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tinue after Him. So that a Man hath as it were two Lives in his desires. A Man hath a Body, and that Body is confined to a Place; But where Frendship is, all Offices of Life, are as it were granted to Him, and his Deputy. For he may exercise them by his Frend. How many Things are there, which a Man cannot, with any Face or Comelines, say or doe Himselfe? A Man can scarce alledge his owne Merits with modesty, much lesse extoll them: A man cannot sometimes brooke to Supplicate or Beg: And a number of the like. But all these Things, are -Gracefull in a Frends Mouth, which are Blushing in a Mans Owne. So againe, a Mans Person hath many proper Relations, which he cannot put off. A Man cannot speake to his Sonne, but as a Father; To his Wife, but as a Husband; To his Enemy, but upon Termes: whereas a Frend may speak, as the Case requires, and not as it sorteth with the Person. But to enumerate these Things were endlesse: I have given the Rule, where a Man cannot fitly play his owne Part: If he have not a Frend, he may quit the Stage.


Of Expence

RICHES are for Spending; And Spending

for Honour and good Actions. Therefore Extraordinary Expence must be limitted by the Worth of the Occasion: For Voluntary Undoing, may be aswell for a Mans Country, as for the Kingdome of Heaven. But Ordinary Expence ought to be limitted by a Mans Estate; And governed with such regard, as it be within his Compasse; And not subiect to Deceit and Abuse of Servants; And ordered to the best Shew, that the Bils may be lesse, then the Estimation abroad. Certainly, if a Man will keep but of Even hand, his Ordinary Expences ought to be, but to the Halfe of his Receipts; And if he thinke to waxe Rich, but to the Third Part. It is no Basenesse, for the Greatest, to descend and looke, into their owne Estate. Some forbeare it, not upon Negligence alone, But doubting to bring Themselves into Melancholy, in respect they shall finde it Broken. But Wounds cannot be Cured without Searching. He that cannot looke into his own Estate at all, had need

both Choose well, those whom he employeth, and change them often: For New are more Timorous, and lesse Subtile. He that can looke into his Estate but seldome, it behoveth him to turne all to Certainties. A Man had need, if he be Plentifull, in some kinde of Expence, to be as Saving againe, in some other. As if he be Plentifull in Diet, to be Saving in Apparell: If he be Plentifull in the Hall, to be Saving in the Stable: And the like. For he that is Plentifull in Expences of all Kindes, will hardly be preserved from Decay. In Clearing of a Mans Estate, he may as well hurt Himselfe in being too sudden, as in letting it runne on too long. For hasty Selling is commonly as Disadvantageable as Interest. Besides, he that cleares at once, will relapse; For finding himselfe out of Straights, he will revert to his Customes: But hee that cleareth by Degrees, induceth a Habite of Frugalitie, and gaineth as well upon his Minde, as upon his Estate. Certainly, who hath a State to repaire, may not despise small Things: And commonly, it is lesse dishonourable, to abridge pettie Charges, then to stoope to pettie Gettings. A Man ought warily to beginne Charges, which once begun will Continue: But in Matters, that returne not, he may be more Magnificent.


Of the true Greatnesse of Kingdomes and Estates


HE Speech of Themistocles the Athenian, which was Haughtie and Arrogant, in taking so much to Himselfe, had been a Grave and Wise Observation and Censure, applied at large to others. Desired at a Feast to touch a Lute, he said; He could not fiddle, but yet he could make a small Towne, a great Citty. These Words (holpen a little with a Metaphore) may expresse two differing Abilities, in those that deale in Businesse of Estate. For if a true Survey be taken, of Counsellours and Statesmen, there may be found (though rarely) those, which can make a Small State Great, and yet cannot Fiddle: As on the other side, there will be found a great many, that can fiddle very cunningly, but yet are so farre from being able, to make a Small State Great, as their Gift lieth the other way; To bring a Great and Flourishing Estate to Ruine and Decay. And certainly, those Degenerate Arts and Shifts, whereby many Coun

sellours and Governours, gaine both Favour with their Masters, and Estimation with the Vulgar, deserve no better Name then Fidling; Being Things, rather pleasing for the time, and gracefull to themselves onely, then tending to the Weale and Advancement of the State, which they serve. "There are also (no doubt) Counsellours and Governours, which may be held sufficient, (Negotijs pares,) Able to mannage Affaires, and to keepe them from Precipices, and mani fest Inconveniences; which neverthelesse, are farre from the Abilitie, to raise and Amplifie an Estate, in Power, Meanes, and Fortune. But be the worke-men what they may be, let us speake of the Worke; That is; The true Greatnesse of Kingdomes and Estates; and the Meanes thereof. An Argument, fit for Great and Mightie Princes, to have in their hand; To the end, that neither by Over-measuring their Forces, they leese themselves in vaine Enterprises; Nor on the other side, by undervaluing them, they descend to Fearefull and Pusillanimous Counsells.

The Greatnesse of an Estate in Bulke and Territorie, doth fall under Measure; And the Greatnesse of Finances and Revenew doth fall under Computation. The Population may appeare by Musters: And the Number and Greatnesse of Cities and Townes, by Cards and Maps. But yet there is not any Thing amongst Civill Affaires, more subiect to Errour, then the right valuation, and true Iudgement, concerning the Power and Forces of an Estate. The Kingdome of Heaven is compared, not to any great

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