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In omnibus et singulis electionibus tàm Sociorum, Discipulorum, Scholarium, Officiariorum, Lectorum, reliquorumq. membrorum cujusque Collegii, quàm in omnibus et singulis locationibus et concessionibus quibuscunque necessario requirendus est Magistri sive Præpositi illius collegii assensus et consensus. Et quod bene licebit Magistris sive Præpositis collegiorum in suis collegiis, si quando illis necessarium videbitur, omnes illas pænas exercere in delinquentes, quas aliquis Officiariorum illius collegii per statuta ejusdem collegii imponere possit.

Si quisquam collegio vel domo suâ abfuerit, ex quacunque causâ non licebit illi vocem et suffragium suum aliis committere in ullo genere electionis.

Lectores et cæteri ejusdem Collegii, si simul rure tempore pestis sunt, ut lectiones cæterasque exercitationes consuetas quemadmodum si domi essent, habeant, omnes commoditates et fructus percipiant, quos haberent, si domi essent.

Nullus Seneschallus, Bursarius, aut hujusmodi aliquis administer, plus pecuniæ præ manibus habeat, quàm ad unius mensis provisionem satis pro illo collegio sit.

Socios collegiorum maritos esse non permittimus, sed statìm postquàm quis uxorem duxerit Socius collegii desinat esse: ordinem tamen gradûs sui in Academiâ tenere potest.

Januæ et portæ per singula collegia unâ eâdemque horâ vesperis obserentur; hieme viz. horâ octavâ; æstate, horâ nonâ: hiemem hoc loco interpretamur a festo sancti Michaelis, ad festum Annunciationis beatæ Mariæ; æstatem, quod reliquum est anni: claves vero portarum singulis noctibus ad cubiculum Magistri uniuscujusque collegii, aut, eo absente, Præsidis deferantur.

Omnes concessiones quæ communi sigillo sive Academiæ sive ullius collegii obsignantur in Registro prius scribantur, et ante obsignationem cum Registro conferantur.

Nullus in festo Nativitatis sit Dominus ludorum quocunq. nomine censeatur, absque consensu Cancellarii et Præfectorum collegiorum.

Convivia antiquis exequiis adjuncta abrogata sunto; et in illorum loco moderatæ epulæ commendationum diebus Magistri et Sociorum judicio instruantur; omnisque Eleemosyna, quæ ante

hac distribui post exequias solebat, hoc tempore pauperibus dividatur. Et cætera convivia quorumcunque temporum judicio Magistrorum et Sociorum legitimam moderationem accipiant, reservato tamen Bedellis jure suo veteri pecuniario.

In singulis collegiis primo die post cujusque Termini finem, totum collegium in sacellum conveniat, et post quadragessimum quartum caput Ecclesiastici lectum, aliquis a Magistro assignatus concionabitur; ubi Fundatoris, cæterorumque insignium virorum, quorum in eo collegio Benefacta latè patent, præclara commendatio erit; et quantâ gloriâ Deus afficiendus sit demonstrabitur, qui per hos Benefactores ingentia in illos beneficia contulerit ; et societatem illam hortabitur, ut eisdem ad Dei gloriam, et eruditionis amplificationem, et honestum Fundatoris institutum utantur: et Deum precentur, ut ita viventium corda suæ benignitatis gratia affundat, ut ad Dei gloriam illustrandam, et Christianam religionem adaugendam opes et facultates suas similitèr conferant. Post concionem peroratam cantabunt anglicè Te Deum: Laudate Dominum in cœlis: Cantate: Laudate Dominum in sanctis. Ad finem Psalmorum; Gloria patri, et post finem Psalmorum, dicent;

The Memory of the righteous shall remain for evermore.
Resp. And shall not be affraid of any evill report.

The Lord be with you.

Resp. And with thy Spirit.

Let us pray.

O Lord, we glorify thee in these thy servants our Benefactors, departed out of this present Life; beseeching thee that as they for their time bestowed charitably for our comfort the temporall things which thou didst give them, so we for our time may fruitfully use the same, to the setting forth of thy holy word, thy laud, and praise, and finally, that both they and we may reign with thee in glory, thrô Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Concionatori huic certa merces per Magistrum et Socios collegii constituatur.

In omnibus his Statutis ubi nulla expressa pæna violatoribus imponitur, liceat Cancellario cum consensu Præfectorum collegiorum certam pænam assignare, atque imponere eorum violatori

bus; atque ita legitima sit, ac si in prædictis Statutis posita fuisset. In singulis autem collegiis, ubi nulla expressa pæna leviùs delinquentibus imponitur, ibi judicio Magistri illius collegii seu vices ejus gerentis puniatur.

Mulctæ in his Statutis præscriptæ, nisi alitèr iisdem statutis cautum sit, in tres partes dividantur; quarum una in Academiæ, altera in Procuratorum, tertia in Præconum usus convertatur.

Mulctæ imponendæ modus hic sit. Magister Collegii, aut eo absente, Præses, aut qui primarius illis absentibus est, de Præconum querelâ præcipiet Thesaurariis Collegii, aut illis quibus illius Collegii commissa est pecunia, ut hanc muletam alicui ex Præconibus sine ulla dilatione solvant; idque virtute jurisjurandi, quod Academiæ et collegio suo obtulerunt: eandemque pecuniam sibi iterum ex stipendio eo Thesaurarius aut ejus administer persolvat, quod reus a collegio recipere debeat.

Statuta omnia, compositiones, et consuetudines, quæ Scripturis sacris, institutis nostris, aut istis statutis adversari videbuntur, abrogata et recissa sunto, reliquis suo robore permansuris.

Si quid dubii vel ambigui in istis statutis et sanctionibus nostris oriatur, id per Cancellarium et majorem partem Præfectorum collegiorum explicabitur et determinabitur, quorum determinationi et interpretationi reliquos omnes cedere volumus.

Statutorum horum exempla quatuor sint; unum in communi ærario repositum, alterum apud Cancellarium, duo Procuratores habeant.




THE two Proctors of our Universitie Mr Beacon and Mr Puresye and one of the Taxors Mr Nycolls being of their own nature given to contention, whereas they did find the Universitie very quyet and obedient to the Queen's Majesties statutes at thenterynge of their offices: the Senior Proctor Mr Beacon did make a seditiouse oration to the stirring upp of the myndes of the Regents and non Regents to the contempt of the statutes and also of the Heades, by whose provocation there hath been much disordre shewed this of divers persons in open exercises of learning, otherwise then hath been heretofore; and at this tyme the said Proctors and Taxor with other hath procured divers handes of licentiouse young men as well at Cambridge as also at London of the which a great many of them knowe not to what they have subscribed: but as they are borne in hande to joyne with all the Regents for the liberties of the University, thinking that by the number of handes procured to maintain their willfullness they should the rather prevayle with multitude of names, then with the waight of good reasons and matter. And for the alluring of more young men to subscribe to their articles they say that they have some of the Queen's honourable counsell, which so favourith their cause, that they will either stande or fall with them, the which is certainly known to be utterly untrue. And for the perswading of other, they repute to honorable personages that all the heades of the Colleges be of their myndes, saving fower, the which also is known (by the subscription of their hands sent to your honor from tyme to tyme in that behallfe, and that also of late sithence their cominge to London) to be cleane contrary. But it is now well knowne, that divers honorable, wise, and godly men, which do earnestly favour the good government of the university, do so greatly mislike of their insolent attempte, that they would have the Captaynes of these factious to be severely punished as well for their owne desert in disturbinge the quyetnesse of the Universitie as also for thensample of others hereafter.


FORASMUCH as we did forgett yesterday to move your grace to conferr with my Lord Burley of some order and commaundement to be sent to Mr Vicechancellor and the heades of Colledges, for the repressinge of the licentiouse and contestiouse manner of preachinge used now adays at Cambridge by divers younge preachers, who are not afraide to ympunge openly in pulpett not only the booke of common service: but allso particulerlie discribe and name men of all degrees both honorable that be absent and other that be present, according to the license of the olde poetes, whereof we have lefte a note with my Lorde Burley. These maye be most humblie to desire your Grace to talke this daye with my L. Burley for some severe order to be taken in that matter, for that hitherto theie do nothinge regarde the godlie order the which your grace hath provided to be inserted in all your graces licenses directed contrary to that their insolent and contentiouse attemptes, the which if it may be so permitted unto them, besides that it will bring the preaching of the word of God into contempte, it will cause much contention and further disordre as your grace doth well knowe whome, we pray almightie God long to preserve in good healthe and honorable prosperitie.

Your Graces alwayes to commande




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