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Fastorum libri VI, e recensione Petri Burmanni; in usum scholarum curavit, variantes lectiones codicis Francofurtensis integras adjecit F. Ch. Matthiæ. Francof. ad Monum, Herman. in-8°.


Selectæ Fabulæ ex libris Metamorphoseon P. Ovidii Nasonis notis illustratæ ; quibus accesserunt præviæ notiones de Mythologia et quædam Virgilii Ecloga. Editio quarta. A. M. D. G. *** ( Ad majorem Dei gloriam). Lugduni. Rusand. in-18.

Cette édition est en usage dans les colléges tenus par les Pères de la Foi.




PORTUGALLICAM HEROIDUM OVIDIANARUM versionem, auctore Miguel de Couto Guerreiro, editam 1789. in-8°., memorant Ephemer. lit. lenenses ann. 1792, pag. 559.



Lo libre de las Transformacions del poeta Ovidi (sermone Gotholaunico, interprete Franc. Alegre.) In fine: «< Acaben los quinze libres de Transformacions del poeta Ovidi e los quinze libres de Allegories, e morals exposicions sobre ells estampats en Barcelona per Pere Miguel Bonaventuradamente en Espanya, e en los regnes d'Arragò regnant los invictissims e preclarissims Don Fernando e Donna Ysabel, any 1494 à 24 de abril. in-fol.


Libro del Metamorphoses traduzido. En Sevilla. in-8°.


Los quince libros de las Transformaciones de Ovidio con sus Alegorias, por Don Antonio Perez de Sigler. En Salamanca, Juan Perez. in-4°. -Eadem versio repetita prodiit Burgis 1609. in-8°.


Del Metamorfoseos de Ovidio en octava rima traducido por Felipe Mey siete libros, con otras cosas del mismo. En Tarracona, por Felipe Mey. in-8°.


Las Transformaciones de Ovidio en Terceros y octavas rimas, con el comento y explicacion de las Fabulas reduciendolas à filosofia moral, natural, astrologia y historia, por Pedro Saynz de Viana. En Valladolid, Diego Fernandez. in-4°.

Las Transformaciones de Ovidio, en versos, por Luis Hurtado. En Toledo, Francisco de Guzman.


Las Transformaciones de Ovidio en lingua espagnola, dirigidas a Estevan de Yvarra. En Anvers, Petro Belleto. in-8°.

1 1613.

Remedia Amoris, hispanice versa a Lud. Carillo y Sotomayor, exstant in ejusdem operibus. Madriti. in-4°. pag. 78-107.


Heroyda Ovidiana, Dido a Eneas, con parafrasis espagnola, y morales reparos ilustrada, por Seb. de Alvarado y Alvear. En Burdeos. in-4°.


Obras de Ovidio traduzidas comentadas en castellano por el Doct. Diego Suarez de Figueroa, capellan de honor de Su Magestad, su teniente de limosnero mayor y calificador del Santo Officio. En Madrit, Francisco del Hierro. in-4°. 12 vol.

11609. Metamorphoseos traduzidos en verso suelto y ottava rima, por Antonio Perez. En Burgos, Varesio, in-12. B.


Epistolam Ariadnes Hispanice vertit illustravitque Steph. Pietres. Madriti'.



The XV. Bookes of Metamorphoses. In which ben contaynid the fables of Ovid. (Translated out of French by William Caxton, and printed by him.)


The fable of Ovid treting of Narcissus, translated out of Latin into English mytre, with a moral thereunto, very pleasaunte to rede. MDLX. Imprinted at London by Thomas Hackette. in-4°.


The Pleasant Fable of Hermaphroditus and Salamacis, which is a part of Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated into English verse. To which is added, a Moral to the Fable in English verse, and an Explanation of Character in Prose of the Names of Men and Women mention'd in the said Fable. By Thomas Peend, or De la Peend, Gent. Printed at London in an Eng. Char. 1565. in-8° The first fower bookes of P. Ovidius Nasos worke, intitled Metamorphoses, translated oute of Latin in English meter by Arthur Golding. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres. in-4°.


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The XV. Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, entytuled Metamorphotranslated oute of Latin into English meeter, by Arthur Golding. Gent. Imprynted at London by Willyam Seres. in-4°.


The Heroycall Epistles of the Learned Poet Publius Ovidius Naso, in Englishe verse: set out and translated by George Turber

1 1797. Las Heroydas de Ovidio traduc. en verso castellano; por Diego Mexia. Madriti, 1597. in-8°.

1820 El Arte de Amar, de P. Ovidio Nason; seguido del Aminta de Torquato Tasso, traduc. en castellano por J. de Jauregui. Bordeaux, Lawalle, 1820-1823. in-18. B.



vile, with Aulus Sabinus Annsweres to certaine of the same. London, printed by Iohn Charlewood, for Henry Denham. in-8°. 1569.

Ovid, his Invective against Ibis. Translated into English meter (by Thomas Underdowne). Imprinted at London by T. East and H. Middleton. Anno Domini 1569. in-8°.


The XV. Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, etc, ut 1567, by Art. Golding. Imprinted at London by William Seres. in-4°.


Invective against Ibis, etc., ut 1569 (by Thom. Underdowne). Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman. in-8°.


The first three books of Ovid's Tristia translated into English by Tho. Churchyard. Printed at London. in-4°.


The XV. Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, etc., ut 1567, by Art. Golding. Printed at London by John Windet and Tho. Iudson. in-4°.


The XV. Bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, etc, ut 1567, by Ari. Golding. London, printed by Robert Waldegrave. in-4o.


Ovid's Metamorphoses translated by Art. Golding. London, printed by John Danter. in-4°.


Certaine of Ovid's Elegies by C. Marlow († 1593). At Middleburg. in-16. s. a.


Ovid's Banquet of Sauce, a coronet for his mistress Philosophy and his amorous Zodiac (by George Chapman). London. in-8°.


S. a. (circa an 1598). All Ovid's Ellegies: Three Bookes, by

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C. M. (Christopher Marlowe.) Epigrams, by I. D. (John Davis). At Middleborough.


Ovid's Remedy of Love, by an anonymous translator.


Ovidius Naso his Remedie of Love. Translated and Intituled to the Youth of England, by F. L. London, printed by T. C. (Thomas Creed) for John Browne. in-4°.

The Heroycall Epistles, etc., ut 1567, by George Turbervile. London, by Simon Stafford. in-8°.


Salamacis and Hermaphroditus, translated by Fr. Beaumont, in-4°.


Ovid's Metamorphoses translated by Art. Golding. London, by W. W. in-4°.


Eadem versio. London, by Thomas Purfoot. in-4°.


Ovid's Heroical Epistles translated into English verse, by W. S. (Wye Saltonstall) and illustrated with 24 Pictures curiously engraved on Copper-plates. London. in-8°.


The first five books of Ovid's Metamorphoses translated into English verse, methodized and expressed in figures. By George Sandys. London. in-fol.


Eadem versio. Oxoniæ. in-fol.


Ovid's Heroical Epistles, by Wye Sallonstall. London. in-8°.


The first five books of Ovid's Metamorphoses, by George Sandys. London. in-8°.

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