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ON which daie the said most Revd. Fathers sitting to hear diverse controversies betwene the Masters and Heades of the Universitie of Cambridge on the one part, and the Masters and regents playntife on the other part, the said parties appearing before them, the said most Revd. Fathers injoyned the said parties to appear before them on friday next between one and ii in the afternoone in Westminster Churche there to here and determine between the said parties.

At which tyme it was decreed that the said Masters and Heades of the Universitie shall have the copie of the articles of complaynte exhibited by the said Procter and others to answer to the same accordingly.

Item, at the same tyme there was delyvered to Dr Whitgift, Perne, Maie, and Caius, the first originall copie of their greifes.

Item, there appeared of the complayners onlie the junior Proctor Mr Puresie and Mr Browne and were willed to bringe their senior Proctor Mr Beckon and others with them against iii or iiii of the clocke on friday next at Westm'.

THESE WHOSE NAMES BE SUBSCRIBED are content that Mr Beacon orator of Cambridge and Senior Procter Mr Puresey Junior Proctor Mr Nicols taxor and Mr Browne Fellow of Pembroke Hall or anie of them shall subscribe their names unto lettres directed to the Earles of Sussex, Huntington, and Bedforde to Sir Ralph Sadler or to the Archbishop of Yorke or Byshop of London or anie other noblemen or counselors whatsoever, as towching the furtherance of a supplication directed in their names, subscribed with their owne hands to my Lord Burley Chancellor of the Universitie of Cambridge, for reformation of

certaine matters amisse in the newe statutes of the said Universitie. In witness whereof the said parties have subscribed their names the vith of May 1572.

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YOUR honor requested us two Archbushops, the B. of London and the B. of Elye to peruse the Bill of complainte of the young men against their Elders Masters of Colleadges, &c.

We have deliberatelie conferred their objections, awnswers and replies which we now send to your L. herewith, besides that we heard both the parties challenging thone thother at full: In fyne we perceive by due consideration that the meaning of the Proctors is to finde manne matters amisse in the newe Statutes, for the which they seke reformation. We think that the Statutes as they be drawen maie yet stande, and no greate cause whie to make anie alteration. We think also that theis younger men have been farre overseen to seek their pretended reformation by disordred meanes, and namelie in going from College to College to seke subscription of names without the license of the Vicechancellor &c. The consideration whereof for firm satisfaction or reconciliation we referr to your order and wisdome. And thus we commende your L. to the grace of god.

From Lamhith the laste of Maye 1572.

Your Lordship's in Christe







AFTER MY HEARTIE COMMENDATIONS. I am very doubtful how to write at this tyme to that Universitie, for that I perceive there is a general disputation of myndes in sondry there, to seek occasion of varyance, and yet in whom the oryginall fault is I may not judge or pronounce without further inquisition, but in whomso

ever I may fynde it to be upon due search I shall manyfestlye make it appeare, that as far fourth as my authoritie may warrant me, I will and must se the same duly corrected, And so I do differ at this tyme to pronounce any sentence against any partie by name, Neverthelesse hearing by report that the tenth of this month when your Vicechancellor and others Heades of Colledges met in the Regent house according to the Statutes authorized by the Queen's Majestie for the naminge of viii of the most meetest for the fower ordinary lecturers, owt of which number the Regents and non Regents in that congregation should chose fower, Mr Beacon the Senior Proctor, whoe should have read the said names eligible, did omyt the same, and in an oration declared in my name that it was my ordre that as well those persons eligible for the lecturers as all other officers to be named by the Heades of Colledges should be named exprestly by xiiii Heades of Colledges or in absence of any of them by their Presidents and therefore no* nomynation then made by fewer, being as he said to transgress my ordre, was voide, And so thereby the congregation brake upp and nothing done in that cause.

Thus I am enformed, but what was the very troth, considering I know not by way of inquisition, I am to declare my mynde upon the matter as I am enformed: yf Beacon or any other did report that i had already made an ordre that for the nomination of Lecturers, or any other like officer there should be xiiii Heades of Colledges present or yf any were absent their roomes should be supplied by their presidents, I do direetly affirme that the saide reporte is untrue, for I have not made any such ordre, And if I have the said Mr Beacon must shewe yt in wrytinge for I thinke he ought to have so much discretion, at the lest I am sewer I ought to have so much as not to make or determine any ordre in a controversie which hath been moved and sett fourth by twoe parties in wrytinge and hath been harde so solemnly as of late the same was before two Archbyshopps and fower other Byshopps of the Realme but that I would have sett it downe in wrytinge which I am sewer I have not done. But if the Procter or any other shall report what my intention or rather my disposition

Read "the."

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