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Haitien Church.

Under the charge of a Commission of the House of Bishops, and receiving assistance from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

The Rt. Rev. JAMES THEODORE HOLLY, D.D., LL.D., Bishop, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.


Bastien, S. U. L., Acul.

Battiste, Alexandre, Port-au-Prince. Benedict, Charles E., Aux Cayes. Cadiche, Isaac, Thomonde. Constant, Jean J., Buteau.

Fargeau, Alexandre, Port-au-Prince. Holly, John A., Port-au-Prince. Holly, Theodore F., Port-au-Prince. Jones, Pierre E., Aquin.

Ledan, Louis Duplessis, Torbeck.

Michel, Daniel, Petit Fond. Michel, Hyacinthe, Trianon.

Statistics for year ending June 30, 1898.Clergy, 12; mission stations, 20; candidates for orders, 3; lay readers, 18; teachers, 11; S. S. teachers, 12; baptisms, 65; confirmations, 9; communicants, 480; marriages, 6; burials, 42; day scholars, 190; S. S. scholars, 301; total of contributions, $2,536.42.

Mexican Church.

The original Organization of this Church is, by the Church's own action, temporarily in abey ance. The government is now in the Synod, which consists of the clergy and lay representatives of the congregations; the episcopal authority being, by election of the Synod, in the Presiding Bishop of the House of Bishops of the American Church. The Presbyter, Henry Forrester, is the resident representative in Mexico, appointed to guide and counsel the local authorities.

Executive Committee.-The Presbyters, J. A. Carrión (pres.), F. Orihuela (sec.); 3 other clergymen and 5 laymen.

Episcopal Advisors to the Provisional Bishop, the Bishops of Long Island. Albany, Chicago, New-York, Washington, and the Coadjutors of Connecticut and Rhode Island.

The interests of the Mexican Church are now under the care of the Managers of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, to the Treasurer of which all contributions should be sent.

The Board provides for the support of this work only to the extent of contributions designated especially for that purpose. Institutions.--Divinity School. Under the direction of Mr. Forrester. Dean Gray Memorial School for Boys.-Under the direction of a Board of Administration, advised by Mr. Forrester, Prefect, the Presbyter, F. Orihuela. The Mary Jose

phine Hooker Memorial School and Orphan age (which is in connection with the Church, but under the sole authority of Mr. Forrester) is an institution for girls: Miss Hen. rietta D. Driggs, Directress; Misses Dodd, Forrester, Franco, Guillén, and Melgarejo, teachers; pupils in house, 40. Communications for workers in the field should be addressed: Apartado l'ostal, 430, Ciudad de Mexico. Mexico. Statistics.-Priests, 7*; deacons, 7; candidates for orders, 2; other readers, 5; congregations, 28; day schools in same, 6; teachers, 6; scholars, 250. (This is only an approximate number, as the attendance fluctuares considerably, but it is substantially correct.)

*Two priests of the American Church are also working for the Mexican Church.

Cuban Mission.

Under the Episcopal charge of the Rt. Rev. O. W. WHITAKER, D.D., Bishop of Pennsyl vania, appointed by the Presiding Bishop, and in the care of the American Church Missionary Society acting as an Auxiliary of the Board of Missions.

Clergy.-Rev. Pedro Duarte, Native Presbyter, Matanzas.

Assistants.-José R. Peña, lay-reader, Havana.

Partial Statistics for the year ending August

31, 1897. -Chapel, 1; Sunday-school, 1, with an attendance of 25; communicants (estimated), 50.

NOTE.-Owing to the civil war in Cuba, all mission work except et one chapel in Havana is suspended.

Brazilian Mission.

Under the charge of the Rt. Rev. GEORGE W. PETERKIN, D.D., as appointed by the Presiding


The Rev. LUCIEN LEE, Kinsolving (Bishop-elect).

Clergy. Rev. Vincent Brande, Porto Alegre ;
Rev. William Cabell Brown, Rio Grande (in
U. S.); Rev. Americo Vespucio Cabral,
Viamao (actually in Rio Grande); Rev.
Antonio Machado de Fraga. Contracto; Rev.
Lucien Lee Kinsolving, Rio Grande: Rev.
John G. Meem, Pelotas; Rev. J. W. Morris,
Porto Alegre.

Standing Committee.-Revs. J. G. Meem,
president, L. L. Kinsolving, A. V. Cabral ;
Messrs. Joas V. Romen, secretary; Ernesto
Castro, Raphael A. dos Santos.

Convocation.-Dean, Rev. J. W. Morris; Sec-
retary, Rev. A. V. Cabral; Historiographer,
Rev. J. G. Meem; Treasurer, Rev. V.
Brande; Librarian, Rev. W. C. Brown.
Examining Chaplains.-Revs. J. W. Morris
and W. C. Brown.

Licensed Lay Readers.-Messrs. Alfredo C.

Dias, José Luiz Ferreira, Julio A. Coelho,
Alberto D. Jarrys.

Schools.-Porto Alegre, under the direction
of Miss Mary Packard, with one assistant
teacher; Rio Grande, Alfredo C. Dias, teach-


Statistics for the year ending July 1, 1897. -Stations, 7; clergy, 7; lay readers, 4; baptisms, 83; candidates confirmed, 159; communicants, 319; communions, 50; ordinations to the Priesthood, 3; Sunday-schools, 7 teachers, 25; scholars, 410; day-schools, 2 teachers, 3; day scholars, 26; boarders, 2; marriages, 16; burials, 44; services, 721; total of contributions, $2,394.40.

The Fifth Annual Convocation will meet in the Chapel of the Saviour, Rio Grande, on the third Wednesday in January, 1898.

American Churches on the Continent of Europe.

Organized and forming part of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, under Canon V., Title 3d, of the Digest of Canons.

The Rt. Rev. WILLIAM A. LEONARD, D.D., Bishop in charge, Cleveland, O.

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Every other


General Alphabetical List of the Clergy.


Abbreviations: r., rector; r. e., rector emeritus; m., missionary or minister ; o., officiating; c., curate; a. m., assistant minister; ch., chaplain; t., teaching; v., vicar; pr., president; princ., principal; p., professor; col., college; can., canon; ed., editor; g. d. m., general diocesan missionary; sec., secretary.

Post-Office Address. -Abbitt, Geo. C., r.......Mount Sterling, Ky. Abbot, Chas. R., a. m.,

287 Macon st., Brooklyn, L. I. Abbott, Asa A., r.. .Warren, O. Abbott, Benjamin H., m....Carbondale, Pa. Abbott, Cornelius S., r.... ...Belleville, N. J. Abbott, Cornelius S., Jr., m.,

..High Falls, N. Y. .Mount Holly, N. J.

Post-Office Address. Adler, R. J., r.......... Green Island, N. Y. Agnew, W. J. Clarke, r... Aigner, Martin, r Aitkins, Frank E., c..... Aitkins, James F.,

Akerly, Samuel M.
Alberton, Howard Co., Md. Albert, Martin, m.,

Abbott, Edward, D.D., r.,

11 Dana st., Cambridge, Mass. Abel, Alfred M., ch. and m... Jonestown, Pa. About, J. N..

Acheson, E. C., r.. Ackley, Wm. N., r.,

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..Lenox, Mass.

Huntington, L. I., N. Y. ..Newburgh, N. Y.

Trinity Church House, New-York, N. Y.
Alcorn, Edwin C., m.....Hammonton, N. J.
Alcott, George A., r
Alexander, Abijah.

Middletown, Ct. Alexander, John B.
Alfvegren, John V., r.,

291 47th st., Brooklyn, L. I.

Acworth, John, a.m.,

65 E. 89th st., New-York, N. Y.
.Millport, N. Y.

Adam, S. F., m......................
Adams, C. Graham, D.D., r.,

Jeffersonville, Ind. .Hanford, Cal.

Adams, Chas. G., m..
Adams, Charles Josiah, r.,

Rossville, S. I., N. Y.
Adams, Crozier G., r....... .Rushford, Minn.
Adams, Geo. D., r............................... .Riverside, Ill.
Adams, Innes O., r... ...Eufaula, Ala.
Adams, J. Charles, M.D....Lake City, Minn.
LL.D., Bishop of Easton.....Easton, Md.
Adamson, Wm. S., r.,

21 Boulevard Victor Hugo, Nice, France. Addison, Charles M., r... .Stamford, Ct. Addison, Daniel D., r...... .Brookline, Mass. Adkins, F. Bache, r Quantico, Md.


.Danielson, Ct. .Ridgewood, N. J. Tacoma, Wash.

656 Canada ave., St. Paul, Minn.

Alfriend, Jno. S., r..... Pulaski City, Va.
Alger, William J...
San Diego, Cal.
Allen, Alexander, r. ...Springfield, Ill.
Allen, Alexander, V. G., D.D., p. sem.,
2 Phillips pl., Cambridge, Mass.
Allen, Charles M.,

Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, L.I., N.Y. Allen, Francis A.... Minn. Allen, Frederick B., gen. miss.,

1 Joy st., Boston, Mass. Allen, George P., D.D., r.... Bethlehem, Pa. Allen, Henry F.. ...Lucerne, Switzerland. -Allen, H. J. W., r................ ....Glenloch, Pa. Allen, Sturges, o.. Westminster, Md. Allen, Theodore L., m................ .Mexico, N. Y. Allen, Thomas K., m....... .La Crosse, Wis. _Allen, Walter H. B., r.Sharon Springs, N. Y. Allen, William E., m.......Allendale, N. J. Allen, William T., . . ... ... Fort Smith, Ark.

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Post-Office Address. Alleyne, F. E., m......... Alexandria, Minn. -Alling, Stephen H., m....... .Lydonville, Vt. Allison, Granville. ........Nashville, Tenn. Alliston, David P., a. m.,

Post-Office Address. Appleton, Floyd, a. m......Plainfield, N. J. Appleton, J. Hervey,

339 77th st., Brooklyn, N. Y. .Nutley, N. J.

Appleton, John P..
Appleton, Sam'l E., D.D., r.,

1804 De Lancey pl., Philadelphia, Pa. Archdeacon, J. Q., r....... .St. James, N. Y.

106 W. Barre st., Baltimore, Md LAllston, Benjamin, r........ Winsboro, S. C. Almfeldt, John E., m........ Cokato, Minn. -Almon, Foster H., m....Mechanicsburg, Pa. -Arden, R. B., a. m............................. Garrisons, N. Y. Almond, W. H..... ..Pomona, Cal. Argo, Fordyce H., m..Fox Chase, Phila., Pa. -Areson, J. Welling, r......................... Armstrong, Charles M., r.,

Almquist, Peter A., a. m.....Galesburg, Ill. -Alrich, William A., ?' ................... .Perryman, Md. Alsop, Reese F., D.D., r.,

127 Remsen st., Brooklyn, N. Y. -Alston, Primus P., m........ Charlotte, N. C. Ambler, John C., m........ .Grafton, W. Va. Ambler, Thomas M. Williamsburg, Va.Ames, John G.,

1600 13th st., N. E., Washington, D. C. -Amory, Augustine H., r....Lawrence, Mass. Anderson, Alfred, m......... .Memphis, Tenn. -Anderson, Chas. P., r.........Oak Park, Ill. Anderson, John C., r Prince Frederick, Md. Anderson, Richard W., m....Trenton, S. C. Andrén, August, m....

- Andrew, John J., r.. Andrews, Charles D., r.,

.Elkhorn, Wis.

3606 Spring Garden, Philadelphia, Pa. -Armstrong, Edwin R., r.Lake George, N. Y. Armstrong, Geo. P., m.,

[blocks in formation]

220 Trumbull ave., Detroit, Mich. .Wilson. Mich. - Arnold, Charles O., r.........Dalton, Mass. ..Orlando, Fla.

[blocks in formation]

- Anson, Edmund A., m..
Anson, R...
Anstice, Henry, D.D., r.,

Harrisburgh, Pa.

. Walden, N. Y.

.Martinsville, Va.
Jamesville, N. Y.
..........Oakland, Cal.

1917 Wallace st., Philadelphia, Pa. Anthon, Edward. .New-York, N. Y. Anthony, W. G. W., m...... Madalin, N. Y. Antle, John, m........................... .Anacortes, Wash., - Antrim, Joseph A., r...... Edwardsville, III. Appleby, T. H. M. V.,


Arnold, C. W., r...
Arnold, Francis E...
-Arrowsmith, Harold, r...
Arthur, John, r......
-Arthur, Louis A., r.,

...Daytona, Fla. West-Chester, Pa.

Lenox, Mass.

...Oneida, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

Cheyenne Agency, S. Dak.
-Ashley, Geo. D., r..........
... Carthage, N. Y.
Ashmead, W. N. R., r......Gettysburg, Pa.
Ashton, Amos T., r... Hyde Park, N. Y.
Ashton, James W., D.D., r....Olean, N. Y.
Aspinwall, John A., r.,

17 Dupont Circle, N. W., Washington, D.C. Atkin, Frank N., r........ .Leavenworth, Kan. 301 Laurel ave., St. Paul, Minn. Atkinson, Edward E., M.,

- Applegate, Legh W., r.,

710 N. 4th st., Tacoma, Wash. Applegate, O., D.D., r......Newburgh, N. Y. Applegate, O., Jr., r.......... Keene, N. H. Appleton, E. W., D.D., r.... Ashbourne, Pa. Appleton, Frank, r .Pawtucket, R. I.

1 Lawrence Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Atkinson, Edward L., m......Boston, Mass. Atkinson, John... Onancock, Va. Atkinson, John R., r. Elizabeth, N. J. Atkinson, Thomas, r.,


624 W. Biddle st., Baltimore, Md.

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Post-Office Address.

Atmore, W. S. Simpson,r..Jacksonville, Fla.- Badger, N. N., r.
Attwood, W. Rix., r.,
Badger, Wm. H.,


73 Mentor ave., Cleveland, O.
-Atwater, George P., m.... ...Akron, O.
Atwell, Benjamin W., r......Shelburne, Vt.
Atwell, C. D., r............... ..... Hastings, Mich.
ATWILL, E. R., D.D., Bishop of West
Missouri... P. O. Box 307, Kansas City, Mo.
Atwood, Julius W., r.......... .Columbus, O.
Atwood, Tullius W., m. Montour Falls, N.Y.
Avant, William G..
-Aucock, Arthur M., 7.,


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Post-Office Address,
Worthington, O.

[blocks in formation]

Bailey, C. R., Ph.D., c............ Manchester, N. H.
Bailey, Frederick W.
Bailey, George H...
Bailey, Melville K., c.,

Westport, Mo.

[blocks in formation]

54 W. Tulpehocken st., Germantown, Pa.
Aves, Charles S., r.......... ..Norwalk, O.
Aves, Henry D., LL.D., r. ... Houston, Tex. 401. Susquehanna ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Avirett, James B., r....... Louisburg, N. C.-Baker, B. O., M.D., r.,
Ayer, Joseph C., Ph.D., r. Nantucket, Mass.
Ayer, William F., a. m.,

-Baker, Alfred B., D.D., r.... .Princeton, N. J.
Baker, Anthony G., M.D.,

2337 Wharton st., Philadelphia, Pa. Ayers, David J., r.......... .Haverhill, Mass. Ayres, G. W. S., r...

Ayres, Wm. W., r.......

Baker, Charles W., m
Baker, E. Folsom, r.,

Port Townsend, Wash.
Conneaut, O.

Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.

Mayville, N. Y. Baker, Frank Woods, D.D., ?'.,
...Lawrence, Kan.
2326 Grandview ave,

Babbitt, Dean R., LL.D., r.,

Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, O.

81 Congress st., Newark, N. J. Baker, George S., D.D., pastor and supt.,

Babbitt, Franklin, r..........
Babcock, Chas., p. col..
Babcock, Charles Henry, D.D.,
Babcock, E. W., r.,

113th st. and Amsterdam ave.,


New-York, N. Y. ..Philadelphia, Pa.

.Ithaca, N. Y.
Baker, Geo. A., M.D.
Providence, R. I. -Baker, Joseph, r.
Baker, Lewis C..
Baker, Leroy F., r............................
Baker, Merritt A., m......................

142 Eighth st., Troy, N. Y.
Babcock, Eugene J., r...
..Youngstown, N. Y.
Babcock, John H., m.......Mitchell, S. Dak.-Baker, Thos. P., r
Babcock, Samuel G., r....Hyde Park, Mass.
Babcock, Theo., D.D., r......Manlius, N. Y.
Babcock, Wm. R., D.D
Babin, J. O.
Mackinac Island, Mich.
Bacchus, John G., D.D., r.,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Wooster, O.

Bala, Pa. Harrisburg, Pa. Rochester, Ind.

Cheraw, S C. Bar Harbor, Me. .Sidney, Neb.

1619 S. Rampart st., New-Orleans, La. -Bakewell, John, D.D., r... ..Oakland, Cal. 239 Gates ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Balcom, Royal B., r........ .Jackson, Mich. Baldwin, Leonidas B., r........ Easton, Md. Baldy, Hurly. Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. Ball, Clarence E, r........ Alexandria, Va. Ballantine, Frank S., r........Scranton, Pa. - Ballantyne, John F., r..... ..Springfield, Mass. Ballard, George G., r.,

360 W. 28th st., New-York, N. Y. Bacon, Francis M., r... .... Croswell, Mich. Bacon, Thomas S., D.D.. Buckeystown, Md. Badger, Frank E., m.,

54 Tremont st., Rochester, N. Y. Badger, Henry L., r........Olympia, Wash.

780 Elmwood ave., Buffalo, N. Y.

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