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Crusaders, 114-mode of elect-
ing rulers, ib.-character of the
sovereigns, 115-construction of

ib.-four independent
states, 116-four baronies, 117-
female influence, 118-cause of the
disaster of Hattin, ib.-case of
Renaud de Châtillon, 119-import-
ance of the middle class, ib.-
character of the Poulains, 120-
mixture of races, 121-the Syrians
and Armenians, 123-Moslems, ib.
-Jews, 124-slaves, ib.-Knights
of St John, 125-Templars, ib.-
a fruitful land, 126-civilisation,
127-literature, ib.-architecture,
128-Cyprus, 129-Greece, ib.

Jordan, W. G., 'Religion in Song, or
Studies in the Psalter,' 1, 19, 20.

Julian, Emperor, influence on Am-
mianus, 50-characteristics, 51-
attitude towards literature, 52-
system of religion, 53.

[blocks in formation]

gift for life-like portraiture, 46-
descriptions of campaigns, 47-
moral standard, 48-attitude to
civil justice, 49-persecutions in
Antioch, ib.-influence of the
Emperor Julian, 50-53-power of
the barbarian world, 54-decay of
Roman society, ib.

Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 111.
See Jerusalem.

Leland, Waldo G., "America's First
Year of War,' 89.

Lello, Henry, Ambassador to Turkey,

Levant, The English in the, 257-
development of trade, 258-260-
efforts of private individuals, 260
-right to trade granted to W.
Harborne, 261-negotiations with
Turkey, 262-264-Levant Com-
pany, 264-amalgamated with the
Venetian Company, 265-grant of
a perpetual charter, 266—arriva)
of Harborne at Constantinople, 267
-difficulties of his position, 268-
271-E. Barton appointed Ambas-
sador, 272-275-H. Lello, 275-278
-growth of piracy in the Medi-
terranean, 278.

Lords, A Tame House of, 433-
Second Chamber Conference, ib.-
four functions, 434-qualifications
of members, ib.-relations with the
House of Commons, 435-revision
of Bills, 436-appointment of a
Committee or Free Conference,
437, 446-election of members, 438
- rejection of five alternative
plans, ib.-the grouping plan, 440
-division of Great Britain into
thirteen areas, ib.-selection of
candidates, 441-443-election of
81 peers, 443-445-secret debates
of the Free Conference, 446-plan
of Compromise, ib.-House of Lords
point of view, 447-its possession
of real power, 449-result of the
system of Conferences, 450-452-
responsibility of Ministers, 451.

Luna, Señor Roso de, 'La Humani-
dad y los Césares,' 184.

Lyall, Sir Alfred, on the policy of
government in
India, 403.

Lyell, Sir Charles, The Principles
of Geology,' 453.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

NativeRaces, The Government of,
303-system of 'Direct Rule,' 304-
307-Indirect Rule,' 305, 307, 315
--method of developing the native,
309-tendency to over-centralisa-
tion,' 310-duties of a Resident,
311-314-influence of the Euro-
pean, 315-character of native in-
stitutions, 316-result of native
administration, ib.-resuscitation
of institutions, 317.

Navarrete, Don José, 'Las Llaves
del Estrecho,' 183.

Gabriel, 'Considerations,'

Nichols, Robert, Farewell,' 386-
'On the Way Up,' 387-' Com
rades,' 392-'Assault,' 397.
Noyes, Alfred, lines on Sir C. A.
Spring-Rice, 69.


Osborn, E. B., 'The Approach,' 388.


Phillips, Prof. W. Alison, 'The
Ethics of Prussian Statecraft,' 280.
Polonaise, La Question, et L'Eu
rope au Cours de la Guerre, 474
-les belligérants cherchèrent à
attirer la Pologne de leur coté, 475
-trois points d'un programme
minimum, ib.-la fameuse procla
mation du Grand-duc Nicholas, 476
-les Polonaises en Russie et en
Autriche, ib.-une partie indispens-
able à Russie, 477-la proclamation
fut donc une imprudence, 478-la
conduite des Russes en Galicie, ib.
-puis vint la retraite, 479-trois
choses que réclamaient les Polo-
naises, ib.-la politique du gou.
vernement allemand envers la
Pologne, 480-caractère de la ques-
tion en Autriche, 481-l'acte du
5 Novembre 1916, 482-484-mani-
feste du Tsar pour la création de la
Pologne libre, 484-la proclama-
tion du gouvernement provisoire,
485-l'appui du président Wilson,
486-le jeune empereur Charles I,
487-la solution Austro-polonaise,
488-vitale et pressante pour
l'Autriche, 489-la solution deve
nait une menace à l'Europe, ib.-
adhésion de l'Allemagne, 490-les
Allemands ont considére la Pologne
comme une terre conquise, ib.—
l'attitude energique des chefs, 491
-l'armée polonaise, 492-grands
propriétaires terrens, 493-la Litu-
anie. 494-le début de 1918, ib.-
le traité de Brest-en-Lituanie, 495
-un traité secret, 496-l'aspect
intérieur, 497-des corps consti-
tués à Varsovie, 498-les trois
gouvernements, 499-le Conseil
d'Etat, 500-les termes du mé-
moire, 501-l'Allemagne tient les
destins de la Pologne, la Lituanie,
la Russie-Blanche, de l'Ukraine,

Prison, An English, from With-
in, 21-character of the system, 22
-result of restriction of supplies,
23-neglect of spiritual needs, ib.
-features of prison life, 24-regu-
lations, 25, 28-prohibition of in-
tercourse, 26-treatment, ib.
redeeming features, 27-want of
confidence in the prisoners, 28-
in the warders, 29-result of the
rule to enforce silence, 30, 35-
forms of underhand communica-
tion, 31-solitary confinement, 32-
34-means of resistance, 34-criti-
cisms on the 'silent associated
system,' 36-the 'solitary system,'

Prussian Statecraft, The Ethics

of, 280-development of statecraft,
281-maxims of Machiavelli, 281-
283-subordination of religion to
the Reason, of the State, 282-
formula 'L'État c'est moi,' 283-
development of Real Politik, 284-
publication of Anti-Machiavel,'
285-287-R. Waddington's 'La
Guerre de Sept Ans,' 287-Com.
M. H. Weil's La Morale politique
du Grand Frédéric,' ib.-character
of Frederick the Great's policy,
288-invasion of Silesia, ib.-du-
plicity, 289-295-secret treaty with
France, 291-interdependence of
diplomacy and strategy, ib.-treaty
obligations, 292-the Seven Years'
War, 293-relations with Empress
Catherine II of Russia, 294--par-
tition of Poland, ib.-the French
Revolution, 295-work of the Con-
gress of Vienna, 296, 298-300-
attitude of the Prussians, 297—
new ideal of international rela-
tions, 300-definition of diplomacy,
301-the spirit of Prussian policy,

Psalter, The: Its Contents and

Date, 1-characteristics, 2-imper-
fections, ib.-opinions on the dates,
3-theory of personification, 4-
pre-exilic psalms, 5-a form of
Hebrew poetry, 6-editing, 7—
number and character of the vari-
ous glosses and adaptations, ib-
nature of agreements, 8-Mono-
theism, 9-date assigned to the
oldest and youngest psalm, 10-
-influence of the teachings of the
prophets, 11-interpretation of the
'I' or collective,' ib.-intimate
relation of the individual man to
God, 12-14-depreciation of the

outward religion, 14-worship of
the Temple, 15-17-universal praise
of God, 17-' the fearers of Yah-
weh,' 18-love of the psalmists for
Jerusalem, 19.


Rao, K. Vyasa, 'Future Government
of India,' 416.

Reconstruction, The Principles
of, 319-II. Some Problems of the
Future, ib.-emergency and con-
structive problems, 320-disorgani-
sation of the ordinary economic
life owing to the war, 321-323-
period of transition, 324-existing
social order, 325-changes advo-
cated by reformers, ib.-economic
doctrines of Socialism, 326-atti-
tude of the Guild Socialists, 327-
freedom for individual members,
328-provision by the State of
educational facilities, 329-331-
guiding principle of the policy, 332
-question of housing, ib.-access
to land, 333-regulation of the
private life and habits of citizens,
ib.-financial and industrial com-
binations, 334-disadvantages of
the elimitation of small traders,
335-extension of local and func-
tional devolution, 336-sense of
participation, ib.-development of
Local Government, 337-advan-
tages of the committee system, ib.
-value of Voluntary Associations,
338-principle of Functional Devo-
lution, ib.-establishment of Trade
Boards, 339-creation of a Joint
Council, ib.-the Whitley Councils,

Rivera, General Don Miguel Primo
de, on the recovery of Gibraltar,

Runciman, Rt Hon. W., on the de-
cision against commandeering the
mercantile fleet, 154-measures to
maintain the supply of food, 159-
on the shortage of vessels, 161-
control of the mercantile fleet, 162
-series of permissive Orders in
Council, 163.

Russell, J. M., 'Is India a Nation?'

Russia, military operations in, 524-
527-defeat of the Bolshevists, 526.


Sassoon, Siegfried, 'In the Pink,'
391-'They,' 393.

Sihler, E. G., 'Cicero of Arpinum,'
365 note.

Sinn Fein and Germany, 214—
policy, ib.-Casement's articles,
215-despatches from Berlin, ib.
his dealings with Germany, 217-
Sinn Fein leaders, 218-attempt to
corrupt the Irish soldiers, 219-
notice to the People of Wexford,
ib.-contract with Germany, 220—
Prof. Kuno Meyer a secret agent
of Germany, 221-J. Devoy, ib.-
seizure of documents, 222-landing
and arrest of Casement, 223-
Rebellion, ib.-seditious attitude
of priests, 224-poem 'The Rats
Came Out,' ib. - seditious haran-
gues of released prisoners, 226-
declaration of independence, 227—
German-Irish Society founded, 228
-inaugural address, ib.-article in
the Irische Blätter,' 229-Conven-
tion at Dublin, 230-articles of the
Constitution, ib.-Society of The
Friends of Irish Freedom,' 231-
'Statement of Ireland's Case at a
Peace Conference,' ib.-St Pat-
rick's Day Celebration in Berlin,
232-Ireland and the Peace Con-
ference, 233-A Call to Irish-
women,' 235.

Sorley, Charles Hamilton, 'Marl-
borough and Other Poems,' 389.
Spain and Gibraltar, 182-General

Don Miguel Primo de Rivera on
the recovery of Gibraltar, 182-184
-causes for the lukewarm feeling
towards the Allies, 185-division
of the political parties, ib.-mili-
tary weakness, 186-silence of
political parties on the question, 187
-result of the General Election,

Spencer, Sir James, on the case of
Palmer, 354.

Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil A.: In Me-
moriam, 57-characteristics, 58,
63-his poetry, 58-conception of
the duties of a diplomatist, 59-
enters the Foreign Office, 60–
Second Secretary to the Embassy
in Berlin, ib.-opinion of the Ger-
mans, 61-at Constantinople and
Cairo, ib. St Petersburg and

Persia, 62-Sweden, ib.-marriage,
63-love of nature, 64-Ambas
sador to the United States, 65-
German attempts on his life, ib.-
influence in bringing about the
entry of the United States into the
war, 66-68-death, 68-lines on,

Squire, J. C., 'To a Bull-Dog,' 394.
Sumner, Lord, of Ibstone, 'A Tame
House of Lords,' 433.


Tagore, Sir R., 'Nationalism,' ex-
tract from, 424, 430.

Temple, Charles L., 'The Govern
ment of Native Races,' 303.
Tennant, Wyndham, 'Home Thoughts
in Laventie,' 388.

Trade Unions Congress, demands for
State control, 157, 165.

Turkey, military operations in Pal-
estine, 248-in Mesopotamia, 249
-defeat of the army, 523.


Underhill, Major G. E., 'The Food
Problem, 1914-1916,' 145.

United States, efficiency of the
army, 504, 519-attack on St
Mihiel, 516-at Archangel, 525.


Vallés, Lieut-Col Don Camilo, essays
on Gibraltar, 183.

Vienna, Congress of, work of the,


'Vigilant,' 'Sinn Fein and Ger-
many,' 214.


Waddington, Richard, 'La Guerre de
Sept Aus,' 287, 293.

Walpole, Horace, letters compared
with Cicero's, 377.
War Budgets, 192.

War, The Course of the, 236, 504— |
military operations on the Western
front, 236-246, 504-519-the Ger-
man offensive, 236-military opera-
tions in Italy, 246-248-in Pales-
tine, 248-Mesopotamia, 249
result of the War Council, 250-
dispositions of the reserve, 251,
253-disparity in numbers, 252-
254-circumstances contributing to
the success of the Germans, 254-
inactivity a confession of failure,
255-causes of the Allies' success,
504-519-efficiency of the American
Army, 504, 519-influence of unity
in command, 520-advance in tact-
ical methods, ib.-military opera-
tions in the East, 522-defeat of
the Bulgarians, 523-defeat of the
Turks in Palestine, ib.-evacuation
of Baku, 524-military operations
in northern Russia and Siberia,

War expenditure, 191, 194-taxation,


War Poetry, 380-influence of war,
381-relation between, 382-verses
of T. Hardy and L. Binyon, 384-
J. Masefield, 384, 396-tendency
towards crude realism before the
war, 385-vivid portrayal of death
and destruction, ib.-verses of
R. Brooke, 386-R. Nichols, 386,

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