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4. That the senior in everie facultie being present should be called by the Vicech. to be in the heade in thabsence of him or them that be chosen in the begynninge of the yere for that purpose is more agreeing to lawe and equitie then to take the


5. The incorrigible disorder of divers which would pretend sickness for the satisfyinge of their froward will to weare a hatt when theie were manefestly knowne not to be sicke at all caused us of necessitie to make this interpretation, no man that hath been sicke indeed hath been punyshed for waringe a hatt but theie have been to miche borne withall in the breakinge of the statute notwithstandinge this statute greveth them greatlie because theie cannot goe in their hattes and their hoose freelie as everie man lusteth and liketh contrarie to the Queenes statutes.

6. The interpretation is true that was then made but it is untrulie in the article reported for this man whome theie talke of is one Mr BROWNE one of the busiest in the whole university and one of the chiefest exhibitors of these articles. He was Taxer and therfore regent at the first promulginge of these newe statutes and therfore thought mete that he should so continewe so long as.

7. The interpretations be regestred by the common regester of the universitie to whom every man may have accesse and in the common regester booke and there is notice given to everie man to whome anie thinge doth appertaine by the said Regester whoe is one of the Bedells of the universitie.

8. Lett them declare the facte and theie shall be answered. 9. This is ridiculouse and childish not worthie answere.

So these statutes of the Queene's Matie were made and given of most necessarie considerations without the which the good estate and government of the universitie in these daies [cannot] be well mayteined nor the bold insolencie of these and of such other in divers kindes of disorders subpressed nor the greate and wilfull negligence of a great manie of the universitie at this daie as well at lectures as also at disputations chieflie occasioned by the negligence of these two proctors whoe not without the helpe of those statutes be otherwise well reformed. And if that theie be offended with anie severitie or sharpnesse of wordes uttered

for the due reformation of their misdeamenors lett him shewe the particular causes that moved some to use those speaches and it shall appeare that theie were convenient and semelie both for the person that spake them and for the person to whom they were spoken, by the rest of that article your G. and L. maye see their intollerable, stubburne, and disobedient stomackes.

AND WHEREAS THOLD STATUTES ETC. That statute which giveth the Chancellor aucthoritie to committ anie of them to prison uppon just cause especeallie in this licentiouse tyme in the which theie do delight and glorie in brekinge of godlie lawes and good orders*

YEA AND MODERATORS ETC. He had just cause so to say and the partie to whome he spake these wordes beinge an honest man is sorie that he gave anie occasion of such offence in that place.



1. Men never were lesse in feare of displeasure then theie be nowe, and that maketh them so Cockish against their superiors, that which is spoken of Dr. Whitegifte is false and slaunderouse and he desireth his lawful remedie against such spightfull tongues. Let them prove anie to have been injured for gevinge their voices as theie list.

2. There stubbernesse and malitiouse strivinge against good lawes is the onlie cause hereof and not the order of the scrutinie for divers of them will give no voices except it be to do harme and displeasure and therefore theie themselves in these articles do betraie there owne follie.

3. There is conscience and feare of displeasure pretended but neither of both is: it is against all good order that where the M1 and companie alloweth of anie as meete for an office or to proceade in degree, that anie one fellowe of that Colledge should openlie impugne the same, this have been alwayes disallowed.

4. This article standeth onlie of surmises and is nothing true. 5. This is untrewe for the paper where the voices be noted in the scrutinie is or ought to be kept close from all men saving from the head.

• This clause is incomplete.

6. Experience teacheth that it staieth sute: for whereas before divers were wounte to labor for one lecture and the Vicech. willing to preferr one and the proctors another and sometime proctor against proctor which caused such strife that no election. was made of the lecturers untill either the Vicechauncellor or the proctors were out of theire office, nowe the matter is sone and quietlie ended as experience hath taught us sithence the making of these statutes.


That which is alledged against this is partlie not worthie to be answered partlie untrewe.


The old statute of asking graces by private scrutinie hath been misliked of wise men manie a daye agoe as by Sir John Cheke and Sir Thomas Smyth and divers other when theie were of the universitie, for that is inconvenient manie wayes, first that all the voices of the non regents dependeth of the honestie of either of the scrutators as likewise all the voices of the regents dependeth of the private honestie of the proctors whose pronounsing PLACET and NON-PLACET cannot be controlled although the moste partie or all the howse suspecteth your unjust dealing therein. It is a provocation to make them perjured, yt worketh much dissemblinge in those that give voices, finallie the forgetfulnesse and evil memorie of proctors or scrutators in nombringe the PLACET and NON-PLACET may often tymes staie or sett forwarde a grace unjustlie. No honest playne dealinge man will be offended with an open scrutinie which is the surest and most indifferent and trew waye of givinge of voices without all suspicion of fraude.


Before this order was taken for the commencement there was so much tyme spent in the Physic disputations that the Divinitie disputations were so driven of untill the last, that for want of tyme theie were for the most parte unprofitable or hurtful to the

hearers, because there was not sufficient tyme given to answere the arguments that were objected against the truth before men were wearie with hearinge of other long acts or they could heare the Divinitie acte. It is most mete that Divinitie (being the beste and most profitable acte) should be in the morninge when men be both readie to heare and aptest to dispute. And yt is reason that rather other disputations should be abridged of tyme then the Divinitie. Notwithstandinge the matter is so ordered by the Queens statute that everie disputation in everie facultie hath his tyme. Nether have these inconveniences happened as yet which these men ymagyne. The Divinitie disputation is not for a showe but worthie exercise of great learninge in weightiest



The hurte of one may not abrogate so necessarie and profitable a statute. The libertie of dispensinge was the onlie cause whie so many unworthy persons toke degrees to the great slaunder of the university, that dispensation being taken awaye all that shall take degrees hereafter must both have their termes in the universitie and all their actes before theie can be admitted, which indeade is against the proctors commoditie and therefore theie take a great grefe against the statutes given by the Queens Matie but this takinge away of all dispensations maketh much for the commendation of the university and advancement of learninge.


1. These statutes be not repugnaunt. For a Mr of arte after the fourth yere is bounde to the Divinitie disputation, or lawe, or physicke, fower whole yeares he is bounde to the philosophie disputations: neither is it anie inconvenience that a Mr of arte the 5. yere should dispute in divinitie, lawe, or physicke though he be regent.

2. DIES LUNE, MARTIS, MERCURII, Jovis: be ordinarye dayes of disputation of Mrs by statute, DIES VENERIS is not ordinary by statute graunted by the Vicech. regents and non regents, when theie see the other 4. disputations be not sufficient to serve for all

the actes of so many as should procede Mr of arte which be nowe more then theie were wount to be.

3. This is answered before in the title and article there


4. PROCANCELLARIUS EST MODERATOR DISPUTATIONIS THEOLO. IN COMMITIIS: REGIUS LECTOR IN THEOLOGIA is moderator of the other divinity disputations which be in the publique scholes every other thursday in the terme.

5. There is no contrarietie for there is a tyme appointed for anie to object against anie sett upp to be proctor, and if he can prove anie lawfull matter to disable him, he maye be harde with most indifferencie, if not it is not reason that malice or displeasure should injury any mann.

6. This statute remayneth as it was before unaltered.

7. It is not superfluouse for it towcheth as well the nomynators as the electors and everie man in due tyme may have his lawful exception.

8. This statute was before and is most convenient.



THE universitie shewed generallie their misliking first by denieng thankes to the queene and our Chancellor, Secondlie by the former procter and divers auncient non Regents and Regents metinge to consulte in waie of Supplication to seke redresse and alwaies tacito consensu.

[blocks in formation]

1. To be preferred to a place of credit and dignitie by well deservinge is not ambitiouselie to seke disorderlie to obtain a place of promotion joined with troubles, neither hath the bodie at anie tyme this manie years chosen such a one to that place which would winke at their licentiousness, but rather have alwaies

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