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Itt was sold in the same towne beynge ungawged and therefore forfett.

There was provysyon made by the Vycechauncellor and proctors because there was muche talow conveyed owte of Cambridge so as the Kynges people myght have no candle suffycient against whose commawndment and provysyon the said Hawes secretly conveyed moche talow by hys own confession ere we sett a fyne on hys hedde xiiis. iiiid.

bures cumyng to Styrbryge fayre certeyne barells of honey to be delyvered at the said fayre xlsh.

19. Item Mr Taylor and Mr Cake now Proctors of the seyd unyversytie toke for a fyne of one Thomas Clarke of Wysebyche for certeyne barells of Rape oyle beynge good and able and of trewe Gawge, the one of the seyd proctors xysh and the other proctor xiish. iiiid. becawse the seyd barells were not marked wythe the marchaunts marke and the cowpars marke.

20. Item Mr Buckmaster late Vicechaunceller of the seyd unyversytie cawsyd and compelled one John Howes one of the baylyffes of the seyd towne of Cambryge to cum and apperie before hym and at hys cuming askyd of hym how many stone talowe he had sowlde to men of Lyne, as he the seyd Howes wold depose upon a booke, and how myche money he had receavyd for the same and the seyd Howes answered and seyde he sould one Cth stone talowe of hys owne proper goodes to a merchaunt of Lyne, he had receavyd an Cth sh. for the same and the seyd vycechanceller thereuppon incontynently gave judgement that he the seyd Howes shold paye the seyd Cth sh. to Mr Swynborne and to Mr Blythe of the kinges colege then proctors, and for because he wold nott paye ytt commaundyd hym to tolboothe and they kept hym by the space of xiiii deyes and unto suche tyme as he the seyde Howes

Part of the candle was made of unlawful stuffe and part lacked weyght yn decepte of the Kynges poople and so owght to be forfett.

It was don to avoyde farther ynconvayence that was lyk to ynsue by uson of lewde wordes sedycyowsly and openly spoken in the markett.

The bakers use to gyve them for their labors when they take payne to delyver to every baker his marke and settynge the sayde marke in ther bock.

payde to the seyde proctors for a fyne xiiis iiiid.

21. Item Mr Taylor and Mr Cake now proctors of thunyversytie toke from the seyde Mr Howes at ii several tymes xxviii. candelles and xxv peny worthe of candelles for a forfeyture bycause thone halfe thereof was not made wythe cotton and thother halfe wythe weke and also amercyd hym for the same candell in there unyversytie lete iis viiid.

22. Item where the satturday in the weke of Myddlent laste paste one John Vause prentyse wythe the seyde Mr Howes stode in the markett of Cambryge to sell hys her... and other hys merchaundysse and cryed awaye wythe ytt as many other dyd in the seyd markett was therefore by the commaundment of the seyd nowe vycechauncellor sett in the stocks uppon the markett hyll in Cambryge and faste locked from iii a clocke untyll viii a clocke at afternoon the same markett deye to the greet shames rebuke and to the damage of the seyd Howes hys master of xxsh.

23. Item the taxors of the seyd universitie at ther entyrynge into ther offyce yerely take of every baker within the seyd towne of Cambryge for hys usuell marke for hys breade to admytt the same marke iid of every baker.

Exhibit. coram M. Vicecanc. in ecclesia Stæ Mariæ juxta forum xi die Julii año H. viii xxvto.



To Dr, Edmondes at Aldbourne in Wiltshire.

Right Worshipfull after most hartie congratulations with like thanks for all your kyndness Theise shalbe to certifie you of my healthe and all men your acquaynteaunces and both your bretherne whome I did oftentymys specke withall at london this term, scilicet the townesmen commensed a sore complaynte of the whole university in mychaelmas term and exhibett a boke into thandes of the Kynge's most honorable counsell conteyning xxii instruccions agenst the seyde universitie to the wyche falsely surmysed instruccions Mr Vic. Mr Robart Swynburne, and I were appoynted to make answare before the seide counsell but what shall be our final ende we can not tell as yett. But this I dare be bold to say that if we may quyettly injoy suche charters and liberties as we have under seale grawnted to thuniversity by the Kynges most noble progenitors it shall appere that the townesmen had none occasion to make suche complaynt but that we have well used suche thynges as they be grieved withall having good charters and liberties for the same our usage and custome they be wunderfull maliciouse and do prosequute ther seyde sute with uncharitable lyes .... London this

xxii day of Februarie with the Ryng hand of your lover and Beadman RAUFF AYNESWORTH.


To the right Worshipfull

Maister Doctor Edmundes

at Aldebourne theise be DD.

Right worshipfull after most hartie commendacons with like desire of your healthe, these shalbe to signifie unto you that the Kynges most honorable counsell hathe made a final ende of all matters late in contencon betwext thuniversitie and the towne of Cambrydge of suche a sort that I thinke we shall hereafter live more qwiettly among them and they shall have no greate joye to

make like complaynts for they have a sore injunccon to be qwiett and to make no more suche complayntte. And thuniversitie is debarred of no part of their charters nor composition, this is our ende I have solde your woode at Ditton but that at Hadnam is not sold for cause of my long being at London. I wold gladly speake with you in dyverse thynges the whyche I will not committe to lettres. And I doupte whether I shalbe at home at your returne at Easter tyme or not My Lord of Worcestre is a stowt man, god send hym the charitie that he so often preicheith, thus fare you right hartely well from Petr. Colleage in Cam. the xx day of Marche with the hand of your beadman and lover R. AYNESWORTH.


RIGHT worshipfull Mr Doctor in my hartiest manner I commende me unto yow, certefiing the same that my Lord of Canterburie hath appointed yow to preche at paules cross the seconde sunday after the Trinitie, and my Lord of Westminster desireth yow to take pain the sameday to preche at Westminster. Mr Holbeche the monk he desireth to preche at paules the 3. sonday, and the same day in like manner to preche at Westminster. D. Bukmaster the 6. sonday at paules, and the afternone at Westminster.

I beseech yow to call the Maisters, Doctors and Presidents to consulte upon the defence of our priveleges, Mr Pauell and Mr Tailor be vere evill trobilled, and will be rathar content to agre and pay ther fynes, than continualli to be trobilled thos, Whiche shuld be an evill president, and a mean thot never hereafter suche thinges shulde be poneshed at home, but every man by the townes men ones indited must be compelled tanswer before the Kyng Justices to their extreme trobill, grett cost, and perpetual infringing of our priveleges. Wherfore, considering that sum must be appointed by the university to assiste D. Thirleby and me in defence of other the university priveleges, it shall not

be amisse to appoint oon of the Proctors and Mr Pauell or Mr Tailor to be here of the university charge to bring all maters to quietnes, which will not be don without costes and expenses, yowr monei servith for suche purposes, and therfor whan we have suche grett and urgent causes, yow may not kepe your money lockid fast in your coffers, your causes will not so be ended. If yow do look amonge the universite priveleges yow shall fynd a roll of parchement wherein is conteyned a grett process of a riott committid ageinst the sheriff ones at the Castell, which I think will make moche for this matter. Also I pray you when thei cum let them bring with them the charters under seale that I had here, and also the roll of the townes priveleges. Also I pray yow remember that ye send letters to Mr Crumwell thankyng hym for his goodness, and to desire hym to contynew. Thus God preserve yow. At London the ixth day of May.

Your lover



To my loving frynds the Mayre bayliffes

fremen and burgessys of the towne of Cambryge.

After my harty commendacyons, whereas yt pleasyd the Kynges hyghnes to permytt me to receave thoffyce of the chauncellorshyppe of that unyversytie I am ryght sory to percyve that now yn my tyme no entreaty or good means can bring you and the same to any manner of agreement or soche conformytie as ye may lyve to gyther yn suche ordre as hathe byn apoyntyd I can not otherwyse concyve but that yow thynk the Kynges majestie may not graunte them soche libertyes as they have or elles ye shew yourselfs yvell subiectes that wooll presume to ynfrynge that hys grace hath lawfully grawnted. It is not unknowen to hys highnesse what busynes ye made the last Styrbyge fayre ne how lytle

*This letter has no address or date. It was probably written to Dr. Edmundes in 1534. See p. 45.-Ed.

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