the owner lybertie to sell hytt within the fayre.

to the parties.

for to say this was don and

name no man.

They take not iiiid. for sygne, and whatsoever they take of vytellers is by agreement of the party for brekynge thassyse of breade and


Of the busshell they take accordyng to the Kynge's charter and the composition. And that measure that is sealyd one yere shall lacke of his true contentes the nexte

8. Item the taxars of the seyde university usurpe and take of every vytualar that setteth uppe any sygne within the seyde fayre for settyng uppe of the same iiiid. and compel them to paye the seyde iiiid.

9. Item they take for every carte lode Ottes brought to be soulde within the seyde fayre iiiia. Item for sygnyng and markyng of a measure called a busshell they take sum tyme xiid. sum tyme xvid.

yere in a pynte and sum a quart or els they will able hytt.

They take hyt as amercment for sellynge of unlaw

ful and unreasonable penyworthys of horsemete, and lykewyse of the alewyves for the false mesures usyd and contrary to the Kynges lawes.

That can not be provyd yf yt could yt shall be redressed.

We take no more than we

may do by the Kynge's charter and by the composition and he that can prove hymselfe hyndred shall be restored.

We claim nothing of ryght

but of the gyft and curtesy of the party as to clarke of the market to set a reasonable price therof.

Only of curtesy and by the free offer of the party.

for markyng of the same, and that measure that ys marked one yere they will not able the nexte yere but take every yere xiid. or xvid. for markyng the same.

10. Item they take of every person keping a hostrye within the seyde fayre of sum iiiid. of sum viiid. of sum xiid. Item they take of every vyteller that sellyth ale within the seyde fayre for every barell ijd. Item of every of the sayde vytellers for sealyng of every ale measure id every yere, though yt be sealed and marked byfore or elles do agree otherwyse with them.

11. Item for every yardwande sealing they take id yerely though it be marked in the yere presydent they will not admyt the olde markes and sealyngs of the sayde measures but take yerely newe fees for sealing of the same measures.

12. Item the Taxars take of every viteller burgeys of Cambryge that bryngythe by water ony manner corne or grayne for merchandysse muskylls oysteres or other merchandysse of vytell that ys measured by the busshell onse in the yere at Cambryge brygg iiiid. Item of every foryne for every manner grayne and other merchandysse that ys measured by the busshell onse in the yere


13. Item they take also of every carte lodon wythe oysters iiiid. Item of every bote lodon with russhes di. Cthe russhes at every tyme that he cometh.

14. Item the seyde Taxars take for a fyne of xl barells beare browght to be

We do herein as we may do by the Kynges chartor.

It was don for perjurie commytted by the sayde Slegge and Foyster.

It was done by the consent of Slegge that was partie.

It was because thys man was a forestaller.

soulde in styrbryge fayre one barell of beare and viiid. in moneye.

15. Item they kepe wythin the towne of Cambryge a cyvyll courte wekelye and holde plee of all manner contractes and actyons personell as well between forens as between burgeyses and forens and determyne the same by the order of cyvyll lawe in derogation of the kynges


16. Item they did excommunicate Mr Slegg late mayre of Cambryge bicause he wold not exhybytt at their commawndmente, and their banysshemente one Thomas Slater a burgeys of Cambryge and sargeant to the seid mayre. Item they did excommunycate Mr Foyster late mayre because he wold nott cum at their commaundment to take order for the syse of bread and ale as they seyde.

17. Item where Wylliam Rycherdson of Barnwell burgeys of Cambryge was condempned to Mr Slegge in a certeyne some of money by the dewe order of the kynges lawe and commytted to warde for execution, the Vicechancellor takyth uppon hyme to delyver the partye so condempned owte of pryson withowte thassent of the partye playntiffe and seyeth he hathe auctorytie so for to doo.

18. Item Mr Blythe of the Kynge's hawle and Mr R. Masterman late Proctors of the seyd unyversytie toke for a fyne of the baylyff of Cambryge for because that he bought of hys ney

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