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Sine Libris, Deus jam silet, Justicia quiescit, torpet Medicina,
Philosophia manca est, Litteræ mutæ, omnia tenebris involuta

Barthol. de libris legend. Dissert.





R. Edwards, Printer Crane Court, Fleet Street.


IN the formation of the following Alphabetical

List of the English Translations of the Greek and Roman Classics and ancient ecclesiastical Writers, the editor did not foresee the difficulties of the work in which he engaged. Had these appeared at first, this volume had certainly never been promised. But his word being pledged to the public, he was obliged to undertake a task which promised little but labour and vexation, as his materials were scanty, and his information often uncertain and precarious. If he have failed in the execution of his plan, it was not for lack of assiduous labour and attention. These have not only been freely bestowed, but lavished on this meagre performance. As it is properly the first work of the kind on this plan, it cannot be expected to be immaculate, though so much care has been taken to make it so. Dates and Sizes have sometimes been mistaken, and the table of errata will shew how many have been detected and amended. It is hoped that few of importance remain unnoticed, and that the candid reader, considering the difficulty of the work, will be as ready to excuse as to correct them.

To Bruggemann's view of the English editions of the Greek and Roman classics, &c. 8vo. Stettin 1797, the editor is much indebted; but as that learned foreigner was frequently mistaken both in dates and sizes, it required no small pains to detect these errors and even in some cases, the sources whence they sprang were unattainable.

The best Reviews and literary Journals were carefully examined not only for articles, but for correct critical judgments as the editor never wished to interpose his own, when he could meet with those on which he could more safely depend.

In numerous cases the works themselves were consulted, and in not a few instances, compared with the originals, and the result of such examination given it is hoped with becoming moderation and candour.

The reader will observe, that the authors are not only given in alphabetical order, but the translations are also chronologically arranged, so that each article appears in the order of time in which it was published. The different editions of the same work will be found under the same law of arrangement.

To the name of each author is added the year before or after the Christian Era in which he flourished. If some of these dates be found different from those followed by other authors, and even from some in the Bibliographical Dictiona ry, the reader will please to observe that these were preferred because of their apparent superior

correctness. In several cases however, the best information that could be obtained left the matter still dubious.

From the 262d page, to the 324th the work is occupied by a regularly arranged catalogue of Arabic and Persian Grammars, Lexicons and Elementary Treatises on those languages; with a comprehensive list of the principal works of the Arabic and Persian writers both printed and MS. To poor scholars who wish to acquire a knowledge of these languages, through the medium of the best authors, this certainly will be considered of some importance. The editor hopes he may say without offence, that this is the completest list of the kind, ever offered to the public.

The far greater part of the books and MSS. mentioned in this part of the volume are not described from the report of others, but from careful examination, on this point the reader will rarely be misled.

The Titles, particularly of the MSS. should have been in the Arabic character; but as none of the compositors knew any thing of the language, and the press was at too great a distance from the editor, it was found expedient to compose them in Italics. For the direction of the reader, and in some measure to ascertain the particular characters used, it is necessary to state, that the broad Alif is frequently expressed by â with a circumflex, the ain by two a's, the vau by two o's, and the ya by two ee's. It is not preten.

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